American Indian
Returning the artifacts of ancestors
The increasing demands for the repatriation of artifacts of ancestors and the intersection with the season of Ancestor veneration.
The Wild Hunt (
The increasing demands for the repatriation of artifacts of ancestors and the intersection with the season of Ancestor veneration.
Jaime Gironés explores the Day of the Dead as a harvest festival, noting the many diverse ways the holiday is celebrated, including as a companion to Jaime’s Samhain celebrations.
Alan D.D. follows up on the legend of El Silbón with a further story of that spirit – how it haunted the party-goer Hilario, and how Hilario’s community banded together to save him.
Alan D.D. recuerda una leyenda sobre la importancia del respeto a las madres y rinde homenaje a sus propios antepasados maternos.
Alan D.D. reflects on a legend of the importance of respect for mothers, and pays tribute to his own maternal ancestors.