The celebration and observance of Allelieweziel

[Only 6 days left in the Fall Funding Drive! We are now at 61%. Be part of the team that keeps The Wild Hunt going for the next year. Remember,we are a completely reader-funded, nonprofit independent news journal. We are your source of commentary and news.

The Wild Hunt’s 2015 Fall Funding Drive Begins

Help fund another year of independent journalism at The Wild Hunt. Your support makes it happen. The Wild Hunt is now in its 11th year. What began as an experiment in 2004 by an enthusiastic novice, has slowly developed into one of the most widely-read news journals serving the modern Pagan, Heathen and Polytheist communities worldwide. Thousands of people visit our site to read the work of a talented and diverse group of writers, all of whom are dedicated to The Wild Hunt vision.

Building Pagan Temples and Infrastructures: Part Two

In part one of this series, The Wild Hunt looked at several successful infrastructure projects in order to see what they have in common. Today, in part two, we examine a Celtic temple and a Pagan community center to see what went wrong and what we can learn, along with a few other examples of infrastructure that appear to be doing well, but may face challenges in the future. “I’ve been running a ‘pagan’ organization complete with a paid clergy and a permanent temple building for 15 years. Is it because I don’t identify as Pagan or go to this ‘pagan community’ for membership and support? Or is it something else?

Editorial: Into a Brave New Tomorrow

This editorial was originally slated to be published two weeks ago, on the last day of our fund drive and a few days after Jason announced his retirement. However, life happened. As a result, we had to move with the news and not with our own agenda. I consider this a “take two” or perhaps even a “take three.” I have lost count.

Pagan Community Notes: Margot Adler’s Memorial, Time Magazine, Religion in Politics and more.

Pagan Community Notes is a series focused on news originating from within the Pagan community. Reinforcing the idea that what happens to and within our organizations, groups, and events is news, and news-worthy. Our hope is that more individuals, especially those working within Pagan organizations, get into the habit of sharing their news with the world. So let’s get started! 

We’ll start off Pagan Community Notes with a big thank you to all those people and organizations who supported our 2014 Fall Fund Drive. You helped us meet and exceed our goal, and for that we are very grateful.