“Be the change that we desperately need” – Fighting for Freedom at Parliament
Pagan leaders from various traditions gathered on the shores of Lake Michigan during Parliament for a ritual to empower the fight for freedom.
The Wild Hunt (
Pagan leaders from various traditions gathered on the shores of Lake Michigan during Parliament for a ritual to empower the fight for freedom.
Guest Correspondent Sue Lincoln covers the rise and history of Witchy and Pagan markets in the South including “burn in hell” protests or as one pastor put it, “We aren’t protesting… We’re preaching. Our goal is to glorify God.”
Noelle K. Bowles reviews “Nimona,” an animated fantasy from Netflix with themes of queer identity and acceptance of fluid identities.
Sprocket Wagner reviews “The Just Kitchen: Invitations to Sustainability, Cooking, Connection, and Celebration” by Derrick Watson and Anna Woofenden, a cookbook that combines recipes with thoughts on faith and justice.
Sprocket Wagner reviews “Vikings: Warriors of the North Sea,” on exhibit at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Science Museum until September 4th.