The Eleusinian Mysteries
The performance of the Eleusinian Mysteries in Eleusis draws inspiration from traditions that have their roots in ancient Greece, offering modern Pagans a window to the past in the celebration of Spring.
The Wild Hunt (
The performance of the Eleusinian Mysteries in Eleusis draws inspiration from traditions that have their roots in ancient Greece, offering modern Pagans a window to the past in the celebration of Spring.
The Museum of Magic, Fortune-telling & Witchcraft recently opened in Edinburgh and has a focus on raising “awareness of Scotland’s rich heritage of magic.”
Glastonbury Occult Conference was back this year with a full schedule of events and speakers, unmarred by the extreme weather of last year but missing one of its main organisers.
For neurodivergent individuals, navigating and learning the tarot can be extra challenging. A new tarot deck created by Pamela Coe seeks to change that.
A sampling of some of the many and varied events taking place this year across the United Kingdom.