The Wild Hunt’s 2015 Fall Funding Drive Begins

Help fund another year of independent journalism at The Wild Hunt.
Your support makes it happen.

The Wild Hunt is now in its 11th year. What began as an experiment in 2004 by an enthusiastic novice, has slowly developed into one of the most widely-read news journals serving the modern Pagan, Heathen and Polytheist communities worldwide. Thousands of people visit our site to read the work of a talented and diverse group of writers, all of whom are dedicated to The Wild Hunt vision. As editor and as a member of this collective community experience, I find it incredibly humbling to read and hear the daily positive feedback and to learn of the place that this service has in people’s lives.


Your support and enthusiasm has made this incredible growth possible. In 2012, you helped us to shepherd a small blog into a bigger project with an editorial structure, writers, and a selection of monthly columnists, who continually challenge and enlighten us. In 2014, we made another big transition as we said goodbye to founding editor Jason Pitzl-Waters, and set off to write the next chapter of our story. This year, we achieved independence as an incorporated business with nonprofit status through Independent Arts and Media. We also added several new monthly columnists and features to extend our coverage to include a greater diversity of topics.

Pitzl-Waters recently said, “When I started The Wild Hunt in 2004, it was with the dream I could one day wake up, check on the news relating to my religious community, and then go about my day. Now, that dream has come true, and in manifest ways I could scarcely dream possible back then. I hope you’ll support this campaign, and give your resounding vote of confidence so that The Wild Hunt’s mission may continue. I know I will.

So today begins the new 2015 Fall Funding Drive. We are asking for a base budget of $15,000 to run the site for another year. We hope that you will help us, once again, not only meet this goal, but surpass it. The more we raise, the more we can do. Want to see more monthly columnists? More posts per day? Want to see more weekly writers? Then we must push well past that base goal in the coming month. There are thousands of readers out there. It would only take a small donation from each one of us to go well beyond the funding goal and to allow us to better serve you with a robust and expanding news service.


I have always believed very strongly in the power and magical presence of the written word. And, I joined the Wild Hunt writing team not only believing in its current mission as a news service, but also seeing its potential future. Those beliefs and that vision have not wavered. Now as editor, my goal is to continue nurturing our growth, serving our collective communities, supporting the writers and building a solid infrastructure that will allow The Wild Hunt to exist far into the future. Last October, I invited you to join us on that journey and I extend that invitation once again.

Author and activist T. Thorn Coyle recently said, “I’m grateful for The Wild Hunt. Grateful for it’s perseverance, for it’s reporting, and for the insights of it’s columnists. Heather Greene is doing a marvelous job at its head and I hope the community –such as we are– continues to support this valuable resource.

beesontrees-copyOur $15,000 funding goal will allow us to pay our writers, including our guests, and to cover all other technology and business related expenses. Our partnership with Independent Arts and Media makes it possible for all donations to be tax-deductible. For this year’s Funding Drive, we have included a few new exciting perks, such as the “Save the Bees” patch and a signed copy of The Witchcraft Manifesto. In addition, we also have some perks more familiar to our past supporters. Yes.The Viking Panda is back!

Thank you to all of those who have already contributed to the 2015 Wild Hunt Fall Funding Drive and to those many people who have donated over the past year.

If you can’t contribute now, you can still help! Just share this campaign on Facebook, on Twitter, on Tumblr, on your favorite email list, and let them know why The Wild Hunt is important to you. The more people speak out, the better we can do!


See what people have said over social media:

“Absolutely the best Pagan press coverage anywhere” – @GrayWind0

“Now *this* is a Pagan blog worth reading. Not a breath, but a gust of fresh air”  – A.H.

“Leave it to The Wild Hunt to have the best reporting on this case.” – E.W.

“The Wild Hunt is such a great resource.”  – Farwater


The Wild Hunt is not responsible for links to external content.

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2 thoughts on “The Wild Hunt’s 2015 Fall Funding Drive Begins

  1. Is it correct that the Fall Funder level is now $100? (It has been $50 over the last 2 years. Doubling that will be too much for me, alas.)