Opinion: Rise, Resist, Bewitch

With the state of the world the way it is today, there’s no time like the present to fully commit to a demonic contract, aimed at dismantling the global empirical systems of capitalism and oppression. It’s time to get radical.

Pagans join March for Our Lives

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TWH –The student-led movement to change gun laws had another highly visible step on March 24, when the March for Our Lives took place in Washington with sister marches held in as many as 800 locations nationwide.

“Whiting 41” use hearing to protest Trump picks

HAMMOND, Ind. –Eight months after 41 protestors were arrested for trespassing at a BP Oil facility in Whiting, Indiana, the so-called “Whiting 41” had to appear in court Jan. 13 to accept their plea bargains. Pagan blogger John Halstead took part in that 2016 demonstration, as we previously reported, and was eager to assist fellow activists turn this 2017 moment into a larger action. The video included below is one of several taken during the Jan.