Column: The Scope of the Term
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott considers the terms we use to identify ourselves and how oppression can coexist with terms of personal liberation.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/racism/page/5)
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott considers the terms we use to identify ourselves and how oppression can coexist with terms of personal liberation.
Our columnist Clio Ajan consider the injustices arounds us and looks at the sabbat as a way of purging them.
Columnist Karl E. H. Seigfried writes on the tendency within the Heathen community to dismiss the actions of Heathen extremists as “not true Heathenry” instead of confronting the racist traditions that have been present in the religion since its modern-day foundation.
Our guest columnist Tahni Nikitins presented at a recent conference at Cherry Hill Seminary and reports on the event.
Pagan, polytheist, and Heathen leaders and organizations reflect on the intent behind the National Day of Racial Healing. The Wild Hunt brings you their insights in our Pagan Voices segment.