Pagan Community Notes: Week of October 17, 2024


Image by M W from Pixabay

TWH – Witches are unsurprisingly popular at the moment, not only because of their annual surge in October as Halloween and Samhain approach but also due to new witch-themed content like Disney’s Agatha All Along and the upcoming premiere of Wicked.  Last night’s super moon, the Hunter’s Moon, added to the magic.

The Italian news outlet La Repubblica recently explored the growing appeal of esoteric spiritual paths as society grapples with discomfort and searches for meaning. As individuals seek connection and self-improvement, witchcraft has become a wellness trend fueled by social media. People like Camilla, who experienced witchcraft rituals in Los Angeles, find comfort in spiritual activities that promise purification and balance. Platforms like TikTok spread #WitchTok content, offering tutorials on spells, tarot, and crystals that resonate with those yearning for a deeper bond with nature.

Giorgia, a practicing Witch and inappropriately referred to as “self-described,” noted in the interview that many people turn to Witchcraft as an escape from a disconnected world. She founded the “Accademia delle Streghe” to guide others in reconnecting with nature through ritual practices. Meanwhile, wellness industries have embraced this trend, with luxury hotels and gyms incorporating spiritual practices into their services.

Practitioners like Amanda Yates Garcia emphasized that true witchcraft involves a commitment to the earth and social justice, beyond commodified wellness trends.

The Christian conservative site MovieGuide also weighed in about the intersection of wellness and Witchcraft, warning that Witchcraft practices, glamorized by media and social influencers, pose serious spiritual risks.

The site wrote that shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Craft initially popularized Witchcraft, which saw exponential growth during the pandemic. With #WitchTok surpassing 30 billion views by 2022, MovieGuide stresses that the Bible warns against occult practices. MovieGuide sites former practitioners like Jenny Weaver who recount their experiences, urging others to avoid spiritual pitfalls, particularly around Halloween, boiling all occult practices to being Satanic.

Lastly, Teen Vogue published an interview with journalist Sophie Saint Thomas about her forthcoming book Reproductive Rites, which delves into the historical links between reproductive rights and Witchcraft. Saint Thomas examines how marginalized groups—Native Americans, enslaved Black people, and trans individuals—have faced persecution in accessing reproductive healthcare in the U.S. She discusses the deep-rooted ties between witchcraft and colonialist influences, critiquing the focus on events like the Salem Witch Trials, which often overlook the suppression of Indigenous and Black spiritual practices. Saint Thomas emphasizes the need for trans-inclusive healthcare and highlights figures like Pat Maginnis, a radical abortion activist, to draw lessons for today’s reproductive justice movement.

NEW BALTIMORE, Michigan –  TWH learned that Moira Payne has been selected as Pagan of the Year.

Congratulations to Michigan Pagans

Pagan of the Year
Moira Payne

This year’s Pagan of the Year truly understands that to be a good leader one must set aside their ego and serve the communities best interests, that to truly understand people you need to meet them where they’re at, and that in order for a group or event to be successful they have to form lasting positive connections to the community they serve.

She has been involved in our local pagan community for almost two decades and in that time has been part of many groups as both a member and a leader. She started her journey in our local community with the ADF and the Shining Lakes Grove, was a member of W.I.C.A, the 5 points ravens 4 pillars group, and is currently a student and member of the Temple of Witchcraft.

It is well known that she will go out of her way for a good ritual. In fact, her children love to tell stories of being dragged to different classes, workshops, rituals and drum circles. When she goes all in on something and believes in it, she takes her family along for the ride.

Throughout her personal journey, she has given back to the community both publicly and privately. Privately she has made connections between people to introduce them to others who can help their ideas grow, helped fund passion projects, and given her time and energy to different causes that provide badly needed resources to individuals. These private connections have had just as much or more of an impact on the community as her public work. Her willingness to have the conversations, to personally reach out and follow up, and to live her ideals are an example we should all follow.

Publicly she has done so many things that it is hard to list them all here. She volunteered for Michigan Pagan Fest in 2010 and eventually ended up running their programming department. She attended the Witches Night Out starting in 2008 and eventually started running them in 2016.

In 2022, after attending ConVocation for years, attending board meetings, and seeing how much help was needed, this person applied for and was voted onto the MEC board. Her choice to step up then, a long with a few others, helped save an organization that will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this coming year. She is now one of the most well known faces and voices of MEC and ConVocation, as well as the current board president.

When collecting facts, dates and stories for this moment a few things were said repeatedly. “She puts community before ego”, ” She just gets people”, ” She always follows through with what she says”, and “She backs up her words with actions”. Her true dedication to transparency, honesty, fostering connections and community, as well as always putting the good of the community ahead of herself is what makes her a true leader within our local and statewide community.

The speech was written by Lindsay Moss.

Congratulations, Moira! 


Loki’s Torch, an Annual Loki Devotional, Seeks Art and Writing Submissions

Loki’s Torch, the annual devotional anthology published by Lokean Publications, is taking submissions of written and art works about and devoted to the god Loki through October 31st. Those who wish to submit works to the anthology can read the submission guidelines and access the submission forms here.

This will be the sixth annual full-color devotional anthology released by Lokean Publications. Past editions have included contributions from authors Dagulf Loptson, Bat Collazo, Erin Lale, Avnas Mars, and Arielle Lokadóttir and are currently available here through MagCloud.

This year’s theme, “Loki: Patron of Misfits” describes what many Loki devotees have experienced. Those who have not necessarily felt at home in other spiritual communities have found a spiritual protector in Loki, and for some, a spiritual home in the community of Loki’s Wyrdlings.

Loki’s Wyrdlings, a trans-led community for people of all traditions who work with Loki, is the driving force behind “Loki’s Torch” and the upcoming LokiFest, a free online convention at which spirit workers and academics of varying Pagan persuasions offer classes, workshops, meditations, and rituals each December.

Writers and artists are encouraged to submit their Loki-centric works to Loki’s Torch by October 31st, 2024! While submission guidelines note that the publication does not accept AI art or derivative works (such as fanfiction using copyrighted characters), original artworks, prayers, poems, spells, essays, and original short stories are encouraged.


Join the Circle Sanctuary Community for our 2024 Samhain Festival on October 25-27 as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin, USA. As part of our celebration, we reflect on the legacies we create and the stories we leave behind, as well as do visioning for the future.

On Friday evening, October 25, our annual Witches’ Ball will take the form of a Golden Jubilee celebration in honor of Circle Sanctuary’s 50th Anniversary. Other highlights of our Festival will include rituals, workshops, cemetery magic, and Nature walks. On Saturday afternoon, October 26 beginning at 1:30pm central, there will be a free hour long livestream celebration, “Circle Sights, Sounds, & Stories” by Circle Sanctuary Community Members, via the Circle Sanctuary YouTube Channel.

In addition to the Samhain Festival, Circle Sanctuary is celebrating online with special podcasts and social media posts with historical photos and videos.

The deadline to register for the Samhain Festival is Wednesday, October 23. Learn more about the schedule of activities and register.

Circle Sanctuary invites individuals and groups to share memories, experiences, perspectives, and well wishes for our 50th Anniversary Celebration online.

Circle Sanctuary is a non-profit international Nature Spirituality resource center and church. Founded in 1974, Circle helps people from many spiritual orientations connect with each other as well as with the spiritual dimensions of Nature. More information:

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Happening Soon….

November 1-3, 2024

Hekate is the Queen of Witches, do you know the specific rituals to worship Her and when to do them? This year Hekate’s Sickle Festival is happening on the Dark and New Moon, Nov. 1-3, allowing for the Goddess of Time and Space to be honored on the same days the ancients did.

On the Dark Moon (Friday), we honor Hekate with the Deipnon, a ritual of gratitude and cleansing. The Noumenia will be held on the New Moon (Saturday) to receive her blessings and honor new beginnings. Come and be gifted with a special altar piece for working magic with Hekate at this sacred time every month.

Enjoy Celia Farran in Concert, Drunken Divination, Workshops on Magic and Spell Casting, a Witches Ball, and Casino and MORE.

This year we are bringing back the Community Awards, so those in the Pagan Community can be thanked and recognized for the hard work they do. The Wild Hunt is being recognized for their impact to the community. We would love to have you join us and share in the magic!

For 2025…

Turning the Tide 18: “Lunar Mysteries” Festival is happening the weekend of February 7-9th, 2025. Reservations are now open and we are excited for you to reserve your spot! Come join Everglades Moon Local Council as we celebrate our 18th year of hosting our wonderful Turning the Tide Festival in Northern Miami-Dade County. This small but fantastic festival is full of rituals and great workshops. This year we are delving into the Lunar Mysteries  Want to join us? Go to Turning The Tide 18 Reservation Link and Reserve your spot today.

TWH heard from Coreopsis this week as well as Roses and Wildflowers.  They have much to share with the community.

Thank you to Everyone! 
Here it is at long last! Share and enjoy! It’s been a long journey creating this issue. There have been with many left turns and right angles as we went from an idea to this moment. All of this is possible because of your passion, your support, and the hard work of the editors, writers, and artists herein. 

Coreopsis Journal of Myth & Theatre
“Walking Another Path”
Autumn 2024.
Volume 12 Number 2. ISSN 2333-0627
Cover Art by Lauren Raine, “Walking Away” all rights reserved.

Roses and Wildflowers Magazine of Mythopoeia and Fabulism – Volume One Number Two
Autumn 2024 “Walking Away”
Cover art: Jack Ruttan Background: Helena Domenic all rights reserved.

Dedicated to the memory of Ursula K. LeGuin and inspired by “The Ones Walk Away From Omelas” on the anniversary of the first publication in New Dimensions (3) in 1973 and subsequent printing in The Wind’s Twelve Quarters in 1975.

“The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible that it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte   (Welcome back!)

Deck: Black Cats Tarot by Maria Kurara, published by Lo Scarabeo

Card: Five (5) of Wands

The next seven days are apt to serve up situations with others that are likely to be competitive and potentially contentious. The best approach in navigating these types of scenarios may lie in the ability to listen, getting others to listen, and in helping to remind oneself and others the importance of fairness and a level playing field.

Conversely, there may be the tendency to internalize issues and attempt to work through them before voicing an opinion. Alternately, the temptation to avoid conflict and wishing difficult situations to simply go away are more likely to create renewed conflict and issues further down the road.

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