Interfaith Partners of South Carolina appoints new board chair
Holli Emore, is the first Pagan to be named as board chair of Interfaith Partners of South Carolina.
The Wild Hunt (
Holli Emore, is the first Pagan to be named as board chair of Interfaith Partners of South Carolina.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, remembrances announced ahead of TDoR, Maori request use of Haka cease in vaccine protests, update on Oak Flat, and more news.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: More statements from Pagan organizations regarding the attack on the US Capitol, FL manatee mutilated, a new project honors Scottish women accused of witchcraft, a temple to Aphrodite found, and more news.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Election coverage and anxiety, Witches in the mainstream, new ordinations at Circle Sanctuary, and other news.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — After the rise in reported cases of vandalism and threats made against U.S. Jewish Community Centers and temples, the Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC) took immediate action and reached out to the area’s Jewish community. Pagan priestess Holli Emore is on the board of IPSC and attended a February meeting between the organization and a local JCC management team. “As it happens, they are very worried, as nearly all JCCs are, about enrollment for the summer children’s programs. Without that income, their budget becomes very challenging, and without being able to serve children, there goes their mission, too,” said Emore. The JCC representatives informed IPSC’s board that Jewish centers around the country have had “so many parents pull their children out of the preschool that they are facing closure.” In response, the IPSC will being help the local JCC with an April festival to show support to the local Jewish community.