Spiced tea and mead for the Winter Solstice

Now a year’s worth of cinnamon, nutmeg, or black pepper, can be acquired for less than a day’s wages, brought halfway round the world in hours or days on a journey that once took months, fraught with danger. The world we live in is a miracle that’s killing us all, and we don’t think about either of those things enough.

A Low-Kew Nordic Yule

With just two days to go, I made use of one of my few free days to go downtown and get a few supplies: gift wrapping paper, thick craft rope, glue, and a big burlap bag. I had found out what to do: instead of having someone dressed as Santa delivering gifts, I would have someone don a homemade Yule Goat costume.

Pagan Voices: Welcoming the Solstice

TWH welcomes back Erick Dupree, who reflects on the meaning of the solstice with a group of Pagan creators including Travis Holp, Juliet Diaz, Fio Gede Parma, Claire Goodchild, and Rev. Dominick Guerriero.