Opinion: Rise, Resist, Bewitch

With the state of the world the way it is today, there’s no time like the present to fully commit to a demonic contract, aimed at dismantling the global empirical systems of capitalism and oppression. It’s time to get radical.

Public Pagan attempts to affect history predate Trump

TWH — Some Pagans have responded to the Trump presidency with calls for public magical interventions, similar to other Pagan attempts to change history. Memories of many prior attempts, however, have been lost to secrecy and death. The most famous Pagan attempts to change history are magical battle of Britain and the levitation of the Pentagon. The magical battle of Britain (1940)
The so-called magical battle of Britain involved Dion Fortune and Gerald Gardner. While Gardner worked with one coven, Fortune worked with many people throughout Britain, and later wrote the book of the same name.

Column: Political Magick and the Spiritual Duty of Citizenship

[With only one week away from the final election day in the U.S., we invited Dr. Gwendolyn Reece, a Washington D.C. Witch and Priestess, to share her thoughts on the interplay between politics and magic. Through our guest writers, The Wild Hunt is able to offer perspectives and viewpoints beyond that of its regular columnists. If you enjoy this column and the diversity of voices visiting The Wild Hunt, consider donating to the 2016 Fall Fund Drive. We are now at 62% of the goal with 3 days left. Donate today to support Pagan and Heathen journalism.]

As a Hellenic Pagan and a priestess of Athena and Apollon, I consider my duties as a citizen to be sacred.