Asatru UK Gears up for Growth
Lyonel Perabo speaks with Jack Hudson, chair of Asatru UK, about the British organization’s plans for new festivals and potentially acquiring land permanently.
The Wild Hunt (
Lyonel Perabo speaks with Jack Hudson, chair of Asatru UK, about the British organization’s plans for new festivals and potentially acquiring land permanently.
Lyonel Perabo reviews Jackson Crawford’s “The Wanderer’s Havamal,” a translation of the Old Norse wisdom poem alongside several additional texts.
Lyonel Perabo provides a selection of ten favorite children’s stories and entertainments with Pagan themes.
With just two days to go, I made use of one of my few free days to go downtown and get a few supplies: gift wrapping paper, thick craft rope, glue, and a big burlap bag. I had found out what to do: instead of having someone dressed as Santa delivering gifts, I would have someone don a homemade Yule Goat costume.
It is like living in a lighthouse, surrounded by nothing but the wild, often unwelcoming nature. You merely need to take three steps outside the door to remember where you are. Locals have a saying about that: “Vi vet kor vi bor” (“We know where we live”) and it is often in November that you start hearing it out loud.