Fire reveals religious intolerance and community strength
The owner of Laughingbrook Spellcasting and Ancestral Arts, describe her experience with religious intolerance and her triumph against it.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/religion/page/21)
The owner of Laughingbrook Spellcasting and Ancestral Arts, describe her experience with religious intolerance and her triumph against it.
Today we look at the most recent incarnation of Brigid’s Flame burns brightly in Kildare, Ireland, tended by Sister Mary Teresa Cullen of Brigidine Sisters in Solas Bhride, as well as how Imbolc is celebrated around the world.
Pagan, polytheist, and Heathen leaders and organizations reflect on the intent behind the National Day of Racial Healing. The Wild Hunt brings you their insights in our Pagan Voices segment.
MIAMI (The Wild Hunt) — For years now, Christianity has had declining membership and influence in the “West.” At the same time, Paganism has been growing. Nietzsche may have made his claim that “God is dead” 100 years too early. The revival of Pagan practices may be one of its consequences. The Pew Research Center (PRC) has as one of its core areas of interest, “Religion and Public Life.” It provides extensive reportage on this decline in Christian identity.
BANGKOK – Most, but certainly not all individuals who follow a Pagan path come to one of the faiths within that umbrella through a different faith. The faith of origin is often Christian for those in nations with close ties to European immigration or colonization. But it is, of course, not exclusively the case. Regardless, the process of abandoning one’s faith of origin and practice to a new faith is formally an act of apostasy. Most of us in the West do not see or even recognize the idea of apostasy as having any serious consequence. Freedom of religion serves as a guarantee that the act of a adopting a new belief or dogma may have personal social consequences like estrangement, but nothing more serious in nature.