Samhain Events Round-up: UK 2023

GLASTONBURY, England-  There are a number of Samhain and Hallowe’en-themed events around the UK this year. Below, we give details of some of these. Both types of events are selling out quickly, so make sure that you check whether tickets are still available.


The Chalice Well in Glastonbury will be holding a Samhain event on October 31st this year from 4 – 6 pm. They instruct attendees to “gather by the Vesica Pool and light floating candles for the ancestors. Please join us from 4 pm under the Guardian Yews to honour the turning of the wheel with gratitude and blessings for the end of the Celtic Year. Refreshments are available. Free entry from 10 am to 12 pm. Normal admission applies after 12 pm.”

They are then offering the following events:

“All Saints Day, Wednesday 1 November 2023, Silent Meditation at the Wellhead from 11:30 to 12:00. Free entry from 10 am to 12 pm. We invite you to join us for a 30-minute silent meditation at the wellhead from 11:30 to 12:00 as we give thanks to the ascended masters and angelic realms on All Saints Day, 1st November.”

“All Souls Day, Thursday 2 November 2023, Silent Meditation in remembrance of all souls known and unknown. We are holding a silent meditation in our Meeting Room from 11:00 to 15:00. You are welcome to join us in silent meditation, for a few minutes or a few hours.”

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In the capital, events are more Hallowe’en-themed. The London Dungeon is offering a show, The Exorcism of Peter Moore. Tickets are available at this link

Skylight Bars is putting on a Bottomless Hallowe’en Drag Brunch and a Hallowe’en Party at their Peckham location, plus a Creepy Carnival at Tobacco Dock.

The Natural History Museum is hosting a Hallowe’en party on October 31st:

“Join us this Halloween as we open our doors as darkness falls for an evening of scares, entertainment and spooky science.

Explore our galleries away from the day-dwelling crowds and get to know the natural world’s more misunderstood members. Don your best fancy dress, bust a move at our silent disco, see weird and wonderful creatures and take one of our tours – if you dare.

Join our Tank Room Tour and we’ll take you behind the scenes to see our fascinating spirit collection. No not the ghouls and ghosts kind, but jars upon jars containing specimens from across the world preserved in alcohol, including one rather large giant squid.

Or if you’re feeling brave, why not hop on our Spooky Tour where we’ll introduce you to our all-time strangest specimens.”



In Bristol, there’ll be a Samhain Fire Ritual & Ecstatic Dance Gathering
Tue 31 Oct 2023 7:00 – 10:00 pm, Glenfrome Rd, Bristol, BS16 1BQ.

“Join the tribe for a unique evening of fire ritual and ecstatic dance, held with the love of community, at the beautiful Bridge Farm Bristol. Guided by New Paradigm & Seagypsee, we’ll set a powerful intention by the open fire. We’ll connect with our intuition and the deepest mystery of life. As we gather in ritual to expand our hearts, we will dance SOBER & FREELY. There will be time for silence, contemplation, for journeying into the depths, for celebration and sharing.”


On Wednesday 1st November, Forestry England will be running a Fire and Cacao Ceremony, “to honour Samhain (Halloween) the Celtic New Year. At this time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, we work with the beautiful plant medicine of cacao. Through meditation, drumming and ritual we focus on death & rebirth, honouring our ancestors, whilst harnessing the feminine energy of Mother Earth’s life force to ground and nurture us.”

Meet at Noble Knott car park at 7 pm.


On 4th November, Woodbridge Community Hall in Suffolk will be hosting a Samhain Market, 10:30 – 16:00 GMT, Woodbridge Community Hall, Station Rd, Woodbridge IP12 4AU, UK.

“Our market will be full of beautiful ethical and spiritual gifts many handcrafted wares crafted by pagans for pagans, inspired by nature, the woodland fae, and spirits with an added touch of pagan symbolism and magic. Our Exhibitors have a vast amount of experience and knowledge which they are happy to share. There will be free talks & workshops. Our catering team will also have a great selection of food and beverages to tempt you. Entry £2 – Parking fees apply, Woodbridge Train station is only a 3-minute walk away!”


  • TWH would love to see and share your Ancestor altar pictures!
  • The Wild Hunt is seeking pictures of ancestor altars for inclusion in an article for publication that highlights and celebrates Samhain.
  • Submission guidelines:
    • Must be an original picture(s) that has not been published online and that the submitter has taken.
    • Include a location and name of the submitter, e.g. – Photo taken in Northeast Ohio by D. Witch. We need this to credit the image.
    • Sending an image implies permission for TWH to publish it.
    • The deadline is midnight on October 29, 2023.
    • Must be formatted as a jpg, png, or pdf.
    Submissions can be emailed to with the subject: Ancestor Altar and must be received by midnight (EDT) on October 29, 2023.



In Scotland, there will be a Get Yer Witch On Samhain Circle Sun, 29 Oct, 19:00–21:30, The Moon Rooms, 81 Broom Road East, 1a Kirkhill House, Newton Mearns G77 5LL

“Let’s gather together at dusk to celebrate Samhain … the Autumn Cross Quarter Festival when the energy moves to that of the Wise Woman, the Crone, the death aspect of the Triple Goddess. These darker energies are not to be feared, they are not sinister, merely the natural cycle of light to dark where we can rest and rejuvenate for Winter.
We will work with the thinning veil at dusk to journey inwards, dream and visualise together to harness our inner wisdom.

The full schedule is yet to be confirmed but in our Circle, you can expect:

  • Guided Meditation
  • Seasonal Crafting
  • Charms & Spell work
  • Light seasonal refreshments
  • Sisterhood by the bucket loads.

Also in Scotland is a Samhain Foraging Hill walk on Sun, 29 Oct, 14:00–17:00 at Corstorphine Hill Walled Garden, 109-111 Clermiston Road Edinburgh EH12 6UR

Corstorphine Hill is one of the beautiful nature reserves within Edinburgh and is easily accessible by public transport. Come along for a walk in this beautiful landscape, enjoy the views, and learn which edible fungi and plants grow in Edinburgh this time of year.
This course will include a ninety-minute walk over woodland paths, identification of around thirty species, advice on how to forage legally, ethically, and safely and how to process your finds. The course will conclude with a tasting of some wild food and drink samples. £35 adults, children £15, under-fives go free.

For events that shared information in the US and Canada, See our Pagan Community Notes this week. 


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