TWH – The Wheel of the Year turns once again, marking the arrival of Samhain in the northern hemisphere this evening—a festival celebrating the third and final harvest and honoring our ancestors. Meanwhile, Pagans in the southern hemisphere are embracing Beltaine, a joyful celebration of the fires of life and the vitality of the growing season.
Traditionally, Samhain, according to the old Celtic calendar, signals the start of winter and the beginning of a new year. This sacred time invites us to honor our ancestors, seek guidance through divination, and hold festivals in tribute to the gods. Samhain is perhaps the best-known holiday on the Pagan Wheel of the Year, observed as the last of the three harvest festivals in traditions following this cycle.
For many, Samhain embodies the new year and is one of the most reverent days of the annual cycle. It is a time to honor those who have crossed the veil, communing with the mighty dead to draw wisdom for the year to come.
Around the world, similar festivals are celebrated, each carrying the spirit of honoring the dead: Baltic Pagans observe Velu Laiks, or “the time of spirits”; Ásatrúar celebrate Álfablót, the offering to the elves, and Winter Nights; followers of Antinous hold Foundation Night; the Urglaawe tradition celebrates Allelieweziel; Slavic Pagans commemorate Dziady, which means “grandfathers”; Vodou practitioners hold Fête Ghede; Día de los Muertos is honored in Santeria and by Indigenous communities across Mexico and Latin America; and some Witches and Druids celebrate the astrological Samhain on November 7.
Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere, Pagans are celebrating Beltaine, or Beltane, a vibrant festival celebrating the season of warmth, growth, and abundance. As one of the four fire festivals, Beltane symbolizes the sun’s growing power, hopes for a fruitful harvest, and the joy of life’s renewal.
This evening is also Halloween, celebrated secularly with festivities that have come to feature whimsical costumes and tricks, evoking spirits and fairy folk in a more playful light.
May you have a joyous Beltaine in the southern hemisphere.
In the north, Samhain blessings, may your ancestors share their wisdom often.

image credit: Pixabay
The Irish Examiner published a piece about Witchcraft. It notes that in recent years, Witchcraft and related “magical” practices have seen a revival among young, politically engaged women who are drawn to the power, freedom, and connection these practices offer. This resurgence is reflected in popular culture, such as Charlotte Tilbury’s new fragrance “Cosmic Power” and Irish artist Bambie Thug’s “Ouija pop” style. Dr. Jenny Butler, a scholar in contemporary paganism, explains that many are attracted to witchcraft as an alternative to patriarchal, institutionalized religions, finding more personal meaning in self-created rituals over traditional ceremonies.
Practitioners like Stacey Walsh and Phoebe O’Regan share how embracing witchcraft has allowed them to reclaim feminine power, connect with nature, and build community. Walsh, who grew up Catholic, felt unfulfilled and was drawn to the craft’s emphasis on female divinity, leading her to establish her online presence as “@this_irish_witch.” Similarly, O’Regan credits her spiritual connection with offering calmness in today’s hectic world. Both underscore that reclaiming the word “witch” and its practices embodies a rejection of societal norms, symbolizing empowerment and independence for many women. The movement’s growing popularity, highlighted by influential works like Starhawk’s The Spiral Dance, suggests a continued cultural shift toward these alternative spiritualities.
Due Today:
Loki’s Torch, an Annual Loki Devotional, Seeks Art and Writing Submissions
Loki’s Torch, the annual devotional anthology published by Lokean Publications, is taking submissions of written and art works about and devoted to the god Loki through October 31st. Those who wish to submit works to the anthology can read the submission guidelines and access the submission forms here.
This will be the sixth annual full-color devotional anthology released by Lokean Publications. Past editions have included contributions from authors Dagulf Loptson, Bat Collazo, Erin Lale, Avnas Mars, and Arielle Lokadóttir and are currently available here through MagCloud.
This year’s theme, “Loki: Patron of Misfits” describes what many Loki devotees have experienced. Those who have not necessarily felt at home in other spiritual communities have found a spiritual protector in Loki, and for some, a spiritual home in the community of Loki’s Wyrdlings.
Loki’s Wyrdlings, a trans-led community for people of all traditions who work with Loki, is the driving force behind “Loki’s Torch” and the upcoming LokiFest, a free online convention at which spirit workers and academics of varying Pagan persuasions offer classes, workshops, meditations, and rituals each December.
Writers and artists are encouraged to submit their Loki-centric works to Loki’s Torch by October 31st, 2024! While submission guidelines note that the publication does not accept AI art or derivative works (such as fanfiction using copyrighted characters), original artworks, prayers, poems, spells, essays, and original short stories are encouraged.
Happening this Weekend:
Hekate is the Queen of Witches, do you know the specific rituals to worship Her and when to do them? This year Hekate’s Sickle Festival is happening on the Dark and New Moon, Nov. 1-3, allowing for the Goddess of Time and Space to be honored on the same days the ancients did.
On the Dark Moon (Friday), we honor Hekate with the Deipnon, a ritual of gratitude and cleansing. The Noumenia will be held on the New Moon (Saturday) to receive her blessings and honor new beginnings. Come and be gifted with a special altar piece for working magic with Hekate at this sacred time every month.
Enjoy Celia Farran in Concert, Drunken Divination, Workshops on Magic and Spell Casting, a Witches Ball, and Casino and MORE.
This year we are bringing back the Community Awards, so those in the Pagan Community can be thanked and recognized for the hard work they do. The Wild Hunt is being recognized for their impact to the community. We would love to have you join us and share in the magic!
For 2025…
Turning the Tide 18: “Lunar Mysteries” Festival is happening the weekend of February 7-9th, 2025. Reservations are now open and we are excited for you to reserve your spot! Come join Everglades Moon Local Council as we celebrate our 18th year of hosting our wonderful Turning the Tide Festival in Northern Miami-Dade County. This small but fantastic festival is full of rituals and great workshops. This year we are delving into the Lunar Mysteries Want to join us? Go to Turning The Tide 18 Reservation Link and Reserve your spot today.
Thank you to Everyone!
Here it is at long last! Share and enjoy! It’s been a long journey creating this issue. There have been with many left turns and right angles as we went from an idea to this moment. All of this is possible because of your passion, your support, and the hard work of the editors, writers, and artists herein.
Coreopsis Journal of Myth & Theatre
“Walking Another Path”
Autumn 2024.
Volume 12 Number 2. ISSN 2333-0627
Cover Art by Lauren Raine, “Walking Away” all rights reserved.
Roses and Wildflowers Magazine of Mythopoeia and Fabulism – Volume One Number Two
Autumn 2024 “Walking Away”
Cover art: Jack Ruttan Background: Helena Domenic all rights reserved.
Dedicated to the memory of Ursula K. LeGuin and inspired by “The Ones Walk Away From Omelas” on the anniversary of the first publication in New Dimensions (3) in 1973 and subsequent printing in The Wind’s Twelve Quarters in 1975.
“The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible that it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Trick or Treat Tarot by Barbara Moore, illustrated by Jonathan Hunt, published by Llewellyn Publications.
Card: Page of Wands
The next seven days are apt to highlight unbridled enthusiasm and boundless energy with a side order of clever and creative thinking. Both deciding on a direction or path and having an older or experienced guide for traversing the road ahead are heavily indicated before just haring off in pursuit of some vague notion. While enthusiasm and cleverness can bridge many gaps, neither are full substitutes for experience and a balanced approach.
Conversely, introspection and re-evaluation are indicated when it applies to past projects that failed to come to fruition or did not produce the desired results. Impatience, frustration, and allowing the negative tendencies of the ego to dominate are likely to devolve into angry outbursts rooted in a lack of confidence and defensiveness.
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