Walking the poison path: An interview with Coby Michael
We sit down for a conversation with Coby Michael, about his work and what set him on the poison path.
The Wild Hunt (
We sit down for a conversation with Coby Michael, about his work and what set him on the poison path.
The testimony about UFO activity before a congressional subcommittee signals a change in American culture that is more open to challenging ideas. A recent study by the Pew Research Group found that 65% of Americans now believe that there is intelligent life on other planets and only 12% view UFOs as a security threat.
It’s no surprise then that the ibis has made it into our religions from the very earliest times, manifesting as Thoth in ancient Egypt with the sacred ibis, close relative of the white ibis.
This is the perfect time to acquaint ourselves with the spirit of Lobaria pulmonaria, because it offers a perspective that is refreshingly different – an antidote for this era or perhaps simply a balm to soothe.
If a corporation has the same constitutional rights as an individual, why couldn’t an ecosystem?