The complexity of the Amazon fires

TWH – For many Pagans, an ecological disaster occurs both materially and spiritually. Many Pagans understand the planet Earth as Creator and Creation and generally reject the idea that humans have dominion over nature. Brazil, in the tropics of the Southern Hemisphere, has different seasons from countries in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Its nature spirits probably differ as well- and they are under threat with the clearing of the land, perhaps retreating, perhaps departing. The current fires demand attention to understand the social and political effects that are driving, what many feel, is a spiritual affront at a time of climate crisis.

Morris dancers march on UK Parliament

LONDON – Furious Morris dancers are planning a march on Parliament this month in order to protest about a proposed Bank Holiday switch by the British government. Currently, the May bank holiday is the focus of a number of celebrations: political, seasonal and social. May 1st is Beltane, celebrated in a number of ways by Britain’s Pagans and others – it is the scene of festivities around the country – but it also coincides with International Workers’ Day. However, there is now a proposal to scrap this ‘early’ May holiday and replace it with one on the following Friday, to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe. Victory in Europe (VE) Day marks the formal acceptance by the Allies of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender in the Second World War.