Review: “Agatha” shows it’s been a Gay Craft all along

Storm Faerywolf reviews Marvel’s new series Agatha All Along. “When we get to see fictional Witchy characters living their best lives, it gives us a renewed sense of hope that we might be able to do the same, even if they are not exactly the heroes of the story. And when Witches and queer folk collide? That’s where the rainbow magic really happens.”

Leaving Home

More than Heathenry itself, Loki was the lynchpin of my spirituality, the guiding star and supporting bedrock of my life. When I finally admitted that we were done, it wracked through me in wave after wave of tears. I had, I realized, grown too far from the person I had once been. I looked at my father’s gifts and I could no longer tolerate the cost.

Opinion: Curing the Infection

As I squirmed in the endodontist’s chair, trying to distract myself from the pressure and vibration of the metal tools – and the large needle – I realized that our nation, like my infected tooth, also needs a root canal.