Equinox Blessings from The Wild Hunt!
MIAMI – Today marks the celebration of the March equinox and the astronomical beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. The actual equinox occurs today, March 20, at 5:01 AM Eastern Time (11:01 a.m. Wednesday, Coordinated Universal Time). The word “equinox” comes from the Latin aequinoctium, meaning “equality between day and night,” and entered Middle English as equinoxium.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox is called the vernal equinox—a term also derived from Latin, meaning “spring.” Those in the Northern Hemisphere can look forward to longer days and warmer weather, while our family in Argentina, Australia, South Africa, and across the Southern Hemisphere will gradually transition to shorter days, cooler temperatures, and the joys of autumn.
Last week, the first total lunar eclipse since 2022 illuminated the night sky. During this stunning celestial event, the moon passed through Earth’s shadow for 65 minutes, taking on a deep reddish hue—commonly known as a “blood moon.”
The March full moon is also named the “Worm Moon,” a name thought to originate from the emergence of earthworms as the ground thaws. Sometimes called the Paschal Moon, it is also known as the Crow Moon in some North American Indigenous communities, as the cawing of crows signals the end of winter. Others refer to it as the Sap Moon, marking the flow of sap in dormant trees, which heralds the return of their leaves.
With the full moon, the Hindu festival of colors, Holi, began on March 13, 2025. Holi marks the beginning of spring and the end of winter, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil—when Prince Prahlada was protected by the god Vishnu from being burned in a bonfire due to his faith. The festival takes place the day after the last full moon of the Hindu month of Phalguna. Celebrations include bonfires and the throwing of brightly colored powders, representing being engulfed by the bonfire and emerging unscathed, like the prince.
Nowruz, the Persian New Year, also occurs on the March equinox. Based on the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar, Nowruz is honored in the Bahá’í faith as well. The word Nowruz means “new day.”
Other early springtime festivals include Higan in Japan, the Christian Easter in mid-April, and Passover in Jewish tradition, which begins on April 12, 2025. Purim, another Jewish holiday, was observed two weeks ago on Saturday.
Many Pagans, Witches, Heathens, and polytheists celebrate the spring equinox under various names, such as Ostara, Alban Eiler, Shubun-sai, or simply as the arrival of spring. Within their diverse traditions, they honor the warming days and renewed growth as winter slowly departs.
In the Southern Hemisphere, many will celebrate Mabon, the second harvest festival. Pagans will gather for rituals and ceremonies to give thanks for the harvest, honor the balance between light and darkness, and prepare for the colder months ahead. Mabon is also a time for reflection, gratitude, and introspection—considering the lessons of the past year, setting intentions for the future, and celebrating abundance, gifts, and the fruits of labor while acknowledging balance and harmony in all aspects of life.
Some thoughts on spring
Walt Whitman, When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d
I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure:—
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.The budding twigs spread out their fan,
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature’s holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?
Cuban poet, essayist, journalist, translator, and revolutionary philosopher José Martí, Con la primavera:
Con la primavera
Viene la canción,
La tristeza dulce
Y el galante amor.Con la primavera
Viene una ansiedad
De pájaro preso
Que quiere volar.No hay cetro más noble
Que el de padecer:
Sólo un rey existe:
El muerto es el rey.– Con la primavera, José Martí
In English, (via All Poetry)
with the spring
the song comes,
the sweet sadness
And the gallant love.with the spring
an anxiety comes
of a prisoner bird
who wants to flyThere is no nobler scepter
Than to suffer:
Only one king exists:
The dead man is the king.

Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) [Photo Credit: MJTM}
Cherry Hill Seminary is Calling Authors!
Cherry Hill Seimnary is pleased to announce a new endeavor, coordinated by Dr. Arnold Bustillo, CHS Business Development Manager. Cherry Hill Seminary Publishing is now accepting original manuscript submissions from current and aspiring authors. Authors may publish approved manuscripts, reaching an audience of readers interested in Paganism, chaplaincy, and community service, with a dedicated publishing mentor to nurture the book from manuscript to publication and earn revenue from sales. Learn more here, then sharpen your quill to start your writing journey!
Events and Happenings
Twin Cities Pagan Pride will be hosting the annual Paganicon Midwest Conference, March 21-23, 2025, at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West, 3131 Campus Dr, Plymouth, MN.
Paganicon is a Pagan conference with workshops, panels, discussions, social space, live music, a ball, vendors and more. In its fourteenth year, Paganicon is organized by Twin Cities Pagan Pride and a host of volunteers to provide an educational and social venue for Pagans, Wiccans, Heathens, Druids, and other folk, craft, indigenous or magickal traditions.
Paganicon welcomes Guests:
Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been a witch since 1978 and is one of the founders and Elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. He is the anchor author for the new twelve-book Witch’s Sun Sign Series. Ivo is the author of The Four Elements of the Wise, Keys to Perception, Casting Sacred Space, Practical Astrology for Witches & Pagans, and Spirit Speak. His techniques are rooted in a synthesis of traditional metaphysical teachings, modern science, and memories from past lives. In his mundane life, he has been a computer programmer, the executive director of an AIDS/HIV service organization, a metaphysical bookstore owner, and more. He is queer, poly, and lives in the woods of Southern Delaware with his family of choice.
Sen Elias For over 20 years of experience, Sen Elias has pursued the study of magic through dedicated practice and study. At a young age, his grandmother recognized his ability to speak to spirits and because of his gifts, she passed the practice of hoodoo to him. He has become a leader in his community by helping others through his service of rootwork and conjure. Sen Elias is the proud owner of Crescent City Conjure in New Orleans Louisiana.
Mhara Starling was born in North Wales. Having grown up upon the Isle of Anglesey, an Island rich in history and lore pertaining to Druids, Witches, Fairies, Giants, and Magic, she developed an interest in Witchcraft from a very young age. Mhara’s native language is Welsh, a Celtic language, and she loves nothing more than to explore the magic and lore of her landscape and culture. She is a Swynwraig, a modern-day Welsh Witch, and an Awenydd of the Anglesey Druid Order. Mhara runs her own coven on the borders of Wales, and has taught at various festivals, conferences, and events across the United Kingdom. She is a published author with Llewellyn Worldwide and shares her love for the traditions and magic of Wales online to people across the world.
Christine Ashworth comes from a family of writers; her father, Chet Cunningham, had over 350 novels published in his lifetime. Christine has been published since 2011 in contemporary and paranormal romance as well as non-fiction. She has had a regular column in The Cartomancer Magazine since summer of 2018. She can be found on Facebook at ChristineAshworthAuthor. Her biography about her brother, titled Scott Cunningham – The Path Taken – Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Wiccan Trailblazer, was published in September 2023 by Red Wheel/Weiser Books.
Also at Paganicon this year:
- Crossroads Convergence, an original folk-rock band for a new generation, will be the Friday Night Concert entertainment. They are an acoustic band in the lineage of Fleetwood Mac. Entertainment for the Equinox Masquerade Costume Ball is The Nathaniel Johnstone Band who sing about humanity, myth and whimsy. His unique Mythpunk sound is inspired by metal, jazz, punk, folk, rock, and blues from all over the world, resulting in music that transcends boundaries of genre or theme.
- 2025 Art Show – The Third Offering: A Sacred Gallery Space. Artists from all over the U.S. will be displaying all types of visual media.
Twin Cities Pagan Pride is a 501(c)3 independent organization. Its mission is to educate the general public about earth-reverent faiths, promote religious tolerance for all faiths, and to provide a forum for the exploration, comparison, contrast, growth and expansion of diverse spiritual and religious ideas, theories, practices, traditions and views.
New “World Soul” Class Series Tackles Activism
Beginning March 8th, a new online class will discuss Pagan theology and activism each Saturday afternoon. Author Catherine Carr will take attendees through her book “World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth Through Pagan Theology” chapter by chapter, along with associated discussions of measures like mutual aid, community farm shares, ICE rapid response, and protest that can be used to build local resilience and resist authoritarianism.
The eight-week series will cover the roots of authoritarianism and extractive capitalism in jealous monotheism, the reverence afforded to Divine revolutionaries in polytheistic traditions from around the world, and the way animistic theologies inherently value the lives of all beings.
Later class sessions will explore how animism can support practical ecology as a matter of human survival, and how consent culture, self-expression, and secular-rational values form gold standards for ethics in modern Pagan communities.
The class will conclude with each student creating their own personal action plan to resist authoritarianism in ways that dovetail with their resources and their skills. Students will share their own expert knowledge to create a greater pool of expertise for the class community to draw upon when making and executing their plans for a better world.
Interested parties can sign up for the World Soul and Activism class series here, buy the book to read here, or sign up for Catherine Carr’s monthly newsletter to be notified of upcoming classes and publications.
Restored Rites of Eleusis to Return for 39th Year at Spring Mysteries Festival
There’s a new Pagan event in Portland, Oregon…
Spirit Northwest is the West Coast Pagan conference in Portland, May 1 – 4, 2025.
Spirit Northwest is a transformative and new format gathering for seekers, offering 90 and 120-minute immersive workshops on Paganism, witchcraft, and natural magick.
We heard from many in the occult community that people longed for in-depth workshops and rituals, hands-on learning, and make-and-takes with well-known speakers, ritualists, and practitioners.
Amy Blackthorn is the award-winning author of the best-selling Blackthorn’s Botanicals series.
J. Allen Cross is an accomplished author and folk magician known for his book American Brujeria: Modern Mexican American Folk Magic and The Witch’s Guide to the Paranormal.
Maria Minnis is a tarot reader of 20+ years who teaches people about blending their spirituality with magic, liberation work, and eroticism in their everyday lives.
We took action and are bringing it to you all in one weekend!
🧙 Opportunities to raise your visibility:
Be a Speaker: Share your wisdom! Applications are closing soon—don’t miss your chance to lead.
Become a Sponsor: Elevate your brand to a highly engaged, diverse audience hungry for magickal tools, insights, and connections. Five sponsorship levels offer options with vendor spaces to hotel suites.
📅 Mark Your Calendar:
- Vendor Applications Open: January 15, 2025.
Schedule Launch: Coming soon via Sched.
Hotel Reservations: Available now.
Saturday Night Entertainment: Stay tuned for the big reveal!
We are excited to learn and meet you all one-on-one in-person conference for Witches and Magickally-Minded people.
🔮 Let’s make magick together in Portland May 1 – 4th.
Your Hosts: Courtney Weber, Kanani Soleil, Hilary Whitmore, and Silent.
More information is available on the Spirt Northwest website
We received the following from the First Polestari of Marion:
We host a Mayday festival every year called Kithaka Dun out at Shelby Forest. Standard adult admission for the weekend is $55, which gets you access to all activities, lodging in the bunkhouses, and 5 meals. Our vendor tables are just $10 extra for a 10×10 space, and a vendor can claim up to 3 spaces. We also ask for an item contributed to our raffle & auction that benefits a local non-profit. This year’s proceeds will go to Friends For All Memphis.
More information and registration is available at their website https://www.firstpolestari.com/kithaka-dun-2025
New Moon in the Valley invites you to join us for a family-friendly spring equinox ritual! Let’s gather in the community and celebrate the waxing sun and the turning of the wheel.
Participants are invited to bring offerings for our altar, drums, or anything else that moves them.
Post-ritual there will be a community potluck, please bring food to share (label all ingredients). This will be an opportunity to network and connect with local community!
This event is free to the public. Cash donations to offset expenses and the cost of future events are welcome but not mandatory. It is rain or shine, dress for the weather! The UMass Sunwheel can be hard to search on a map, here’s some guidance in locating the event: http://www.umass.edu/sunwheel/pages/directions.html
In the spirit of supporting the larger community, we will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Amherst Survival Center.
🌸🌱 🌸🌱 🌸🌱 🌸🌱 🌸🌱 🌸🌱 🌸🌱 🌸
New Moon in the Valley is inclusive of all life-affirming traditions, paths, perspectives, backgrounds, ages, cultures, genders, abilities, and experiences. We expect all members and attendees to be open-minded and respectful.
We are a Pagan networking group in Western Massachusetts that seek to build community through public Pagan/Earth-centered holiday celebrations and providing opportunities for workshops to foster personal growth and learning about Pagan traditions.
Our goal is to bring accessible rituals to the general public. If you want to get involved in future events please follow our Facebook page, reach out to a host, or ask us at the ritual!
Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Ostara Tarot, by Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Card:Major arcana – The Hanged Man
The next seven days are apt to call for the need to accept one’s circumstances and try to move with the flow, rather than attempting to swim against an impossibly raging river or current. There may also be an element of sacrifice—letting go of something that may seem significant in order to achieve a bigger and even more important objective.
Conversely, refusal to take decisive action is unlikely to make the need for a decision to be made go away. In fact, delaying is more likely to cause greater harm and only postpone the inevitable. Exploring the root of conflicting emotions and ideology and finding a way to resolve the issue is liable to be key in moving forward in a way that benefits not just the self but possibly many others.
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