Review: “Agatha” shows it’s been a Gay Craft all along

Storm Faerywolf reviews Marvel’s new series Agatha All Along. “When we get to see fictional Witchy characters living their best lives, it gives us a renewed sense of hope that we might be able to do the same, even if they are not exactly the heroes of the story. And when Witches and queer folk collide? That’s where the rainbow magic really happens.”

To Honor the Gods

If we really believe in practicing world-affirming religions, then we should affirm the world we live in by working for the good of the planet and all that live upon it.

For All Time, Always

“I have been a hard polytheist for a long time, sure that the gods are people with their own motivations and machinations. Somehow, I had never expected them to have feelings – or at least, not ones that I could hurt.” Luke Babb on Marvel’s Loki – and the real one.