The Power of Uncrossing

We are constantly being barraged with negative energy. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we lay down our heads at night (and sometimes beyond!), we have been the recipients of negative energies from the world around us in many forms. We suffer stress as we try to manage our modern lives, and while we may feel we have a handle on things, these issues can fester under the surface and turn into real problems on a psychic level.

Whether these negative influences are seen as bad luck, evil spirits, or simply “negative thinking”, when gone unchecked they can compound into something that some magic workers call suffering from “crossed conditions,” a state of being that is not only unfavorable, but can actually attract negative energies in various forms, potentially making the problem even worse. Add to this the rare – though real – possibility of a hex, jinx, or curse and it becomes important to learn how to cleanse away unwanted or harmful influences regardless of their source. When suffering from crossed conditions the way forward is clear: only an Uncrossing will do.

A baptismal font decorated with flowers [RoAll, Pixabay]

Many religions and spiritual systems hold the belief that certain objects, symbols, or rituals possess the power or ability to cleanse or otherwise banish negative influences, usually by invoking a higher power as discussed in the lesson on Blessing. Holy Water, white flowers, milk, lemon, scented colognes, the smoke of burning herbs – the list varies from system to system and culture to culture. Collectively, these are objects and curio that are believed to assist one in achieving a state of union with the divine so as to regain their sense of balance, power, and freedom.

Perhaps the best way to explain the concept of Uncrossing is to share a magical technique that I learned from the spirits in a dream.

Energetic Uncross

Imagine for a moment that everything that blocks you – the fear, the pain, the shame, the anger, what so-and-so did or said, all of it – is symbolically manifesting in the form of a large black “X” that appears in front of you in your aura, with the cross-mark of the X appearing at about your heart level.

Now, with three deep breaths, focus on how you feel about these conditions. With three more breaths cross your arms before you so that they now form the X in front of you. On the third inhale clench your fists, imagining that you now grasp the ends of that X in your hands.

Now, take three more deep breaths, this time exhaling forcibly and quickly while you just as quickly thrust your hands outward to your sides imagining an outward explosion of energy from your heart-center that radiates outward in all directions, clearing away anything that binds you. Repeat this by returning your hands to the X position and thrusting them quickly outward for the remaining two breaths, maintaining the visualization of the explosive outpouring of energy from your heart center. Imagine yourself light, happy, and free of any and all entanglements.

The above technique can be used on its own as a simple exercise to assist us when we feel blocked or can be used as part of a larger bathing rite when the situation warrants something more be done.

A bath tub decorated with rose petals, plants, candles, and a book [Eddie_Lee_KR, Pixabay]

Uncrossing Bathing Rite

Items used:

  • Uncrossing Bath Salts, Oil, and Herbs of your choice
  • 2 white candles
  • A vase of white flowers
  • A few penny royal leaves
  • A few bay leaves
  • 2 cups of milk (can be coconut milk)
  • A glass of water
  • A bathtub or shower

I first learned the basic form of this rite from cat yronewode of

Begin by gathering your materials and preparing the place where you will be performing the rite. Consider that you will need an appropriate place to bathe or at least pour waters over your head.

Light the incense and allow its smoke to waft over you as you pray to be free from whatever negative spirits or energies are holding you back. Allow yourself to silently confront whatever has been blocking you. Take as much time as you need before moving on to the next step.

Begin to draw the bath and while it fills, take hold of the glass of water with one hand and place your other palm over it. Again, pray to be released from whatever entangles you… imagine the water being filled with light. (You may wish to recite a Psalm or a charm toward this end.) When you are imagining that the water is filled with light and is brilliantly shining, drink it all down, imagining the light now shining within you.

Dress the white candles with the Oil and place them on the edge of the tub, or outside it, about two feet apart. Light them with a prayer of your choosing.

Take a handful of the bath salts and pray over them; asking the spirits of the plants whose oils reside within to assist you in your purification. Throw them into the bath.

Take the milk and add some oil to it, again praying as you do. Then add the Penny Royal leaves and pray that any ‘personal concerns’ that anyone might have from you have their potency dissolved and nullified. Next, add the bay leaves and pray that any prying eyes turn away from you, making your work a secret to them.

Now pour this mixture into the bath. Finally, take the vase of flowers and from 3 of them pluck off the petals and toss them, one by one, into the bath as you pray for your own purification.

Now, enter the bath. Using the glass, scoop up some water and pour it over your head. You may wish to recite a poem, psalm, or other spoken charm as you do.

Soak in the tub and relax. Allow the salts to draw out any impurities or blocks. As your muscles relax you will continue to release pent-up energies. Allow yourself a good amount of time for this. The point is to really relax!

When you are ready to be done, stand up and perform the Energetic Uncrossing as detailed in the text above. Next, use the glass to scoop up some of the bathwater and begin draining the tub. Step out of the bath and in between the two lit white candles.

It is traditional to “air dry” as opposed to using a towel, but whatever method you choose, when you are ready take the glass of water outside where you will throw the water as a final act of release. Traditionally the water should be thrown to the West (to release) or to the East (to draw in). Alternatively, you may throw it to a tree and ask the tree to take the “Crossed Conditions” into the Earth to be transformed into a Blessing. I have a camphor tree in the Eastern part of my backyard, so I use this along with the intention of the negative energies being transformed into a positive that we then draw back to ourselves. Allow the candles to burn all the way down.

It is done.

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