New advances in solar power
New advances in the development of solar power offer hope for the future and green energy.
The Wild Hunt (
New advances in the development of solar power offer hope for the future and green energy.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its most dire climate report last year and a new update outlines the impact of the climate crisis with recommendations on how the global community might adapt, especially to protect the most vulnerable.
The death of 479 manatees in the first three months of 2022 is a direct result of their habitat and food source of seagrass being impacted by human generated pollution. As climate change progresses, more plant, as well as animal species will continue to be impacted and possible become extinct.
The U.S. Senate passes a resolution making April National Native Plant Month to bring awareness to the value of native species, and help to ensure their survival.
In February the IPCC released their summary report for policy makers on what the stark impacts of climate change and what must be done to mitigate those impacts.