Healing the Land

Who knows how long this land has been yearning for the return of plants that feel just right in her soil? I do not have the answer to that question, but I know she has been whispering to me about it since I met her.


The best I can do, in my spells, is to throw myself towards the chaotic overlap of symbols that I like. I try to aim for the area where, even if I miss, I will enjoy the consequences.

Baking Bread with a Kitchen Witch

I began to believe that peace goes into the making of the bread as well. By the time I made the first loaf, I knew it with certainty, and I worked that peace and some other magics into the dough as I kneaded it on the counter in the hearth center of my own home.

Column: Remembering and Keeping

“What are these pillars, Gramma? Why do they feel so strange?” She stopped on the sidewalk and looked at me over the top of her glasses and said, “You ask strange questions, Sheri Ann.”