Pagan Community Notes: Week of April 19, 2021- Earth Week
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Earth Day events running through the week, meteors, artist Robin Wood passes, and more news.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/brazil/page/3)
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Earth Day events running through the week, meteors, artist Robin Wood passes, and more news.
We report on the significant impact of COVID-19 on the Indigenous people of Brazil, specifically in light of a new governmental exception allowing missionaries into Indigenous areas.
Guest columnist Raphael Tsavkko Garcia reports on a case of an occultist who was framed for the murder of two children in southern Brazil.
This week we look at Witches around the world, a new documentary entitled “Hail Satan”, and the tragic, but common, occurrence of true witch hunts. PCN also features our Pagan news roundup as well as your Tarot of the Week.
AUSTIN, Texas — Governor Greg Abbott signed into a law the Texas adoption bill that aims to protect “the rights of conscience for child welfare services providers.” As we reported in May, the controversial bill has generated both national support and criticism. Proponents claim that the new law will help an ailing child care system by protecting faith-based service organizations, which make up a sizable bulk of the potential child welfare providers. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. James Frank (R), posted on Facebook: “HB 3859 bans no one.” The aim, as he has said, is to improve the system and find stable families for troubled children. Contrary to that, critics say that the law will allow for open discrimination based on religion, marital status, or sexual preference. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller said, “With his signature [..], Gov. Abbott has joined the lieutenant governor and other lawmakers in taking Texas down a dark and cruel road.”