Global climate change and archaeology
Climate change continues to impact archaeological sites, some of them are exposed while others are threatened with destruction.
The Wild Hunt (
Climate change continues to impact archaeological sites, some of them are exposed while others are threatened with destruction.
The Black Flame conference is cancelled after Sarah Anne Lawless raises concerns about presenter affiliations, The Free Spirit Alliance is re-organizing, Dana O’Driscoll becomes AODA Grand Archdruid, and much more!
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, Elizabeth Graham is reported stable after life-threatening injuries, the Cherokee Nation names a delegate to the US Congress, Buddhist temples destroyed, and more.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes:, an occult store in Ohio was defaced with neo-Nazi poster, Michael Thorn crosses the Veil, numerous archaeological finds from the Pagan past and more!
A revived petition to change the date of Halloween gains support, but a number of Pagans are suspicious of another seemingly corporate attempt to drive up profits. A counter petition has also emerged.