Viking Age ship burial found in Norway
A burial complex in Gjellestad, Norway includes burial mounds, buildings and a ship burial may help us to better understand the cultural and spiritual practices of the Vikings.
The Wild Hunt (
A burial complex in Gjellestad, Norway includes burial mounds, buildings and a ship burial may help us to better understand the cultural and spiritual practices of the Vikings.
Luke Babb recounts their attempts – not all of them successful – to bring the spirit of mistletoe into their Yuletide traditions.
Weekend editor Eric O. Scott reviews the new Sigur Rós album “Odin’s Raven Magic,” which features Ásatrúarfélagið leader Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson.
Karl E.H. Seigfried examines how, by looking at the root meanings of the Old Norse word “blót,” Heathens can create meaningful distanced ceremonies during the pandemic.
Lyonel Perabo reviews Mathias Nordvig’s new introductory book on Heathenry, “Ásatrú for Beginners: A Modern Heathen’s Guide to the Ancient Northern Way.”