Putting Down Roots, Digging a Grave, Saying Goodbye

One day this August I picked up my phone and called Jens-Roger. “You know I told you the other week that I and my family were moving out?” “Yes, I remember.” “Well, I was thinking that before we leave for good, we should bury our daughter’s placenta. And we all really enjoy your place. Could we find a spot somewhere there?”

La morte e le tradizioni del Giorno dei Morti in Italia

David Marrè racconta la sua esperienza con le tradizioni italiane durante i giorni dei morti:: Molte usanze diverse hanno avuto luogo nella nostra penisola per la celebrazione dei giorni dedicati ai defunti. Il moderno paganesimo è uno dei modi per integrarle e riscoprirle nella contemporaneità.

Dispatch from Eleusis: A Witch Hunt

While offering a tarot reading at Eleusis, our correspondent Elyse Welles was confronted by officials, reinforcing the ongoing tension between ancient traditions, modern authority, and Christian beliefs.