Column: Christianity Today’s Non-Committal Call for Removal
Karl E.H. Seigfried examines the recent editorial in the evangelical magazine Christianity Today, “Trump Should Be Removed From Office,” and finds it wanting.
The Wild Hunt (
Karl E.H. Seigfried examines the recent editorial in the evangelical magazine Christianity Today, “Trump Should Be Removed From Office,” and finds it wanting.
Storm Faerywolf discusses the Shen Yun performance troupe, whose members belong to Falun Dafa – an anti-communist spiritual movement with a variety of racist and homophobic political stances.
Storm Faerywolf writes a fiery denunciation of the concentration camps at the U.S./Mexico border and calls for the Pagan and queer communities to take action to close the camps.
A new Trump administration directive will require all applicants for a visa to travel to the United States to surrender information about social media accounts, phone numbers, and email addresses. TWH examines the possible impacts on religious minorities and members of queer communities.
Editor-in-chief Manny Tejeda-Moreno on the resurgence of interest in Witchcraft over the course of 2018.