Courtesy of Dior and Saks
NEW YORK- Legend says that Christian Dior met a fortune teller in Normandy France as a 14-year-old boy. The fortune teller prophesized, “You will suffer poverty.” Then the fortune teller added “But women are lucky for you, and through them, you will achieve success. You will make a great deal of money out of them, and you will have to travel widely.” Dior never broke away from his mystical connection.
Now 67 years after his passing, the fashion house, Christian Dior, has continued that tradition by flirting with Pagan imagery for the past few years. In 2021 for their spring-summer, Dior unveiled a short, 15-minute film titled Le Château du Tarot, that explored the intersection of fashion and tarot. Earlier last month, Dior and others released a collection of clothing for next year that intersected heavily with Pagan adjacent themes. Creative Director of Dior Beauty, Peter Phillips, summed up the Spring/Summer 2024 runway show with two words: “witchy lips.”
Last month, Dior returned to it Pagan imagery and conceived the concept of an enchanting Carousel of Dreams adorned with iconic Dior symbols like the star, clover, and Zodiac signs, paying homage to the “founding couturier’s unique legacy and his lucky charms.”
The carousel will be adorned with an abundance of flowers, illuminated each night in a breathtaking light display.
The retailer Saks which has been a Dior partner for 70 years continues its relationship with the fashion house. The zodiac wheel is now on display at Saks on Fifth Avenue and visible walking east through Rockefeller Center. But the original display of the zodiac that went up in October has now been augmented with additional imagery the divides the year into 8 sections.
The additional elements, that is “an abundance of flowers” to the zodiac forming the Carousel of Dreams now looks conspicuously like the Wheel of the Year.
Saks is expected to continue its embellishments during the holiday season by installing “dreamlike” displays in its windows and throughout the store.
We had some boots on the ground in NYC. This is the imagery as it stands and, we‘re told, there might be more to come.
Crossings of the Veil

John Brazaitis. Photo Courtesy of Willow Kelly
We were saddened to learn that John Brazaitis crossed the Veil this weekend. John had been a member of Southern Earth Reclaiming, “a cyber-coven for practitioners of and those who are interested in discussing, inquiring, and sharing ideas about the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft.” John was an “incredible storyteller” who taught at the First Australian Witchcamp almost a decade ago and previously with TejasWeb Witchcamp near Austin, Texas. Accounts tell us that John taught runic magic and was the first to teach Elements of Magic ever in Australia.

River Rhonda King Photo Courtesy of Nickole Hedley
We also learned that River Rhonda King crossed the Veil 12 months ago. River was an environmental activist and Teacher, she was instrumental in bringing the Reclaiming community to Australia and was part of the first collective. River taught at the first Reclaiming WitchCamp with John.
What is Remembered Lives!
Do you have news to share with our community? Elevations? Events?
Let us know at pcn@wildhunt.org.
Upcoming Gatherings:
The next Earth-based Spirituality Team (EBSAT) event has been announced. EBSAT is for “anyone who keeps the sacred Earth at the center of their practice. We see action on climate change as an urgent moral imperative. We aim to reach out into our global communities and recruit volunteers for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We recognize and honor the spiritual nature of climate work.”
The Earth-based Spirituality Team is for Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Occultists, Druids, Gaians, Goddess-worshippers, Earth-worshippers, Animists, Deep Ecologists, Scientific Pantheists, Creation-centered Christians, Secular Humanists, and Religious Naturalists. We enthusiastically welcome indigenous people, followers of African Diasporic Traditions, shamanic practitioners, and anyone who shares our reverence for Mother Earth.
Here is a brief on the EBSAT:
Open Coven is running the following in-person events in Western North Carolina this Fall and early winter. Open Coven is run by TWH writer Liz Watkin, a fiber artist and educator with an online learning background.
Open Coven provides resources on using fiber art for magick. This includes embroidery and fiber art kits, classes, and online workshops. For more info. visit their website:
- 11/18 & 11/19 – Pop-up: 11 am – 7 pm at Asheville Raven and Crone (640 Merrimon Ave #207, Asheville, NC)
- 11/25 – Magick Talisman Class: 2 – 4 pm at The Well (3 Louisiana Ave, W. Asheville)
- 12/9 – Tarot Bag Class: 2 – 5 pm at The Well (3 Louisiana Ave, W. Asheville)
- 1/13 – Altar Cloth Class: 1 – 5 pm at The Well (3 Louisiana Ave, W. Asheville)
The Troth announced this week that Frith Forge 2024, the International Conference of Inclusive Heathenry, will be hosted at the Hotel del Bosque in Costa Rica from April 13th to April 16th. Frith Forge is an international conference among inclusive Heathen organizations, kindreds, and individuals. The broader inclusive pagan communities and interfaith allies are welcome to participate as well. This year the Frith Forge will be the Asociación Ásatrú Yggdrasil.
The Troth wrote that “International Relations and Exchange was founded as a program to facilitate and support international collaboration and education by creating Frith Forge, an international conference for inclusive Heathens. We didn’t just find groups that shared our values, but groups that had already started this work overseas, with long histories of their own, struggles of their own, and problems that we could solve better together than apart. We continue to nurture these lasting alliances and true friendships. We value the chance to participate in such high-quality educational and frithful exchange. This connection helps us all weather the storms together that affect us all.”
More information regarding Latin American Heathenry is available on the Frith Forge YouTube channel:
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Positively Noteworthy
The frigid temperatures in Alaska have caused Rabbit Lake to freeze, creating a captivating “ice window” that offers a clear view of the lake floor below for ice skaters. Delicate criss-cross patterns from skate marks decorate the ice surface, revealing the large rocks and transparent water underneath.
Luc Mehl, an outdoor educator in Alaska, explained that this unique ice window formed during an “unusually cold but dry transition into winter.” This phenomenon is considered a rare occurrence, happening perhaps once in a decade. Mehl, who has been skating there for 12 years, expressed that he had not witnessed anything similar before.
The clarity of the frozen ice is attributed to a slow freezing process and calm weather conditions, enhancing the likelihood of achieving a transparent frozen surface.
During the freezing process of lakes, impurities, and air bubbles are forced downward, resulting in clear ice as the freeze progresses from the surface downward. In close proximity to Anchorage, the lake underwent a freeze that produced transparent ice while maintaining sufficient thickness for skating.
Despite the allure of the clear ice, the lake poses inherent dangers, and there have been instances of skaters falling through the translucent layer this year. Luc stressed the significance of implementing safety precautions, noting, “Yeah, it is dangerous. And some people even did fall through during that week.”
Thank you for your support of The Wild Hunt!
Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Folk Lore Tarot, by Rowan Ortins, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Card: Ace of Wands
This week is likely to be underwritten by the sheer potential of creative inspiration and passion. There are liable to be clear signals on the way forward whether it relates to career, family, or relationships with a side order of spiritual expansion.
Conversely, the potential of any given project does not guarantee its success. A serious consideration of timing is possibly the most key point in planning.
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