
“How are you supposed to know you gave up anything, if nothing changes?”

Column: Postmark 221B, Baker Street

If Dionysos could show up uninvited and distinctive in my life, and Darcy Lewis could become a defining characteristic of a fandom where she hardly existed in the main text, why did I only consider one of those a person? I could not find a satisfactory answer, so I turned to the greatest mind I knew. I called Sherlock Holmes.

Column: Tending the Altar

This is why I tend my altars so often: things change. I have a tendency to forget things that I do not put my hands on occasionally.

Column: Jack of the Lantern

Now, everyone knows a Jack tale. There’s the one about the beanstalk, sure, and most have heard a story or two about him in one of his many run-ins with the devil. The details change, but the man is the same.