Column: Faith Hat
International columnist Lyonel Perabo considers what his decision to wear an Asatru UK hat means for the presenting himself publicly as part of the Pagan community in a secular society.
The Wild Hunt (
International columnist Lyonel Perabo considers what his decision to wear an Asatru UK hat means for the presenting himself publicly as part of the Pagan community in a secular society.
The latest news and happenings from the Pagan community around the world.
TWH examines another pending “bible literacy” bill in the state of Florida.
MIAMI (TWH) – There is a lot of science being reported that is of interest to modern Pagans and Heathens out there, more than our team can write about in depth in any given week. Therefore, the Wild Hunt must unleash the hounds in order to round them all up. Here are our favorite picks this month. A team of sociologists recently published an article titled “Mixed Blessing: The Beneficial and Detrimental Effects of Religion on Child Development among Third-Graders” in the journal Religions. The team focused their attention on a longitudinal sample of children from their baseline in 1999 to outcomes in 2002. The sample was constructed as being nationally representative for the US. Researchers explored whether frequent parental religious attendance, parental discussion of religion, and spousal conflict over religions would have any impacts of the academic performance on the children. The study found that the third grader’s social competence and psychological adjustment were related to parental religiosity, a term used to describe interaction or adherence to religious institutional ideas. However, student performance on math, reading and social science tests were adversely affected.
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church will install a new Arch Priest at the forthcoming Spring Mysteries Festival.