Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023

Each year, we commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), which falls this year on November 20. We remind readers that this story includes descriptions of violence and bigotry against transgender people. The Wild Hunt believes it is important to our mission to acknowledge, report on, and remember the victims of this violence, given the importance of transgender people to the Pagan movement. Reader discretion is advised.

TWH – Eleven-year-old Jayden Miller and their mother were killed in a random stabbing attack outside a school in Edmonton, Canada in May. Jayden saw their mother die and then succumbed to wounds later in hospital. Accounts say the attack was “really graphic.” The assailant was killed by police.

Jayden had only recently started to use their preferred name. Some media refused to honor Jayden’s chosen name.

Jayden is presumed to be the youngest person on the TDoR list of remembered this year.

Carolann Robillard and Jayden Miller. (Via Robillard family)


Last year just before Transgender Day of Remembrance, Tiffany Banks was murdered. Her name was not included in last year’s remembrance and she leads the list in 2023. Tiffany was killed in Miami. Details about her murder were slow to emerge because local media deadnamed her. The funeral home wrote her parents “gave birth to a beautiful young man,” and continued to misgender Tiffany throughout her obituary.

via Equality Florida [Facebook]

Last week, a federal court rejected a request to temporarily suspend certain aspects of Florida’s Criminalizing Gender Affirming Care law, which limits adults’ ability to receive essential medical treatment. The decision denies the preliminary injunction sought against the enforcement of Florida Senate Bill 254 (2023), enacted by Governor DeSantis in May. Consequently, Florida stands alone among the states in enforcing such restrictions on healthcare for transgender adults, affecting both the qualified practitioners allowed to administer care and the manner in which transgender individuals can avail themselves of it.

These types of bills continue to pathologize the trans community specifically and validate bigotry against trans people.

Equality Florida issued the following statement in response:

“Governor DeSantis’ war on medical freedom has manufactured a healthcare crisis for transgender Floridians. The ruling maintains politically-imposed barriers to life-saving and widely accepted medical care for adults motivated by nothing other than bigotry.

“This is about discriminatory government overreach into real people’s lives. Every person should have the freedom to access healthcare without political interference–that includes transgender people. Free states don’t criminalize healthcare. Free states don’t go to war with doctors and patients. And free states don’t turn their own constituents into refugees who leave the state to seek treatment.

“We are incredibly grateful to the brave plaintiffs who have stepped forward to challenge these dangerous policies and to the legal organizations leading the way on this case.”

But this story is overshadowed today by the many trans folks whose lives have been taken because they sought to live a genuine life.

The Trans Murder Monitoring research project has shared its annual collection of data. In the past year:

  • 320 trans and gender diverse people were reported murdered.
  • 94% of victims were trans women or trans feminine people.
  • Globally, almost half (48%) of murdered trans people whose occupation is known were sex workers. This jumps to three-quarters (78%) in Europe.
  • Trans people affected by racism make up 80% of the reported murders, a 15% increase from last year.
  • 45% of trans people reported murdered in Europe whose migration background is known were migrants or refugees.
  • The age group with the most murder victims was 19 to 25 years old. Of all cases with age data available, three-quarters (77%) were between 19 and 40 years old.
  • Almost three-quarters (73%) of all registered murders were committed in Latin America and the Caribbean; nearly one-third (31%) of the total occurred in Brazil.
  • Murders in Armenia, Belgium and Slovakia were reported for the first time.
  • Almost half of the reported murders (46%) were shootings.
  • Just over one quarter (28%) of the recorded murders took place on the street, and a further quarter (26%) in the victim’s own residence.

Trans Murder Monitoring Update • Trans Day of Remembrance 2023 via TGEU


“The data continues to indicate concerning trends when it comes to the intersections of misogyny, racism, xenophobia, and whorephobia,” said the project. “Most victims were Black and trans women of color, and trans sex workers.”

Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of transgender and gender-diverse people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.

Today we honor the memory of those who perished because they led authentic lives. We take today to reflect on the powerful, magical resilience of the trans community.

We say the names of those we lost in the last year for their peace, for their justice and to end the violence against them.

In memoriam

Name Age Occupation Date City Country Location of murder Cause of death Remarks Observaciones
1 Tiffany Banks 19 to 25 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 10/1/2022 Miami, Florida United States street shooting Tiffany was shot and killed on Saturday 1st October – the first day of the period covered by TDoR 2023. Four days later a man was arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder. Tiffany fue asesinada a tiros el sábado 1 de octubre, el primer día del período cubierto por el Día de la Remembranza Trans 2023. Cuatro días después, un hombre fue arrestado y acusado de asesinato en segundo grado.
2 Karla Santos unknown unknown / not applicable 10/3/2022 Pabellón de Arteaga, Aguascalientes Mexico street vehicle run-over There are two versions, one that states that Karla and another person were run over by a police car while driving their motorcycle, and another that the accident occurred as a result of a chase for the purchase of drugs. Existen dos versiones, una que señala que al conducir su motocicleta Karla y otra persona fueron atropellados por una patrulla, y otra que el accidente se dio producto de una persecución por la compra de droga.
3 Tante Butet 51 to 60 owner of beauty shop / hair salon / bar / shop 10/3/2022 Bekasi, Jawab Barat Indonesia hairdresser’s shop / beauty salon torture Tante Butet was murdered in her salon. After she died, the perpetrator locked the salon from the outside. The victim’s body was found by local residents. The perpetrator was an employee of the victim, allegedly because he was hurt (business). Tante Butet fue asesinada en su salón. Después de su muerte, el agresor cerró el salón desde el exterior. El cuerpo de la víctima fue encontrado por vecinos de la zona. El agresor era un empleado de la víctima, presuntamente porque se sentía dolido (temas de negocios).
4 Naomi Cabral 41 to 50 sex worker 10/5/2022 Ardea, Lazio Italy sex work venue or near strangulation / hanging Naomi was strangled in the night between October 4 and 5 in a room at the Hotel Samoa, in Tor San Lorenzo. Police said Angeloni grabbed Cabral by the throat at the culmination of a violent row and suffocated her against the mattress of the hotel bed. Naomi fue estrangulada en la noche del 4 al 5 de octubre en una habitación del Hotel Samoa, en Tor San Lorenzo. La policía dijo que Angeloni agarró a Cabral por el cuello en la culminación de una violenta pelea y la asfixió contra el colchón de la cama del hotel.
5 Alexia Silva De Santana 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 10/6/2022 Salvador, Bahia Brazil street shooting Alexia was shot and killed. Alexia fue asesinada a tiros.
6 Bianca Carvalho Gonçalves 19 to 25 sex worker 10/6/2022 Primavera Do Leste, Mato Grosso Brazil park / public square / space / market / gas station shooting The Military Police of Mato Grosso confirmed that Bianca, 22, was murdered with at least two shots to the head, near a market in Primavera do Leste. La Policía Militar de Mato Grosso confirmó que Bianca, de 22 años, fue asesinada con al menos dos disparos en la cabeza, cerca de un mercado en Primavera do Leste.
7 Natasha 26 to 30 sex worker 10/6/2022 Forquilha, Ceará Brazil street shooting A 27-year-old travesti was shot dead in the town of Ciudad de los Ángeles, in the municipality of Forquilha, interior of Ceará. Una travestí de 27 años fue asesinada a tiros en la localidad de Ciudad de los Ángeles, en el municipio de Forquilha, interior de Ceará.
8 Joyeey Akter Nagini 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 10/9/2022 Laldighi Bangladesh brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest strangulation / hanging Sajal allegedly strangled Joyeey with his belt and left her dead body in a field. Police arrested Sajal for the murder. Allegedly he initially confessed. Sajal supuestamente estranguló a Joyeey con su cinturón y dejó su cadáver en un campo. La policía arrestó a Sajal por el asesinato. Presuntamente, inicialmente confesó.
9 Mayté Mejía 26 to 30 sex worker 10/9/2022 Calaraca, Quindio Colombia brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest stabbing Mayté was wounded with a sharp weapon. Mayté fue herida con arma cortopunzante.
10 Juraj Vankulic 26 to 30 other 12/10/2022 Bratislava Slovakia bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Juraj was shot in the Bratislava gay bar shooting. Juraj recibió un disparo en el tiroteo del bar gay de Bratislava.
11 Daniely Medeiros Gonçalves 26 to 30 sex worker 14/10/2022 Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro Brazil street vehicle run-over A trans woman, Daniely, was reportedly hit by two vehicles. Una mujer trans, Daniely, la habrían atropellado dos vehículos.
12 Ester da Silva 15 to 18 sex worker 14/10/2022 Natal, Rio Grande Do Norte Brazil street decapitation / dismemberment Ester was found headless and with the small finger of the left hand missing, which was taken. Ester estaba sin cabeza y sin el meñique de la mano izquierda, que se llevaron.
13 Bárbara Rafaela 19 to 25 sex worker 15/10/2022 Jaboticabal, São Paulo Brazil own residence shooting Bárbara was shot dead along with her boyfriend. Bárbara fue asesinada a tiros junto a su novio.
14 Daniella Santos (“Danny”) 19 to 25 sex worker 17/10/2022 Senhor Do Bonfim, Bahia Brazil railroad / station / metro station / railway tracks shooting The victim, known as Danny, was shot twice in the mouth and neck. A la víctima, conocida como Danny, le dispararon dos veces en la boca y el cuello.
15 N. N. 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 17/10/2022 Cancun, Quintana Roo Mexico own residence stoning A travesti was reportedly killed by hammer blows inside a house. The victim’s body was found in at home, was beaten to death with a hammer and completely naked. Una travestí habría muerto a golpes de martillo dentro de una casa. El cuerpo de la víctima fue localizado en su domicilio, lo asesinaron a golpes con un martillo y completamente desnudo.
16 Melissa Núñez 41 to 50 activist / movement leader 18/10/2022 Morocelí, El Paraíso Honduras own residence shooting Melissa died of two gunshot wounds to the head. Melissa was shot twice. She lived in the U.S. and had returned two months ago. Melissa murió de dos balazos en la cabeza. Melissa murio de dos disparos. Ella vivía en Estados Unidos y regresó hace dos meses.
17 Victória Jackson 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 18/10/2022 Presidente Epitácio, São Paulo Brazil railroad / station / metro station / railway tracks stabbing The suspect and the victim had a disagrement and there was an argument at the bus substation. The alleged perpetrator returned to the scene with two knives and a pocket knife. El involucrado y la víctima se desentendieron y hubo una discusión, en la subterminal de autobús, y el supuesto autor retornó al lugar con dos cuchillos y una navaja.
18 Britney Hernández Vargas unknown sex worker 20/10/2022 Xalapa, Veracruz Mexico own residence beating Britney died after being beaten by state officers in an illegal search of her home. She was beaten, two months later she was admitted to a hospital where she died. Britney murió luego de ser golpeada por policías estatales, en un cateo ilegal a su vivienda. Fue golpeada, dos meses después ingresó a un hospital donde murió.
19 Jessica Zoe (“Yulia”) unknown sex worker 20/10/2022 Ecatepec, Estado de México Mexico own residence shooting Jessica was shot and killed by a young man who arrived at her home on a motorcycle. The individual was taken into custody by the police. Jessica fue asesinada con arma de fuego por un hombre joven que llegó a su domicilio a bordo de una motocicleta.
20 Samantha Nicole Quirino 31 to 40 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 22/10/2022 Bgy. Cabigsing, Cuyo Philippines other strangulation / hanging Samantha’s body was found hanging from a tree near a friend’s house. El cuerpo de Samantha fue encontrado colgado de un árbol cerca de la casa de un amigo.
21 Evelyn Sampaio De Moraes 19 to 25 sex worker 25/10/2022 Sumaré, São Paulo Brazil hotel / motel / drive-in strangulation / hanging A man strangled his friend, Evelyn, a travesti. The suspect was the man who had been seen coming in with the victim this morning, the military police were alerted. Un hombre habría matado estrangulada a su amiga, Evelyn, que es travestí. El sospechoso era el hombre que había entrado con la víctima esta mañana, la policía militar entonces fue activada.
22 N. N. unknown other 28/10/2022 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico street shooting A trans woman was shot dead in the street. Transexual es asesinada a tiros en la calle.
23 Liz Hernandez 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 11/1/2022 Padilla Mexico brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest unknown Personnel from the State Attorney General’s Office carried out the removal of human remains in a state of decomposition, between the municipalities of Padilla and Jiménez. It could be Liz or Gumaro, who has been missing since October 16th. Personal de la Fiscalía General de Justicia del Estado llevó a cabo el levantamiento de restos humanos entre los municipios de Padilla y Jiménez, los cuales podrían tratarse de Liz o Gumaro, a quien se le tiene como desaparecido desde el 16 de octubre pasado.
24 Jessica “Jessy” Silva unknown sex worker 11/3/2022 Fortaleza, Ceará Brazil park / public square / space / market / gas station stabbing In Fortaleza, Jessy, a travesti was found dead by guards near the Passaré Ecological Park, where the Fortaleza Zoo operates. En Fortaleza, Jessy, una travestí fue encontrado muerto por populares, cerca del Parque Ecológico del Passaré, donde funciona el zoológico de Fortaleza.
25 Kauana Vasconcelos 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 11/3/2022 Ibicaraí, Bahia Brazil own residence stabbing Una adolescente trans de 16 años fue apuñalado hasta la muerte, en la madrugada del jueves (3), en Ibicaraí, en el sur de Bahía. Una adolescente trans de 16 años fue apuñalado hasta la muerte, en la madrugada del jueves (3), en Ibicaraí, en el sur de Bahía.
26 Carla Pereira 41 to 50 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 11/5/2022 Teresina, Piauí Brazil own residence other Carla was beaten to death with a pickaxe. Carla fue asesinada a golpes de pico.
27 Kimberly Fernanda Mendoza Sevilha unknown unknown / not applicable 11/5/2022 Cuautla, Morelos Mexico street shooting The victim was found shot to death. In Cuautla, five bodies were abandoned. One of them, that of Kimberly showed signs of violence and torture. En Cuautla fueron abandonados cinco cuerpos. Uno de ellos, el de Kimberly con signos de violencia y tortura.
28 Renata Nicole Duarte Reyes 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 11/5/2022 Cuautla, Morelos Mexico street shooting The victim was found shot to death. In Cuautla, five bodies were abandoned. One of them, that of Renata Nicole with signs of violence and torture. She was the founder of the collective Diversidad de Cuautla. La víctima fue encontrada muerta a tiros. En Cuautla fueron abandonados cinco cuerpos, uno de ellos, el de Renata Nicole con signos de violencia y tortura. Ella fue fundadora del colectivo Diversidad de Cuatla.
29 Keyti Sayuri Rodríguez Vásquez unknown unknown / not applicable 11/8/2022 Santiago Chile park / public square / space / market / gas station stabbing In the vicinity of a park, the body of a trans woman, Keyti, was found in the early hours of the morning. A knife found next to her, with which she was allegedly killed, as she had stab wounds. En las cercanías de un parque, por la madrugada se localizó el cadáver de una mujer trans, Keyti. A su costado se localizó un cuchillo, con el que presumiblemente fue asesinada.
30 Martha Torres Lomelí 51 to 60 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 11/8/2022 Irapuato, Guanajuato Mexico own residence asphyxiation / smoke inhalation / suffocation She died of asphyxiation by hanging after being strangled. Martha Lomeli was found dead in her home, where she was located after being absent. Her body had been lifeless for several days. Martha Lomeli falleció a causa de una asfixia por ahorcamiento tras ser estrangulada. Al ser localizada en su vivienda su cuerpo ya tenía varios días sin vida.
31 Nazma Akhtar 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 11/9/2022 Chittagong Bangladesh prison / police station / military camp / courthouse shooting Nazma was attacked in a confrontation with the police and died from her injuries. Nazma fue atacada en un enfrentamiento con la policía y murió a causa de sus heridas.
32 Chepina Arteaga Morante 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 10/11/2022 Chone, Manabí Ecuador own residence shooting Chepina was murdered in her home, when an unknown assailant arrived and shot her. They tried to save her life, and took her to a hospital where she died on her way to the hospital. Chepina fue asesinada en su casa, ahí llego un desconocido quien le disparo. Intentaron salvarle la viday la llevaron a un hospital donde no llego con vida.
33 Jerry Rodrigues 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 10/11/2022 Coreaú, Ceará Brazil own residence shooting Jerry was killed with more than 40 shots. Jerry fue asesinada con más de 40 disparos.
34 Kelly Romero Hernandez 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 11/10/2022 Atzacan Mexico other unknown A clandestine grave with several corpses has been found. There, the body of Kelly Romero, who was reported missing since July 8, was located. Se reporta la localización de una fosa clandestina con varios cadáveres. Ahí se localizó el cuerpo de Kelly Romero, quien se reportó como desaparecida desde el 8 de julio.
35 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 11/11/2022 Caucaia, Ceará Brazil construction site / empty lot / abandoned building shooting A body was found with gunshot wounds. Un cuerpo fue encontrado con heridas de bala.
36 Karen Sánchez Alvarez 19 to 25 sex worker 12/11/2022 Toluca, Estado de México Mexico street shooting Karen was shot to death on the Paseo Tollocan road in the vicinity of the bus station in Toluca. Karen fue asesinada a balazos en la vialidad Paseo Tollocan, en inmediaciones de la central de autobuses en Toluca.
37 Maiken/Dani Cooper 26 to 30 activist / movement leader 12/11/2022 Vancouver, British Colombia Canada unknown shooting Dani was killed violently by police during a wellness check. Dani fue asesinade violentamente por la policía durante un control de bienestar.
38 N. N. 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 11/12/2022 Tijuana, Baja California Mexico brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest shooting The victim was shot and killed in the back of a building overlooking a hill. La víctima fue asesinada con disparos en la parte trasera de un edificio que da a un cerro.
39 Emma Borhanian 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 11/13/2022 Vallejo, California United States own residence shooting Emma was one of two people shot during a property dispute. The person who shot her was the owner of the property, who was found critically injured with a stab wound. Emma fue una de las dos personas que recibieron disparos durante una disputa de propiedad. Quien le disparó fue el dueño del inmueble, quien fue encontrado gravemente herido con una puñalada.
40 J. Royos 15 to 18 unemployed 13/11/2022 Bogo, Cebu Philippines brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest unknown A decomposing body of a 15 year old tomboy was found in Brgy. Gairan, Bogo, Cebu, at 4PM on Sunday 13 November 2022. El cuerpo en descomposición de un tomboy de 15 años fue encontrado en Brgy. Gairan, Bogo, Cebú, a las 16 horas, domingo 13 de noviembre de 2022.
41 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 15/11/2022 Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco Mexico own residence beating The victim had multiple injuries on the body. She was found in her own room, on her own bed. La víctima tenía múltiples lesiones en su cuerpo, estaba en su habitación, sobre su cama.
42 Marta Castaña Torres 61 to 70 sex worker 17/11/2022 Rome, Lazio Italy own residence stabbing Marta, a trans sex worker from Colombia, was one of three women murdered in Rome on the same day by the same killer. Police say she was stabbed with a stiletto heel, then shot several times in the chest. Marta, una trabajadora sexual trans de Colombia, fue una de las tres mujeres asesinadas en Roma el mismo día por el mismo asesino. La policía dice que fue apuñalada con un tacón de aguja y luego recibió varios disparos en el pecho.
43 Bruninha da Silva 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 18/11/2022 Belo Jardim, Pernambuco Brazil street stoning Bruninha, a trans woman, was stoned to death. She had many wounds and her face was disfigured. Bruninha, una mujer trans, fue asesinada a pedradas. Tenía muchas heridas y su rostro quedó desfigurado.
44 Daniel Davis Aston 26 to 30 waitress / waiter / bartender 19/11/2022 Colorado Springs, Colorado United States bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Daniel, a 28-year-old transgender man, was one of five people shot and killed (19 others being injured) in the Club Q mass shooting. Daniel, un hombre transgénero de 28 años, fue una de las cinco personas asesinadas a tiros (otras 19 resultaron heridas) en el tiroteo masivo del Club Q.
45 Kelly Loving 31 to 40 waitress / waiter / bartender 19/11/2022 Colorado Springs, Colorado United States bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Kelly, a 40-year-old transgender woman, was one of five people shot and killed (19 others being injured) in the Club Q mass shooting. Kelly, una mujer transgénero de 40 años, fue una de las cinco personas asesinadas a tiros (otras 19 resultaron heridas) en el tiroteo masivo del Club Q.
46 Rihanna Rodrigues Dos Santos 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 20/11/2022 Campo Grande, Matto Grosso Do Sul Brazil own residence beating Rihanna was beaten to death by her boyfriend. Rihanna fue asesinada a golpes por su novio.
47 Brenda 26 to 30 sex worker 22/11/2022 San Martín, Buenos Aires Argentina street burning / arson In a brutal attack on trans sex worker in St. Martin, 70% of Brenda’s body was burned. En brutal ataque a trabajadora sexual trans en San Martín, Brenda tiene el 70% del cuerpo quemado.
48 O. E. B. Pineda 19 to 25 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 23/11/2022 Valencia, Carabobo Venezuela street shooting The CICPC is investigating the murder of a 24-year-old transgender woman, who was shot in the chest. El CICPC investiga el asesinato de una mujer trans de 24 años, quien fue ultimado de un tiro en el pecho.
49 Diamond Jackson-McDonald 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 24/11/2022 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States relative’s / friend’s / client’s residence shooting On the morning of November 24th, Diamond was shot and killed in her mother’s apartment in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia. En la mañana del 24 de noviembre, Diamond fue asesinada a tiros en el apartamento de su madre en el barrio de Germantown de Filadelfia.
50 Olvin Osório Doroteo unknown employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 24/11/2022 Oluta, Veracruz Mexico own residence torture After Olvin disappeared, his body was found in her home with signs of violence and torture. Despues de la desaparición de Olvin, su cuerpo fue localizado en su vivienda con signos de violencia y tortura.
51 Ángela María Bernal Ospina 31 to 40 seller / merchant 25/11/2022 Mariquita, Tolima Colombia street shooting A bloody event left consternation among several inhabitants of Mariquita, Tolima, where a trans woman, identified as Ángela María Bernal Ospina, was murdered, after being shot with a shotgun. Un hecho de sangre dejó consternación en varios habitantes de Mariquita, Tolima, donde una mujer trans, identificada como Ángela María Bernal Ospina fue asesinada, tras recibir un disparo de escopeta.
52 Ana Paula Dos Santos 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 27/11/2022 Jaciara, Mato Grosso Brazil own residence stabbing Ana Paula dos Santos, 32, was stabbed to death in her residence. The body was found in the backyard of the home. Her head was crushed after being hit by a piece of concrete. Ana Paula dos Santos, de 32 años, fue asesinada a puñaladas en su residencia. El cuerpo fue encontrado en el patio trasero de la casa. Su cabeza quedó aplastada tras ser golpeada por un trozo de hormigón.
53 Adriana Santos unknown unknown / not applicable 28/11/2022 Messias, Alagoas Brazil own residence burning / arson The Military Police of Alagoas was called to act on the case of two corpses, burned in a house in the Fazenda Prazeres, in the rural area of the municipality of Messias. The victims were Adriana and her companion, found near the bed burned by the fire. La Policía Militar de Alagoas fue llamada para actuar sobre el caso de dos cadáveres, calcinados en una casa de la Fazenda Prazeres, en la zona rural del municipio de Messias. Las víctimas fueron Adriana y su acompañante, encontrados cerca de la cama quemada por el fuego.
54 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 29/11/2022 Zapopan, Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge shooting The lifeless body of a trans woman was found in the Hogares de Nuevo México neighborhood in a sewage canal in Zapopan, Jalisco. Encontraron el cuerpo sin vida de una mujer trans en la colonia Hogares de Nuevo México en un canal de aguas negras en Zapopan, Jalisco.
55 Gabriela 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 12/4/2022 Bogotá, Distrito Capital Colombia own residence stabbing A transgender woman, known as Gabriela, was cruelly murdered by someone who once claimed to love her. Una mujer transexual, conocida como Gabriela, fue cruelmente asesinada por alguien que alguna vez dijo amarla.
56 Jossi Córdova Macas 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 12/4/2022 Arenillas, El Oro Ecuador own residence shooting In Arenillas, hooded men murdered Jossi. They entered her home and shot her twice, in the head and neck. Con tiros en la cabeza y cuello asesinan a mujer trans en vivienda de Arenillas. Sujetos encapuchados asesinaron a Jossi, entraron en su casa y le dispararon en dos ocasiones.
57 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 12/8/2022 Ciudad de México Mexico beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge beating After an argument, he assaulted the victim with an object. Agredió a la víctima con un objeto, luego de discutir.
58 Destiny Howard 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 12/9/2022 Macon, Georgia United States park / public square / space / market / gas station shooting Destiny Howard, a 23-year-old Black transgender woman was found fatally shot in Macon, Georgia. Her body was found in a parking lot. Destiny Howard, una mujer transgénero negra de 23 años, fue encontrada muerta a tiros en Macon, Georgia. Su cuerpo fue encontrado en un estacionamiento.
59 Jaqueline Fyoruti 41 to 50 sex worker 12/9/2022 Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso Do Sul Brazil street stabbing Jaqueline was murdered with machete blows and signs of cruelty on the night of Friday (9), in the neighborhood of Interlagos, in Três Lagoas. Jaqueline fue asesinado con golpes de machete y con refinamientos de crueldad en la noche del viernes (9), en el barrio de Interlagos, en Três Lagoas.
60 Claudia Díaz Pérez 71 to 80 activist / movement leader 12/12/2022 Cartagena, San Antonio Chile unknown asphyxiation / smoke inhalation / suffocation Asphyxia and head trauma: Cause of death of well-known trans activist confirmed in Cartagena. Asfixia y traumatismo craneoencefálico: Se confirma motivo de muerte de conocida activista trans en Cartagena.
61 Endriely Prestes Aguiar 26 to 30 sex worker 12/12/2022 Canaã Dos Carajás, Pará Brazil street shooting Endriely was killed with a shot to the eye in the interior of Pará. Endriely era asesinada con un disparo en el ojo en el interior de Pará.
62 Mar’Quis ‘MJ’ Jackson 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 14/12/2022 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States relative’s / friend’s / client’s residence beating Mar’Quis ‘MJ’ Jackson, a Black transgender man, was killed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on his 33rd birthday. MJ’s body was found in a backyard about two days after he died from blunt force trauma. Mar’Quis ‘MJ’ Jackson, un hombre transgénero negro, fue asesinado en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, el día de su cumpleaños número 33. El cuerpo de MJ fue encontrado en un patio trasero unos dos días después de que muriera por un traumatismo contundente.
63 Ximena Madrid Flores 26 to 30 artist / performer 14/12/2022 Teotihuacán Mexico park / public square / space / market / gas station beating On December 14, Ximena Madrid Flores, a 28-year-old trans woman, who had been missing for two days, was found dead in Teotihuacan. Her body showed signs of violence. El 14 de diciembre Ximena Madrid Flores, mujer trans de 28 años, que buscaban hacía dos días, apareció muerta. Su cuerpo presentaba signos de violencia.
64 W. de Oliveira Rodrigues 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 15/12/2022 Campo Grande, Matto Grosso Do Sul Brazil street stabbing W, a trans woman, died hours after being stabbed. Her partner is suspected. W., una mujer trans, murió horas después de ser apuñalada y compañero es sospechoso.
65 Ariana Díaz Chávez 41 to 50 sex worker 16/12/2022 La Plata, Buenos Aires Argentina own residence strangulation / hanging Ariana, a trans woman, was found dead in La Plata; bloodied and suffocated with a belt around her neck. She was killed in her own home. Ensangrentada y con un cinturón en el cuello: encontraron muerta a una mujer trans, Ariana, en La Plata. Fue asesinada en su casa.
66 N. N. 19 to 25 sex worker 16/12/2022 Tijuana, Baja California Mexico street shooting The 24-year-old victim, who was shot in the head and abdomen, was left lying in the street. La víctima de 24 años de edad, quien recibió disparos en la cabeza y el abdomen, quedó tendida sobre la calle.
67 Caelee Love-Light 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 17/12/2022 Phoenix, Arizona United States car / van / taxi / transport vehicle shooting Caelee was found dead in a car after an altercation with a male occupant. Caelee fue encontrada muerta en un automóvil después de un altercado con un ocupante masculino.
68 Lully Pimentel 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 17/12/2022 Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco Brazil street shooting Lully, a trans woman, was shot dead on a street in Vitória de Santo Antão, in the Zona de la Mata in Pernambuco. Lully, una mujer trans, fue asesinada a tiros en una calle de Vitória de Santo Antão, en la Zona de la Mata de Pernambuco.
69 Kamilla Nogueira / Camila De Souza 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 18/12/2022 Sarandi, Paraná Brazil own residence beating According to the police report, she and her brother got into an argument. During the fight, the man punched Camila in the head. Según el informe policial, ella y su hermano tuvieron una discusión. Durante la pelea, el chico golpeó a Camila en la cabeza.
70 Jady 26 to 30 sex worker 19/12/2022 Guarapuava, Paraná Brazil street beating Jady, a 27 year old travesti, died after being physically assaulted in Guarapuava. Jady, un travestí de 27 años, murió después de ser agredido físicamente en Guarapuava.
71 Aaiyza unknown unknown / not applicable 12/23/2022 Bahawalpur, Punjab Pakistan other shooting Aaiyza was shot in the Ahmadpuri Gate area of Bahawalpur. A suspect has been arrested. Aaiyza recibió un disparo en la zona de la Puerta Ahmadpuri de Bahawalpur. Un sospechoso ha sido arrestado.
72 Sheyla unknown unknown / not applicable 23/12/2022 Tehuantepec, Oaxaca Mexico highway / beltway / roadway beating Sheyla was found on a dirt road. Sheyla fue encontrado en un camino de terracería.
73 N. N. 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 12/24/2022 Bilbao, Biscay Spain beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge asphyxiation / smoke inhalation / suffocation The body found in the estuary next to the Bilbao Hanging Bridge linking Portugalete and Getxo last Saturday was that of an unnamed 40-year old white trans woman. She had two weightlifting weights tied to her waist and the autopsy determined that she had died of asphyxiation before being thrown into the estuary. El cadáver hallado en la ría junto al Puente Colgante de Bilbao que une Portugalete y Getxo el pasado sábado era el de una mujer trans blanca de 40 años, cuyo nombre no ha sido revelado. Tenía dos pesas de levantamiento de pesas atadas a su cintura y la autopsia determinó que había muerto asfixiada antes de ser arrojada al estuario.
74 Patricia Ramírez 41 to 50 activist / movement leader 24/12/2022 Corrientes Argentina street vehicle run-over Patricia Ramírez, the trans woman who was found unconscious with several injuries in the B°17 de Agosto on Saturday, after having been missing for several hours, died. She was hit by a car. En la últimas horas murió Patricia Ramírez, la mujer trans que apareció inconsciente con varias lesiones en le B°17 de Agosto el sábado, tras haber estado varias horas desaparecida. Fue atropellada por un auto.
75 Brauny Alcántara 26 to 30 sex worker 27/12/2022 Santiago Dominican Republic relative’s / friend’s / client’s residence beating Brauny was killed by blows to the head in the middle of a heated argument and thrown into a cistern where she drowned. Brauny fue asesinada por golpes contundentes en la cabeza en medio de una acalorada discusión y arrojada a una cisterna donde se ahogó.
76 Kauany Bacelar 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 28/12/2022 Salvador, Bahia Brazil street shooting Kauany, a young trans woman was executed in Salvador. Kauany, una joven trans, fue ejecutada en Salvador.
77 Elaine Englis 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 12/31/2022 Cebu City Philippines unknown stabbing Elaine was stabbed to death by her partner after trying to end the relationship. Her mother also sutained injuries after trying to intervene. Elaine was declared dead on arrival at the hospital. Elaine fue asesinada a puñaladas por su pareja después de intentar terminar la relación. Su madre también sufrió lesiones después de intentar intervenir. Elaine fue declarada muerta al llegar al hospital.
78 Liza Kistauri 26 to 30 artist / performer 1/2/2023 Antwerp Belgium other unknown Liza was found dead in an apartment in Antwerp. Her death is believed to have been a result of a homicide. Liza fue encontrada muerta en un apartamento en Amberes. Se cree que su muerte fue el resultado de un homicidio.
79 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 1/3/2023 Bundibugyo Uganda prison / police station / military camp / courthouse beating The victim died from traumatic brain injury related complications several days after being being released from jail. She had been beaten and detained by police during a raid on a house on 14th December. La víctima murió por complicaciones relacionadas con un traumatismo craneoencefálico varios días después de ser liberada de la cárcel. Había sido golpeada y detenida por la policía durante una redada en una casa el 14 de diciembre.
80 Ecem Seçkin 19 to 25 sex worker 1/4/2023 İzmir Turkey own residence stabbing Ecem was stabbed in the throat and severely tortured by a male perpetrator. Her friends found Ecem lying in the hallway of her house with deep and long knife marks all over her body. Ecem fue apuñalada en la garganta y severamente torturada por un perpetrador masculino. Sus amigos encontraron a Ecem tirada en el pasillo de su casa con profundas y largas marcas de cuchillos por todo el cuerpo.
81 N. N. 19 to 25 sex worker 1/4/2023 Ubá, Minas Gerais Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest shooting Two people, aged 28 and 29, were arrested on suspicion of killing and hiding the body of another trans woman, aged 25, in Ubá, in Zona da Mata. The victim had been missing since Jan. 4. Dos personas, de 28 y 29 años, fueron arrestadas sospechosas de matar y esconder el cuerpo de otra mujer trans, de 25 años, en Ubá, en la Zona da Mata. La víctima estaba desaparecida desde el 4 de enero.
82 N. N. 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 1/4/2023 Santo André, São Paulo Brazil highway / beltway / roadway strangulation / hanging The Civil Police of Santo André is investigating a case where a person was found dead on Estrada do Montanhão, in the Parque do Pedroso neighborhood, in Santo André. La Policía Civil de Santo André investiga un caso donde una persona encontrada muerta, en la Estrada do Montanhão, en el barrio Parque do Pedroso, en Santo André.
83 Tailla Ariany Santos 31 to 40 sex worker 1/4/2023 Rio de Janeiro Brazil own residence decapitation / dismemberment Tailla Santos was a 31-year-old trans woman, who worked as sex worker and offered services through a website. Her body was found dismembered in the suspect’s house in Vigário General. Tailla Santos era una mujer trans de 31 años, que trabaja como prostituta y ofrece servicio a través de un sitio web. Su cuerpo fue encontrado descuartizado en la casa del sospechoso, en Vigário General.
84 T. L. de Sousa 19 to 25 other 1/6/2023 João Pessoa, Paraíba Brazil other shooting T., a trans woman, was shot dead in Mandacaru car wash, in João Pessoa. T., un mujer trans, fue asesinada a tiros en lava jet de Mandacaru, en João Pessoa.
85 Jasmine “Star” Mack 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 1/7/2023 Washington, D.C. United States street stabbing Jasmine, a 36-year-old Black transgender woman, was killed in Washington, DC. She was found dead from a stab wound to the thigh by police conducting a wellness check. Jasmine, una mujer transgénero negra de 36 años, fue asesinada en Washington, DC. Fue encontrada muerta por una puñalada en el muslo por la policía que realizaba un control de bienestar.
86 K. B. Misador 19 to 25 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 1/8/2023 Ballesteros, Cagayan Philippines hotel / motel / drive-in stabbing K. was stabbed to death by 3 minors in Ballesteros, Cagayan on Sunday, January 8. K. ha sido apuñalado hasta la muerte por 3 menores en Ballesteros, Cagayán, el domingo 8 de enero.
87 Rayca Pereira De Jesus / Rayka Pereira 19 to 25 sex worker 1/8/2023 Barreiras, Bahia Brazil street shooting Rayca, a trans woman, was shot in the face by two individuals on a motorbike. Rayca, una mujer trans, fue asesinada con un disparo en la cara por dos individuos en una moto.
88 Samantha Fuentes unknown unknown / not applicable 1/8/2023 Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango Guatemala own residence beating According to local news, Samantha was found dead and with signs of violence. De acuerdo a noticieros de la localidad, Samantha fue encontrada sin vida y con señales de violencia.
89 Tiana Pereira de Souza unknown seller / merchant 1/8/2023 Colinas, Maranhão Brazil own residence beating Tiana was found dead inside her own home. Tiana fue encontrada muerta dentro de su propia casa.
90 Victor 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 1/9/2023 Guaiúba Brazil own residence shooting Two men shot dead inside residence in Guaúba. Dos hombres son ejecutados a tiros dentro de residencia en Guaúba.
91 Minal 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 1/10/2023 New Delhi India own residence stabbing Minal was killed by her ex partner after she was accused of blackmailing him Minal fue asesinada por su ex pareja después de que ella fuera acusada de chantajearlo.
92 Fran Jungers Neto 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 1/13/2023 Londrina, Paraná Brazil own residence stabbing Fran was stabbed in her home on Maria Sinopoli Francovig Street on 10 January and died from wounds three days later at the HU (University Hospital) in Londrina. Fran fue apuñalada en su casa, en la calle Maria Sinopoli Francovig, el 10 de enero y murió en consecuencia de la herida tres días después, en el HU (Hospital Universitario) de Londrina.
93 KC Johnson 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 1/13/2023 Wilmington, North Carolina United States beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge beating KC, a 27-year-old white transgender woman, was found dead in the Savannah River. She had been reported missing by her partner after she did not return from going out on a date. KC, una mujer transgénero blanca de 27 años, fue encontrada muerta en el río Savannah. Había sido reportada como desaparecida por su pareja después de que no regresara de una cita.
94 Sofía Agustina Bravo 26 to 30 sex worker 1/14/2023 La Carlota, Córdoba Argentina sex work venue or near beating Sofía, a young trans woman, was murdered during the early hours of January 6. Sofía, una joven trans, fue asesinada durante la madrugada del 6 de enero.
95 Pinki unknown artist / performer 1/15/2023 New Delhi India street stabbing Pinki was murdered by three men who were offered money to kill her, the money was offered by a person known to Pinki. This person was working in the same area (as a wedding dancer) as Pinki. Pinki fue asesinada por tres hombres a quienes se les ofreció dinero para matarla, el dinero fue ofrecido por una persona conocida de Pinki. Esta persona trabajaba en la misma área (como bailarina de bodas) que Pinki.
96 Stheffany Ashley da Silva (“Eyshila”) Neves 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 1/16/2023 Pontes e Lacerda, Mato Grosso Brazil beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge shooting Stheffany was found dead. Two people were arrested. Stheffany fue encontrada muerta. Dos son arrestados.
97 Denisse Cabaly 26 to 30 sex worker 1/18/2023 Veracruz Mexico park / public square / space / market / gas station beating Denisse, a trans woman, was killed in Veracruz. She was beaten to death by two men in the area near a market. There will be more police presence in the area. Denisse, una mujer trans, fue asesinada a golpes por dos hombres en la zona cercana a un mercado en Veracruz. Habría más presencia policial en zona donde mataron.
98 María José Torres Astros 31 to 40 other 1/18/2023 Villavicencio, Meta Colombia own residence stabbing On January 18, 2023, María’s body was found dead inside her home, where she had celebrated her birthday. The 33-year-old businesswoman was found with a stab wound to the chest in her home in the Prados de Mavicure neighborhood of Villavicencio. El 18 de enero de 2023, el cuerpo de María fue localizado al interior de su vivienda. Esta empresaria de 33 años fue encontrada con una puñalada en el pecho en su casa del barrio Prados de Mavicure, en Villavicencio.
99 Tortugita 26 to 30 activist / movement leader 1/18/2023 Atlanta, Georgia United States brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest shooting Tortugita was shot 57 times by police clearing a protest against the construction of the “Cop City” training facility in Atlanta’s South River Forest. Tortugita recibió 57 disparos de la policía que despejaba una protesta contra la construcción del centro de entrenamiento “Cop City” en South River Forest de Atlanta.
100 Dani Millán unknown other 1/19/2023 Ciudad de México Mexico street beating Dani disappeared after going out to have fun on January 19th. On the 20th, her body was found with signs of blows. She was murdered, found with several bruises and a heavy blow to the head, at the time of her being found she was bleeding to death. Dani salio a divertirse el 19 de enero y desaparecio, el 20 se localizo su cuerpo con señales de golpes. Fue asesinada, encontrada con varios hematomas y un fuerte golpe en la cabeza, en el momento de su descubrimiento ella estaba sangrando hasta la muerte.
101 La Gata 61 to 70 unknown / not applicable 1/19/2023 Medellín, Antioquia Colombia own residence stabbing The 68-year-old trans woman, known as ‘La Gata’, was killed inside her home in the capital of Antioquia. Her body was found inside her home, with multiple stab wounds. A la mujer trans, de 68 años y conocida como ‘la Gata’, la mataron dentro de su casa en la capital de Antioquia. Su cuerpo se localizó al interior de su vivienda con múltiples heridas de arma punzocortante.
102 Erika Quintana Ávalos 19 to 25 sex worker 1/20/2023 Trujillo, La Libertad Peru street burning / arson The victim, Erika, was murdered and then her body was burned inside a car. Police are looking for three people suspected of homicide. Víctima Erika fue asesinada y, luego, la quemaron al interior de un auto. La Policía busca a tres personas sospechosas en homicidio.
103 Paris Beristain Vergara Valério 31 to 40 owner of beauty shop / hair salon / bar / shop 1/20/2023 Acayucan, Veracruz Mexico bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Paris Beristain Vergara Valerio, 32, was killed while tending to her business, the bar “El París”, located on the outskirts of the city of Acayucan, south of Veracruz. She was shot by two people on a motorbike. Paris Beristain Vergara Valerio de 32 años fue asesinada mientras atendía su negocio, el bar “El Paris”, ubicado en la periferia de la ciudad de Acayucan, al sur de Veracruz. Dos personas a bordo de una moto le dispararon.
104 Maria Jose Rivera Rivera 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 1/21/2023 Houston, Texas United States other shooting Maria Jose Rivera Rivera, a 22-year-old Latina transgender woman originally from El Salvador, was was found fatally shot in Houston, Texas, in an apparent murder-suicide in an apartment complex. María José Rivera Rivera, una mujer transgénero latina de 22 años originaria de El Salvador, fue encontrada muerta a tiros en Houston, Texas, en un aparente asesinato-suicidio en un complejo de apartamentos.
105 N. N. 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 1/22/2023 Karachi, Sindh Pakistan brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest unknown The body of a transgender person was found near Safari Park on Sunday. The victim’s body was found dumped in bushes with their hands tied and a noose around their neck. El cuerpo de una persona transgénero fue encontrado cerca de Safari Park el domingo. El cuerpo de la víctima fue encontrado tirado en unos arbustos con las manos atadas y una soga alrededor del cuello.
106 Unique Banks 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 1/23/2023 Chicago, Illinois United States own residence shooting Unique Banks, a 21-year-old Latina transgender woman who was fatally shot in Chicago, Illinois on January 23, 2023. Unique was killed in a mass shooting that also took the life of her mother. Two other trans women and her mother’s boyfriend were also critically injured in the mass shooting. Unique Banks, una mujer transgénero latina de 21 años que recibió un disparo mortal en Chicago, Illinois, el 23 de enero de 2023. Unique fue asesinada en un tiroteo masivo que también cobró la vida de su madre. Otras dos mujeres trans y el novio de su madre también resultaron gravemente heridos en el tiroteo masivo.
107 Ale Castillo Limache unknown sex worker 1/24/2023 Camaná, Arequipa Peru hotel / motel / drive-in unknown The body of Ale was found inside a hotel room in the city of Camaná, Arequipa. El cuerpo de Ale fue encontrado dentro de un cuarto de hotel en la ciudad de Camaná, Arequipa.
108 Vera Lúcia Lopes Siqueira (“Julia Cristina”) 26 to 30 sex worker 1/25/2023 Norte de Minas, Minas Gerais Brazil street shooting The body of Vera Lucía Lopes Siqueira was found with two gunshot wounds. El cuerpo de Vera Lucía Lopes Siqueira fue encontrado con dos perforaciones de arma de fuego.
109 Franchesca Gomez unknown unknown / not applicable 1/26/2023 Pedro Juan Caballero, Amambay Paraguay prison / police station / military camp / courthouse stabbing Franchesca was a prisoner and was murdered in Pedro Juan Penitentiary. Franchesca era prisionera y fue asesinada en la penitenciaría de Pedro Juan.
110 Rafaela Moraes Izaias 26 to 30 sex worker 1/28/2023 Porto Ferreira, São Paulo Brazil bar / restaurant / nightclub stabbing Rafaela was stabbed to death in Porto Ferreira. Rafaela fue asesinada a puñaladas en Porto Ferreira.
111 Samantha Campana 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 1/29/2023 Maringá, Paraná Brazil street stabbing The Civil Police of Maringá confirmed on the morning of Monday, 30, that they are working on more than one front of investigations that can help understand the crime that resulted in the death of the young trans woman who identified herself as Samantha Campaña, 23. La Policía Civil de Maringá confirmó en la mañana del lunes, 30, que está trabajando en más de un frente de investigaciones que pueden ayudar a entender el crimen que resultó en la muerte de la joven trans que se identificaba como Samantha Campaña, de 23 años.
112 Greyci Kelly 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 1/30/2023 Jales Brazil construction site / empty lot / abandoned building unknown Greyci, a trans woman who had disappeared, was found dead in vacant lot in the interior of SP. Greyci, una mujer trans desaparecida, fue encontrada muerta en terreno baldío en el interior de SP.
113 Paris Alexsandry 31 to 40 seller / merchant 2/2/2023 Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca Mexico own residence shooting Paris Alexsandry, a member of the muxé community, lost her life at the age of 39 after being shot in her house in Juchitán. Tras el asesinato de Paris Alexsandry, integrante de la comunidad muxé de Juchitán, quien perdió la vida a los 39 años tras recibir disparos de arma de fuego en una casa de esta localidad.
114 Nety Cosme 41 to 50 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 2/3/2023 Pancas, Espírito Santo Brazil own residence stabbing The victim known as 41-year-old Nety Cosme was stabbed with a knife in the right chest. A la víctima conocida como Nety Cosme, de 41 años, le dispararon con un cuchillo en el pecho derecho.
115 Zachee Imanitwitaho 26 to 30 other 2/3/2023 Louisville, Kentucky United States workplace / office shooting Zachee, a Black transgender woman, was born and lived in Rwanda before immigrating to the United States. She was shot and killed in the parking lot of her workplace in Louisville, Kentucky. Zachee, una mujer transgénero negra, nació y vivió en Ruanda antes de emigrar a Estados Unidos. Fue asesinada a tiros en el estacionamiento de su lugar de trabajo en Louisville, Kentucky.
116 Z. A. 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 2/5/2023 Rawalpindi, Punjab Pakistan other strangulation / hanging Z. was found dead by police in a room within the Sadiqabad part of the city with a waist band tied around their neck. Police suspect that the victim was murdered and said that they are searching for a unidentified suspect who was last seen with the victim. Z. fue encontrada muerta por la policía en una habitación dentro de la parte de Sadiqabad de la ciudad con una banda atada alrededor de su cuello. La policía sospecha que la víctima fue asesinada y dijo que están buscando a un sospechoso no identificado que fue visto por última vez con la víctima.
117 Sandra 61 to 70 unknown / not applicable 2/7/2023 Barcelona, Catalonia Spain own residence stabbing Sandra died after being stabbed in the neck by her abusive partner at their home in the Sant Martí area of Barcelona. Police arrested him at the scene. Sandra murió tras ser apuñalada en el cuello por su pareja maltratadora en su casa de la zona de Sant Martí de Barcelona. La policía lo arrestó en el lugar.
118 Lelê 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 2/8/2023 Fortaleza, Ceará Brazil beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge other The body of 19-year-old “Lelê” was found on the morning of Wednesday, 8, in the Cocó River. Cuerpo de Lelê, de 19 años, fue encontrado en la mañana del miércoles, 8, en el río Cocó.
119 N. N. 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 2/8/2023 Chiclayo, Lambayeque Peru construction site / empty lot / abandoned building shooting A transgender woman was found dead behind Jardines de La Paz cemetery. Un mujer transgénero es hallada sin vida detrás de cementerio Jardines de La Paz.
120 Aithana Camila Azul Vargas Caicedo 19 to 25 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 2/10/2023 Babahoyo, Los Rios Ecuador street shooting Camila Vargas, known as “Pepa” and queen of the LGBTI community, was killed by hitmen for no apparent reason while she was waiting for friends. Camila Vargas, conocida como «Pepa» y reina de la comunidad LGBTI, fue asesinada por sicarios sin motivo aparente mientras esperaba a unas amigas.
121 Aylla Sofia unknown unknown / not applicable 2/11/2023 Belém, Pará Brazil street stabbing A man stabbed to death a travesti, identified as Aylla Sofia, in the district of Icoaraci, in Belém. Un hombre asesinó a puñaladas a un travestí, identificado como Aylla Sofía, en el distrito de Icoaraci, en Belém.
122 Brianna Ghey 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 2/11/2023 Warrington, Cheshire United Kingdom park / public square / space / market / gas station stabbing Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old trans girl from Birchwood, was fatally stabbed in Culcheth Linear Park in Warrington. Two 15-year-old teenagers have been arrested and charged with murder. Brianna Ghey, una chica trans de 16 años de Birchwood, fue apuñalada fatalmente en el Parque Lineal Culcheth en Warrington. Dos adolescentes de 15 años han sido arrestados y acusados de asesinato.
123 La Pájara 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 2/11/2023 Barranquilla, Atlántico Colombia street shooting The victim in question, La Pájara, was shot several times. La víctima del caso, La Pájara, recibió varios impactos de bala.
124 Luara De Souza Machado 26 to 30 sex worker 2/11/2023 Fortaleza, Ceará Brazil construction site / empty lot / abandoned building stabbing Luara, a 27-year-old travesti, was murdered with a knife. Luara, una travestí de 27 años, fue asesinada a golpes de cuchillo.
125 Michelle Jesús P. C. “Jaki” 31 to 40 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 2/12/2023 Mérida, Yucatán Mexico own residence stabbing Jaki was found dead inside her home by her sister. Jaki fue hallada muerta en el interior de su domicilio por su hermana.
126 Mishi unknown artist / performer 2/12/2023 Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan car / van / taxi / transport vehicle shooting Three transgender people including Mishi were coming back to their house after performing at a wedding party on Saturday night when their vehicle came under heavy fire. Mishi was killed while the other two sustained injuries and were taken to hospital. Tres personas transgénero, incluida Mishi, regresaban a su casa después de actuar en una fiesta de bodas el sábado por la noche cuando su vehículo fue atacado con armas de fuego. Mishi murió, mientras que las otras dos personas sufrieron heridas y fueron trasladados al hospital.
127 Priscila Aguado Hutaco 26 to 30 sex worker 2/12/2023 Chorrillos/San Juan de Miraflores, Lima Peru street shooting Priscila Aguado, a trans woman in her 30s, was murdered by a gang of sex worker extortionists. She was shot 6 times. Priscila Aguado, mujer trans de aproximadamente 30 años, fue asesinada por una banda de extorcionadores de trabajadoras sexuales. Recibio 6 disparos que le quitaron la vida.
128 Sofia Gonçalves De Oliveira 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 2/12/2023 Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais Brazil bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting According to the report, when military personnel found Sofia fallen on the sidewalk, she was already unconscious. She was shot in the face, arm and chest. Según el reporte, los militares ya encontraron a Sofía caída en la acera y inconsciente. Le dispararon en la cara, el brazo y el pecho.
129 Ruby Ferrer 31 to 40 or 26 to 30 sex worker 2/13/2023 Carabayllo, Lima Peru street shooting Prostitution mafias’ kidnapped and shot Ruby for refusing to leave the streets of downtown Lima. ‘Mafias del sexo’ secuestraron y mataron a tiros a Ruby por negarse a dejar calle del Centro de Lima.
130 Rayane Cássia Bittencourt Nogueira 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 2/15/2023 Porto Real, Rio de Janeiro Brazil own residence beating Transgender woman Rayane Cassia Bittencourt Nogueira, 23, was found dead Wednesday afternoon. La transexual Rayane Cassia Bittencourt Nogueira, de 23 años, fue encontrada muerta el miércoles por la tarde.
131 Camila Sánchez 19 to 25 sex worker 2/16/2023 Lambayeque Peru park / public square / space / market / gas station torture Camila was a sex worker. The mafia committed these murders to force cis and trans sex workers to pay them fees. Camila era trabajadora sexual. La mafia cometio estos asesinatos para obligar a las trabajadoras sexuales cis y trans a pagarles cuotas.
132 N. N. 19 to 25 unemployed 2/16/2023 Lambayeque Peru brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest beating They found the victim’s body with signs of violence and resistance, so it is being investigated as a homicide. Encontraron el cuerpo de la víctima presenta indicios de golpes y resistencia por lo que se investiga como homicidio.
133 Cataleya unknown sex worker 2/17/2023 Amazonas Peru unknown unknown Cataleya was a sex worker. The mafia committed these murders to force cis and trans sex workers to pay them fees. Cataleya era trabajadora sexual. La mafia cometio estos asesinatos para obligar a las trabajadoras sexuales cis y trans a pagarles cuotas.
134 Andrea Lopez 51 to 60 sex worker 2/18/2023 La Rioja Argentina street vehicle run-over Andrea Lopez was hit by a car, the driver is in custody. Andrea Lopez fue atropellada por un auto, el conductor esta detenido.
135 Mirela 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 2/18/2023 Fortaleza, Ceará Brazil own residence stoning Mirela, a 27-year-old travesti, was stoned and beaten to death. She was beaten with a sharp object on Saturday night. Mirela, un travestí de 27 años fue asesinado a golpes, pedradas y golpes derivados de un objeto punzante la noche del sábado.
136 Katia 41 to 50 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 2/19/2023 Soledad, Atlántico Colombia street shooting On Saturday, February 18, Katia, a 47-year-old trans woman, was murdered. El sábado 18 de febrero, Katia, mujer trans de 47 años, fue asesinada.
137 Mahnoor unknown artist / performer 2/19/2023 Mingora, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan car / van / taxi / transport vehicle shooting Mahnoor and her friend were returning from a party where they performed to earn a living, when they were fired upon while in their car. Mahnoor y su amiga regresaban de una fiesta en la que actuaban para ganarse la vida, cuando les dispararon mientras estaban en su coche.
138 N. N. 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 2/19/2023 Gazipur, Gazipur Bangladesh brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest stabbing Police recovered the body of a deceased transgender woman, who was stabbed to death in Gazipur by unidentified miscreants. La policía recuperó el cuerpo de la mujer transgénero fallecida que fue apuñalada hasta la muerte en Gazipur por malhechores no identificados.
139 Sabrina Medeiros 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 2/19/2023 Maria Helena, Paraná Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest beating Travesti Sabrina Medeiros, as she was known, was found without clothes and covered by branches and bushes. La travestí Sabrina Medeiros, como era conocida, fue encontrada sin ropa y cubierta por ramas y matorrales.
140 Shakira 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 2/20/2023 Campina Grande, Paraíba Brazil highway / beltway / roadway shooting On the morning of Monday (20), a travesti was shot dead at the Central Fair of Campina Grande. According to the Civil Police, the victim was identified as Shakira. En la mañana del lunes (20), un travestí fue muerto a tiros en la Feria Central de Campina Grande. Según la Policía Civil, la víctima fue identificada como Shakira.
141 Sana 26 to 30 sex worker 2/23/2023 Chennai, Tamil Nadu India construction site / empty lot / abandoned building throat cut Sana was allegedly murdered and her body found in an abandoned plot behind a petrol bunk. Police say her throat was slit. Sana presuntamente fue asesinada y su cuerpo encontrado en una parcela abandonada detrás de una gasolinera. La policía dice que le cortaron la garganta.
142 Cashay Henderson 31 to 40 activist / movement leader 2/25/2023 Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States own residence shooting Cashay Henderson, a 31-year old Black transgender woman, was shot in Milwaukee on February 26, 2023. Firefighters discovered Cashay when they were responding to a fire that had been set in her apartment unit. Cashay Henderson, una mujer transgénero negra de 31 años, recibió un disparo en Milwaukee el 26 de febrero de 2023. Los bomberos descubrieron a Cashay cuando respondían a un incendio que se había provocado en su apartamento.
143 Shaina Vanessa Pretel Gómez 26 to 30 sex worker 2/26/2023 Cali, Valle Del Cauca Colombia street shooting Shaina Vanessa Pretel was murdered in the early hours of the morning, in a sex work area. He was shot several times. Shaina Vanessa Pretel murió por los impactos que un pistolero le propinó en una zona de trabajo sexual.
144 Thalyta Gabriely Alves Sousa 26 to 30 waitress / waiter / bartender 2/27/2023 Anapú, Pará Brazil beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge unknown Thalyta, a trans woman, was found dead in Anapu River. Thalyta, una mujer trans, fue encontrada muerta en río de Anapu.
145 Lorena Fox 26 to 30 sex worker 3/1/2023 Luis Eduardo Magalhães, Bahia Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest other Body of trans woman who disappeared is found in the jungle in western BA; The victim was identified by clothing. Cuerpo de mujer trans que desapareció se encuentra en la selva en el oeste de BA; la víctima fue identificada por la ropa.
146 Violeta Navarrete 31 to 40 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 3/1/2023 Ahome, Sinaloa / San Miguel Zapotitlan Mexico own residence beating Violeta Navarrete was murdered in her own home by blows to the head; a few days earlier, she was crowned Queen of Diversity at a carnival. Violeta Navarrete fue asesinada en su propia casa; unos días antes, fue coronada como Reina de la Diversidad en un carnaval.
147 Lichi 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 3/3/2023 New Delhi India own residence asphyxiation / smoke inhalation / suffocation Lichi was found dead in the storage compartment of her bed, she had been missing for a few days. The police found her body after forcing entry into her residence. There were no visible injuries, it appeared she had been smothered. Lichi fue encontrada muerta en el compartimiento de almacenamiento de su cama, había estado desaparecida durante unos días. La policía encontró su cuerpo después de forzar la entrada a su residencia. No había lesiones visibles, parecía que había sido asfixiada.
148 Paris Marchant Dioses 31 to 40 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 3/3/2023 Machala, El Oro Ecuador brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest shooting At 4:15 a.m. on Friday, Paris Marchant Dioses, a 35-year-old trans woman, was found in the bushes at the La María farm, which is on the Pajonal road, in Machala. Paris was murdered for opposing extortions. A las 04h15 del viernes se encontró entre los matorrales por la hacienda La María, que está en la vía Pajonal, en Machala, a Paris Marchant Dioses, mujer trans de 35 años de edad.
149 W. P. da Silva Souza 19 to 25 sex worker 3/3/2023 Porto Velho, Rondônia Brazil bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting W., a travesti, was shot dead next to nightclub in Porto Velho. W., una travestí fue asesinada con varios disparos al lado de club nocturno en Porto Velho.
150 Juana Mena Hernández 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/7/2023 Misaya Nicaragua own residence beating Juana died from blows inflicted by her partner. Juana murió a causa de los golpes que le propino su pareja.
151 Negão 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 3/7/2023 Petrolina, Pernambuco Brazil street shooting Three people were killed early in the early hours of Tuesday (7) in the Nova Vida 1 residential complex, in the João de Deus neighborhood, in Petrolina, Sertão de Pernambuco. The victims are Negão, a 23-year-old trans woman, a 19-year-old woman and a 1-year-old boy. Tres personas fueron asesinadas temprano en la madrugada del martes (7) en el residencial Nova Vida 1, en el barrio de João de Deus, en Petrolina, Sertão de Pernambuco. Las víctimas son Negão, una mujer trans de 23 años, una mujer de 19 y un niño de 1 año.
152 Amanda Rodrigues Ribeiro 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/9/2023 São João Da Barra, Rio de Janeiro Brazil other beating A trans woman was beaten to death around 3 a.m. on Friday, 10, on Afonso Nunes Avenue, on the other side of the lagoon, in Grussaí, São João da Barra district. Una mujer trans fue asesinada a palos alrededor de las 3 de la madrugada de este viernes, 10, en la avenida Afonso Nunes, al otro lado de la laguna, en Grussaí, distrito de São João da Barra.
153 Jordana unknown sex worker 3/9/2023 Cancun, Quintana Roo Mexico street shooting Jordana, a transgender woman, was chased by a motorcyclist who shot and killed her on Thursday night, while she was walking near the “Toro Valenzuela” Sports Center, in Superblock 69 of this city. There is no indication of motive. Jordana, una mujer transgénero fue asesinada la noche de este jueves, mientras caminaba cerca del Centro Deportivo “Toro Valenzuela”, en la Supermanzana 69 de esta ciudad. Jordana fue perseguida por un motociclista quien le disparó.
154 Caju 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/11/2023 Camocim, Ceará Brazil street stabbing On the night of Saturday the 11th, around 11:50 p.m., the police recorded a knife murder in the city of Camocim. The victim was 36-year-old travesti known as Caju. Al final de la noche del sábado 11, alrededor de las 11:50 p.m., la policía registró un asesinato a cuchillo en la ciudad de Camocim. La víctima fue el travestí Caju, de 36 años.
155 Joyce Kelly 19 to 25 sex worker 3/11/2023 Maceió, Alagoas Brazil construction site / empty lot / abandoned building stabbing Joyce Kelly’s body was found in a vacant lot yesterday morning with signs of beatings. Near the body, police found a stone with blood stains, which could be the weapon used to commit the crime. El cuerpo de Joyce Kelly fue localizado en un terreno baldío ayer por la mañana con señales de golpes. Cerca del cuerpo, los policías encontraron una piedra con manchas de sangre, que podría ser el arma utilizada para cometer el crimen.
156 Jenny unknown unknown / not applicable 3/13/2023 Tamuín, San Luis Potosí Mexico street shooting Jenny was shot to death outside a cantina located in the Las Brisas neighborhood of the municipality of Tamuín. Jenny fue ultimada a balazos afuera de una cantina que se ubica en la colonia Las Brisas del municipio de Tamuín.
157 Renna Rodrigues / Rena de Moura 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/13/2023 Fortaleza, Ceará Brazil beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge stabbing Rena was found with multiple knife wounds. Rena fue encontrada con múltiples heridas de cuchillo.
158 Alondra Chacon Avila 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/16/2023 Toluca, Estado de México Mexico own residence shooting Alondra, a trans woman, was murdered when she was at her home in the community of San Bartolo Atlatelulco, in the southern area of Toluca. Her father came outside when he heard the shots and was wounded. Both were taken to a hospital and Alondra died. There is no indication of the motive for the attack. Alondra, una mujer trans, fue asesinada cuando se encontraba en su domicilio ubicado en la comunidad de San Bartolo Atlatelulco, en la zona sur de Toluca. Al escuchar los disparos su padre salio y fue herido. Ambos fueron trasladados a un hospital y ahí murio alondra. No hay indicios de los motivos de la agresion.
159 Alya 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/16/2023 Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia school / student dormitory beating Alya was beaten and killed by her own boyfriend because of jealousy/infidelity. Alya fue golpeada y asesinada por su propio novio debido a los celos o infidelidad.
160 Joseline unknown unknown / not applicable 3/16/2023 Tecomán, Colima Mexico car / van / taxi / transport vehicle unknown Joseline was killed while riding her motorbike. Joseline fue asesinada mientras viajaba en su moto.
161 Keyly Daniela Macías Cortés 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 3/16/2023 Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador own residence throat cut Keyly was killed after being beaten and apparently having her throat slit. Reportedly she was one of two trans women killed in the city on the same day. The identity of the other victim is not known. Keyly fue asesinada luego de haber recibido golpes y aparentemente haber sido degollada. Según se informa, ella fue una de las dos mujeres trans asesinadas en la ciudad el mismo día. Se desconoce la identidad de la otra víctima.
162 Laila 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 3/16/2023 Jaguarari, Bahia Brazil own residence shooting A 27-year-old trans woman was shot dead inside a house in Jaguarari, in northern Bahia. The victim was known as Laila. Una mujer trans, de 27 años, fue asesinado a tiros dentro de una casa en Jaguarari, en el norte de Bahía. La víctima era conocida como Laila.
163 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 3/16/2023 Tecomán, Colima Mexico unknown unknown The report about Joseline refers to the murder of a second trans woman on this date, but the identity of the other victim is not known. La nota sobre Joseline hace referencia al asesinato de una segunda mujer trans en esta fecha, pero se desconoce la identidad de la otra víctima.
164 Camila La Crespa 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 3/17/2023 Neiva, Huila Colombia street stabbing In the Obrero neighborhood of the capital of Huila, a member of the LGBTIQ+ community was murdered. The victim called herself ‘Camila La Crespa’. She was killed by a minor, who has been fully identified. En el barrio Obrero de la capital del Huila, se presentó el homicidio de un miembro de la comunidad LGBTIQ+, que se hacía llamar como ‘Camila La Crespa’. La víctima fue ultimada por un menor de edad, que está plenamente identificado.
165 Michele Souza 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 3/19/2023 Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco Brazil car / van / taxi / transport vehicle shooting The victim, known as Michele, was riding a Biz motorcycle when she was hit by gunfire. La víctima, conocida como Michele, conducía una motocicleta modelo Biz cuando fue alcanzada por los disparos de arma de fuego.
166 Mala 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 3/20/2023 Riau Indonesia street strangulation / hanging Mala died after being kidnapped by a truck driver. Mala murió tras ser secuestrada por un camionero.
167 Maria Fernanda Hilton 31 to 40 sex worker 3/20/2023 São Paulo Brazil street shooting Maria, a 32-year-old Venezuelan travesti, was killed with at least three shots. Maria, una travestí venezolana de 32 años fue asesinada con al menos tres disparos.
168 N. N. 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 3/20/2023 João Pessoa, Paraíba Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest burning / arson A young trans woman was found dead in João Pessoa. The body was charred and was found in a forest in the Jacarapé neighborhood. Una joven trans fue encontrada muerta en João Pessoa. El cuerpo estaba carbonizado y fue localizado en un bosque en el barrio de Jacarapé.
169 Mateo Briones Alvarado 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 3/21/2023 Daule, Guayas Ecuador own residence shooting Mateo Briones Alvarado, affectionately known as “lobito,” was a trans boy who was murdered by a hitman. Mateo Briones Alvarado conocido cariñosamente como “lobito”, es un chico trans que fue asesinado al estilo sicariato.
170 Luna Ramírez Soto 26 to 30 other 3/24/2023 Bello, Antioquia Colombia street stabbing A trans woman known as Luna, was murdered in the Rosalphy neighborhood of Bello, Antioquia. Stabbed by a stranger, she used to sleep in the gardens, it is believed that was the motive. Una mujer trans, conocida como Luna, fue apuñalada por un desconocido en el barrio Rosalphy de Bello, Antioquia. Ella solía dormir en las jardineras, por lo que se cree este podría ser el motivo del delito.
171 Tasiyah Woodland (“Siyah”) 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 3/24/2023 Mechanicsville, Virginia United States bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Tasiyah Woodland, an 18-year-old Black transgender woman also known as Siyah, was shot and killed outside the Big Dogs Paradise Bar in Mechanicsville. Police arrested and charged a suspect with her murder. Tasiyah Woodland, una mujer transgénero negra de 18 años también conocida como Siyah, fue asesinada a tiros afuera del bar Big Dogs Paradise en Mechanicsville. La policía arrestó y acusó a un sospechoso de su asesinato.
172 Rebeka Vendaval unknown sex worker 3/25/2023 Paraupebas, Pará Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest beating Rebeka, a trans woman, was found dead in between the bushes. Rebeka, una mujer trans, fue encontrada muerta en un matorral.
173 Victoria Pereira 19 to 25 artist / performer 3/25/2023 Rivera Uruguay street stabbing Victoria was assaulted by her companion after an argument. She was stabbed in the Villa Sonia neighborhood. Whether her case was a trans femicide or if the homicide had another motive is under investigation. Tras una discusion Victoria fue agredida por su acompañante. Fue apuñalada en el barrio Villa Sonia. Se investiga si su caso se trató de un transfemicidio o si el homicidio tuvo otro móvil.
174 Kenia 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 3/29/2023 Chocaman Mexico street shooting Kenia was attacked by an unknown man on the street. Kenia fue atacada por desconocidos en la calle.
175 Ketlhyn da Silva Nascimento 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 3/29/2023 São João del Rey, Minas Gerais Brazil own residence shooting Ketlhyn, a 16-year-old trans teenager was found dead. Fue encontrada muerta una adolescente trans, Ketlhyn, de 16 años.
176 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 3/30/2023 Fortaleza, Ceará Brazil beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge shooting A travesti was found dead in a stream in the Ciudad de los Funcionarios, in Fortaleza. Una travestí fue encontrada muerta en arroyo en la Ciudad de los Funcionarios, en Fortaleza.
177 Mónica Jiménez Belmont 41 to 50 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 3/31/2023 Ciudad de México Mexico own residence beating Monica’s body was found with signs of violence in the bathroom of her home. Although the police are talking about suicide. Encontraron el cuerpo de Monica con signos de violencia en el baño de su domicilio. La policia habla de suicidio.
178 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 3/31/2023 Colima Mexico own residence shooting A trans woman was murdered in Colima. The victim was murdered in her home. Asesinan a mujer trans en Colima. La víctima fue asesinada en su domicilio.
179 Karla Santos 41 to 50 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 4/1/2023 Itabuna, Bahia Brazil hospital / clinic burning / arson Karla, a trans woman who had been set on fire, died in Bahia. Muere mujer trans que tuvo cuerpo quemado en Bahía.
180 Brigitte unknown hairdresser / stylist / beautician 4/3/2023 Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador own residence stabbing On the afternoon of Sunday, April 5, 2023, Brigitte was murdered by her former partner, in the south of Guayaquil, Guayas Province. La tarde de domingo 05 de Abril del 2023, Brigitte fue asesinada por su exconviviente extranjero al Sur de Guayaquil, Provincia del Guayas.
181 Cecibel “Ceci” 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 4/7/2023 Los Rios Ecuador own residence stabbing Ceci died after being stabbed twice. Ceci fue asesinada de dos puñaladas.
182 Tania Viviana Sandoval Ramírez 19 to 25 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 4/7/2023 Trujillo, La Libertad Peru own residence stabbing Tania, a trans woman, was attacked with several stab wounds, at her hair salon. Tania, una transexual, fue asesinada a cuchilladas al interior de su estetica.
183 Jordana Cortez 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 4/9/2023 Esmeraldas Ecuador street shooting Jordana was killed by a shot to the head. Jordana fui muerta con disparos en la cabeza.
184 Sofía Inés Fernández 31 to 40 other 4/10/2023 Derqui, Pilar, Buenos Aires Argentina prison / police station / military camp / courthouse asphyxiation / smoke inhalation / suffocation Sofia died in her cell, from asphyxiation. She was detained by the police for three days. During this time, she was not allowed to communicate with her family, the police say she committed suicide. The detention was illegal and protocols were not followed. Sofia muerta en su celda, por asfixia. Fue detenida por la policia durante tres dias. En este lapso no se le permitio comunicación con su familia, la policia señalo que se suicidado. La detencion fue ilegal y se incumplieron protocolos.
185 Ariel Mendoza 41 to 50 seller / merchant 4/11/2023 Managua Nicaragua construction site / empty lot / abandoned building torture Ariel had been reported missing. Eight days later, her body was found in a vacant lot with burns and signs of violence. Ariel fue reportada como desaparecida, a los ocho dias su cuerpo fue localizado en un baldio con quemaduras y signos de violencia.
186 Ashley Burton 31 to 40 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 4/11/2023 Atlanta, Georgia United States own residence shooting Ashley, a 37-year-old Black transgender woman from Atlanta, Georgia, was shot outside her apartment building after running outside crying for help from neighbours. Ashley, una mujer transgénero negra de 37 años de Atlanta, Georgia, recibió un disparo afuera de su edificio de apartamentos después de salir corriendo pidiendo ayuda a los vecinos.
187 Eduarda Emanuelly unknown sex worker 4/11/2023 São Paulo Brazil street stabbing Eduarda was stabbed to death in São Paulo. Eduarda fue asesinada a puñaladas en São Paulo.
188 N. N. 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 4/11/2023 Libertad Uruguay prison / police station / military camp / courthouse burning / arson A trans woman died when her cell in the Libertad Prison caught fire. Murió una mujer trans al incendiarse su celda en el Penal de Libertad.
189 N. N. 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 4/13/2023 Diorama, Goiás Brazil own residence shooting A trans woman was shot dead in Diorama. The victim was eventually rescued, but died in hospital due to the severity of the injuries. Una mujer trans es asesinada a tiros en Diorama. Víctima llegó a ser socorrida, pero murió en el hospital debido a la gravedad de las heridas.
190 Bruna Brasil 31 to 40 sex worker 4/15/2023 Porto Franco, Maranhão Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest beating Bruna, a travesti, was found dead, with signs of violence. Bruna, una travestí, fue encontrada muerta, con señales de violencia, en la mañana.
191 Mimi Pereira da Silva Filho 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 4/18/2023 Santa Cruz Do Rio Pardo, São Paulo Brazil car / van / taxi / transport vehicle shooting Mimi was shot multiple times in her car. A Mimi le dispararon varias veces en su coche.
192 Rasheeda Williams (“Koko Da Doll”) 31 to 40 artist / performer 4/19/2023 Atlanta, Georgia United States unknown shooting Rasheeda Williams, a Black trans woman and performing artist better known by her stage names Koko Da Doll and Hollywood Koko, was shot and killed in Atlanta, GA on Tuesday. She was 35 years old. Rasheeda Williams, una mujer trans negra y artista escénica mejor conocida por sus nombres artísticos Koko Da Doll y Hollywood Koko, fue asesinada a tiros en Atlanta, Georgia, el martes. Tenía 35 años.
193 Tati Guzmán 31 to 40 sex worker 4/21/2023 Cali, Valle Del Cauca Colombia street stabbing On a street on Sixth Avenue in Cali, Tati, a trans woman who for two years had been surviving on the streets and whose goal was to become a stylist was murdered. She died after an altercation with a street vendor. En una calle de la avenida Sexta de Cali cayó y agonizó hasta su muerte una mujer trans, Tati, que desde hace dos años se rebuscaba el sustento en las calles y cuyas meta era convertirse en estilista en Colombia. Murió a causa de una riña con un vendedor ambulante.
194 Lina Franco 31 to 40 / 41 a 50 sex worker 4/22/2023 Mazatlán, Sinaloa Mexico street stabbing Lina died after being attacked with a knife. Lina murió al recibir ataques con un cuchillo.
195 La Divina / La Johan 31 to 40 seller / merchant 4/24/2023 Maracaibo, Zulia Venezuela construction site / empty lot / abandoned building stabbing Divina, a trans woman of the Wayúu ethnic group was found dead on Monday on 102nd Street of the Las Pulgas market, Maracaibo. She had been beaten to death. Divina, una persona trans de la etnia Wayú fue asesinada a golpes, en la calle 102 del populoso mercado Las Pulgas, de Maracaibo.
196 Stephany Villar 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 4/24/2023 Embu Das Artes, São Paulo Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest shooting The body of Stephany Villar, 24, missing since Thursday (20), was found on a dirt road in Embu das Artes, Greater São Paulo. El cuerpo de Stephany Villar, 24 años, desaparecido desde el jueves (20), Fue encontrado en un camino de tierra en Embu das Artes, Gran Sao Paulo.
197 Banko Paso/Banko Brown 19 to 25 activist / movement leader 4/27/2023 San Francisco, California United States other shooting Banko, a 24-year-old Black transgender man who was a young community activist, was shot by a security guard outside of a San Francisco Walgreens on April 27. Banko, un hombre transgénero negro de 24 años que era un joven activista comunitario, fue baleado por un guardia de seguridad afuera de un Walgreens de San Francisco el 27 de abril.
198 LaKendra Andrews 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 4/29/2023 Dallas, Texas United States street shooting LaKendra, a 26-year old Black trans woman, was shot in southeast Dallas, Texas. LaKendra, una mujer trans negra de 26 años, recibió un disparo en el sureste de Dallas, Texas.
199 Kauanne 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 4/30/2023 Novo Horizonte, São Paulo Brazil unknown stabbing The suspect was arrested because he had a relationship with the victim, Kauanne, who would not accept the end of the relationship and threatened him. Neighbors heard screams for help the night before – the suspect was arrested and charged. El sospechoso fue arrestado porque tenía una relación con la víctima, Kauanne, y ella no aceptaba el final de la relación y lo amenazaba. Los vecinos escucharon gritos pidiendo socorro la noche anterior – el sospechoso fue arrestado y acusado.
200 Bebo 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 5/1/2023 Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra India own residence stoning Bebo, 32, was killed by a head injury (tile used to hit her head) from which she bled to death. Bebo, de 32 años, murió por una herida en la cabeza (baldosa utilizada para golpear su cabeza) y murió por desangramiento.
201 Karina Guevara unknown unknown / not applicable 5/1/2023 Omoa, Cortés Honduras street shooting Karina died in a violent incident on the street. Karina murió en un hecho violento en la calle.
202 Jayden Miller 10 to 14 unknown / not applicable 5/5/2023 Edmonton, Alberta Canada school / student dormitory stabbing Jayden and their mum Carolann Robillard, 35, were killed in a random stabbing attack outside a school. Their assailant was shot dead by police. Jayden y su madre Carolann Robillard, de 35 años, fueron asesinados en un ataque de apuñalamiento al azar afuera de una escuela. Su agresor fue abatido a tiros por la policía.
203 L. F. Rodríguez Mier 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 5/5/2023 San Benito Abad, Sucre Colombia other stabbing After struggling for life for six days, L., who had been wounded in the municipality of San Benito Abad, died this Friday. Este viernes falleció L., luego de luchar por su vida durante seis días, quien había resultado herida en el municipio de San Benito Abad.
204 Samantha 19 to 25 sex worker 5/5/2023 Recife, Pernambuco Brazil own residence shooting Samantha was shot dead inside a building. Samantha fue asesinada a tiros dentro de un edificio.
205 Kamrany unknown unknown / not applicable 5/6/2023 Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan unknown shooting Kamrany was shot with seven bullets, she died two months later in July in hospital. Kamrany recibió siete disparos, murió dos meses después, en julio, en el hospital.
206 Maryori Sousa unknown unknown / not applicable 5/8/2023 Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala street shooting Maryori had been fleeing violence in Honduras, and was murdered in Guatemala. The victim was shot and killed. Maryori venia escapando de la violencia en Honduras y fue asesinada en Guatemala. La víctima fue asesinada a tiros.
207 Teffy Balizari unknown unknown / not applicable 5/8/2023 Zacapa Guatemala highway / beltway / roadway torture Teffy Balizari and Brandon Giancarlo Sagastume were murdered on the night of May 8 in Zacapa. Teffy was murdered along with a gay friend, their bodies were found in a reel with signs of torture. Teffy Balizari y Brandon Giancarlo Sagastume fueron asesinados la noche del pasado 8 de mayo en Zacapa. Los cuerpos tenian signos de tortura.
208 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 5/11/2023 Villa Gobernador Gálvez, Santa Fe Argentina street shooting The incident took place when, for reasons that are being investigated, a man whose identity was not provided, allegedly struggled with a police officer who was carrying out additional tasks in the area of Mitre and San Martín Avenue, meters from the municipal amphitheater and the Plaza a la Madre. El hecho se registró cuando por causas que se investigan, un hombre cuya identidad no fue suministrada, habría forcejeado con un policía que cumplía tareas adicionales en la zona de Mitre y avenida San Martín, a metros del anfiteatro municipal y de la Plaza a la Madre.
209 Dania Sharith Polo Solórzano unknown activist / movement leader 5/12/2023 El Carmen de Bolívar Colombia own residence shooting The activist leader Dania Sharith Polo Solórzano passed away. Her death occurred after 12 days in a hospital in Sincelejo, Sucre, after a hitman attacked her in her own home. Dania participated in the process of defending human rights and providing reparations to victims of the Colombian conflict. Days earlier, paramilitary groups distributed leaflets threatening members of the LGBT community. Falleció la lideresa Dania Sharith Polo Solórzano. Su muerte se dio tras 12 días internada en un hospital de Sincelejo, Sucre, luego de que un sicario la atacó en su propia casa. Dania fue atacada por sicarios y despues de 12 dias hospitalizada murio. Participo en proceso de defensoria de derechos humanos y reparacion a víctimas del conflicto colombiano. Dias antes se repartieron panfletos amenazando a integrantes de la comunidad LGBT de la comunidad por parte de grupos paramilitares.
210 Shakira 31 to 40 sex worker 5/12/2023 Tamuín, San Luis Potosí Mexico highway / beltway / roadway shooting Shakira’s lifeless body is reported to have been located on a highway. Her body had multiple gunshot wounds. Se reporta la localización del cuerpo de Shakira, presentaba múltiples impactos de arma de fuego.
211 Sheyla Cabezas Reyes 31 to 40 sex worker 5/13/2023 Esmeraldas Ecuador sex work venue or near shooting Sheyla, 35, from Esmeraldas, Ecuador was attacked and shot by unknown assailants. She had served a prison sentence for which she had only recently acquired her freedom. Sheyla, de 35 años de edad, de Esmeraldas, Ecuador, fue abordado por desconocidos que le dispararon causandole la muerte. Recientemente había cumplido una pena por lo que habría adquirido su libertad.
212 Ome Gandhi 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 5/16/2023 Salt Lake City, Utah United States unknown shooting Ome was murdered by her abusive father. Ome fue asesinada por su padre abusivo.
213 Natasha unknown unknown / not applicable 5/17/2023 Colima Mexico other shooting Natasha was missing, she was found dead. Natasha se encontraba desaparecida, se localizo sin vida.
214 Yanina Martínez unknown sex worker 5/17/2023 Cozumel, Quintana Roo Mexico own residence shooting Yanina was killed in the San Miguel neighborhood. The reasons are unknown. Yanina fue asesinada en la colonia San Miguel I. El asesinato se comete por desconocidos.
215 Jenny unknown seller / merchant 5/18/2023 Papantla, Veracruz Mexico bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting It was confirmed that the victims were two men and a trans woman, Jenny, in charge of the establishment. Se confirmó que las víctimas fueron dos hombres y una mujer transexual, Jenny, encargada del establecimiento.
216 Sarita Pinheiro de Oliveira 41 to 50 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 5/18/2023 Macapá, Amapá Brazil own residence beating Sarita was found dead on Thursday night, in an apartment. Sarita fue encontrada muerta temprano en la noche de este jueves, en una kitnet.
217 Raynanda Mineiro 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 5/22/2023 Colombo, Curitiba, Paraná Brazil own residence stabbing Neighbors heard cries for help and found Raynanda dead, with several stab wounds, on the floor of the residence. Los vecinos escucharon gritos de socorro y encontraron a Raynanda muerta, con varias puñaladas, en el suelo de la residencia.
218 Stephany Jama Cotto 19 to 25 sex worker 5/22/2023 Lambayeque Peru sex work venue or near stabbing A horrendous crime was once again recorded in the Capital of Friendship. Stephany, the victim was an Ecuadorian trans woman, who was killed with 36 stab wounds. She was gagged and had wounds on her feet and hands. Stephany víctima de un horrendo crimen se registró nuevamente en la Capital de la Amistad. La quien mataron de 36 puñaladas.
219 Vitória Damas unknown unknown / not applicable 5/23/2023 Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro Brazil bar / restaurant / nightclub stabbing Vitória, a travesti, was found dead inside a closed store. Vitória, una travestí, fue encontrada muerta dentro de un comercio cerrado.
220 Luisa Fernanda Negrete 26 to 30 sex worker 5/28/2023 Malambo, Atlantico Colombia street shooting Luisa, 26, was on the street when she was intercepted by armed individuals, who shot at her repeatedly, wounding her in the head, right hand and left arm. Luisa, de 26 años, se encontraba en la calle cuando fue interceptada por sujetos armados, que dispararon contra ella en repetidas ocasiones, hiriéndola en la cabeza, mano derecha y brazo izquierdo.
221 Giyo Castillo 26 to 30 seller / merchant 5/31/2023 Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador street shooting Giyo, a trans man, was talking to a person who was looking after cars, when people on motorcycles shot in a parking lot in the north of Guayaquil. Giyo, un hombre trans, hablaba con una persona que cuidaba carros, cuando personas en motocicleta dispararon en un parqueadero en el norte de Guayaquil.
222 La China unknown unknown / not applicable 6/1/2023 Colima Mexico railroad / station / metro station / railway tracks shooting Yesterday afternoon, in front of the suburban terminal of Los Rojos, two women were shot to death. One of them was a trans woman known as La China, who lived in the El Tivoli neighborhood. La tarde de ayer, frente a la terminal suburbana de Los Rojos, fueron asesinadas a balazos dos mujeres, una de ellas trans conocida como La China, quien residía en la colonia El Tívoli.
223 N. N. unknown seller / merchant 6/2/2023 Guarulhos Brazil own residence unknown A trans woman was found dead in Cumbica, parts of her body have been ingested by animals. Una mujer trans fue encontrada muerta en Cumbica y tiene restos ingeridos por animales.
224 Ashia Davis 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 6/3/2023 Highland Park, Michigan United States hotel / motel / drive-in shooting Ashia, also spelled Asia, Davis was a Black transgender woman from Detroit. Ashia was found dead in a Highland Park hotel room where she was staying. Witnesses reported that she had been shot, but that has not yet been confirmed by police. Ashia, también conocida como Asia Davis, era una mujer transgénero negra de Detroit. Ashia fue encontrada muerta en una habitación de hotel de Highland Park donde se alojaba. Los testigos informaron que le habían disparado, pero eso aún no ha sido confirmado por la policía.
225 Chiquita 51 to 60 unknown / not applicable 6/4/2023 Vitorino Freire, Maranhão Brazil own residence stabbing Chiquita was found dead inside the house with a knife in her chest. Chiquita fue encontrada muerta dentro de casa con un cuchillo en el pecho.
226 Luísa Fernanda Parra 19 to 25 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 6/8/2023 Bogotá, Distrito Capital Colombia street shooting In broad daylight and on a public road in the Restrepo neighborhood of the town of Antonio Nariño, a 19-year-old trans woman, Luísa, was shot in front of her partner. She was shot by gunmen on a motorcycle. A plena luz del día y en una vía pública del barrio Restrepo de la localidad de Antonio Nariño, una mujer trans de 19 años, Luísa, fue atacada por sicarios a bordo de una motocicleta quienes le dispararon frente a su pareja sentimental.
227 Ramona Torres da Silva 31 to 40 sex worker 6/10/2023 Manuas, Amazonas Brazil street stabbing Ramona had been missing since June 10, until family members received a video showing the victim’s body with stab wounds in the neck and face, as well as perforations that would be from gunshots, indicating that she may have been stabbed and shot. Ramona estaba desaparecida desde el 10 de junio, hasta que familiares recibieron un video mostrando el cuerpo de la víctima con perforaciones de arma blanca en el cuello y cara, además de perforaciones que serían de disparos de arma de fuego, indicando que pudo haber sido apuñalada y disparada.
228 Luna Bravo 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 6/11/2023 San Pablo de Manta, Manabi Ecuador construction site / empty lot / abandoned building unknown Luna, a missing trans woman, is the person found dead in the abandoned factory in Manta. Luna, una mujer trans desaparecida, es la persona hallada sin vida en una fábrica abandonada de Manta.
229 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 6/11/2023 Betim Brazil railroad / station / metro station / railway tracks other A travesti was found dead on Betim railway. Una travestí fue encuentra muerta en ferrocarril de Betim.
230 Michelly / Michely Moreira 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 6/13/2023 Ribeirão Bonito, São Paulo Brazil street beating According to information from the Civil Police, it appears that the victim, Michelly, may have been beaten to death in the street. Según la información de la Policía Civil, parece que la víctima, Michelly, pudo haber sido asesinada a golpes en la calle.
231 Lilia / Lila 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 6/14/2023 Quevedo, Los Rios Ecuador own residence shooting The young trans woman known as Lila was “practically hunted by her killers” inside her home with 15 gunshots. La joven trans conocida como Lila fue “prácticamente cazada por sus asesinos” al interior de su vivienda de 15 disparos de arma de fuego.
232 Samira Lescar 26 to 30 activist / movement leader 6/17/2023 Camagüey Cuba own residence stabbing Samira, a Cuban trans woman, was murdered by her ex-partner in Camagüey, this weekend with a knife. Samira, una mujer trans cubana fue asesinada por su expareja en Camagüey, este fin de semana.
233 N. N. 31 to 40 sex worker 6/17/2023 Rome, Lazio Italy park / public square / space / market / gas station stabbing A Nigerian trans woman who had recently moved to Italy was stabbed in a park which is known to be a sex work area. Una mujer trans nigeriana que se había mudado recientemente a Italia fue apuñalada en un parque conocido por ser una zona de trabajo sexual.
234 Emily Isabeli Colstt 26 to 30 sex worker 6/18/2023 Dom Pedrito, Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil street shooting Emily was found shot dead in Dom Pedrito. Emily era encontrada muerta a tiros en Dom Pedrito.
235 Valentína Moran (“Tina”) 19 to 25 sex worker 6/19/2023 Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador street shooting Tina, a 19-year-old trans woman, was the subject of a case of hired killers. She was killed on the street, two people on a motorbike shot her. La víctima era una mujer trans de 19 años, Tina, quien fue objeto de un caso de sicariato. Tina fue asesinada en la calle, dos personas en una moto le dispararon.
236 Dolly 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 6/20/2023 Hyderabad, Telangana India car / van / taxi / transport vehicle stoning At around 1 am, Dolly’s partner and his friend attacked the two women, Sofia and Dolly, while they were riding their scooter. The assailants bashed them with concrete bricks and also stabbed them. They died on the spot. Alrededor de la 1 de la madrugada, la pareja de Dolly y su amigo atacaron a las dos mujeres, Sofia y Dolly, mientras conducían su scooter. Los asaltantes los golpearon con ladrillos de concreto y también los apuñalaron. Murieron en el acto.
237 Ivanna Divina Jhons 31 to 40 seller / merchant 6/20/2023 Moroleón, Guanajuato Mexico workplace / office shooting Ivanna was murdered inside her clothing store. Just a few days ago she had organized the pride march in Moroleón. Ivanna fue asesinada al interior de su negocio de venta de ropa. Hace dos años su negocio se quemó. Apenas hace unos días organizó la marcha del orgullo en Moroleón.
238 Joana Smith / Joanna Smitt 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 6/20/2023 Eunápolis, Bahia Brazil highway / beltway / roadway shooting Joana, a young travesti was found dead after being kidnapped on a party outing in Eunápolis. Joana, una joven travestí fue encontrada muerta después de haber sido secuestrada en salida de fiesta en Eunápolis.
239 Juiliana Chávez Flores 71 to 80 unknown / not applicable 6/20/2023 Aguas Verdes, Zarumilla Peru highway / beltway / roadway shooting Juliana was murdered in cold blood, apparently with a bullet to the head, by criminals, who threw her body on a dirt road, near the Zarumilla River, in the border district of Aguas Verdes, in Tumbes. Julia fue asesinada a sangre fría, al parecer de un balazo en la cabeza por delincuentes, quienes arrojaron el cuerpo a una trocha carrozable, cerca al río de Zarumilla, en el distrito fronterizo de Aguas Verdes, en Tumbes.
240 Sofia 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 6/20/2023 Hyderabad, Telangana India car / van / taxi / transport vehicle stoning At around 1 am, Dolly’s partner and his friend attacked the two women, Sofia and Dolly, while they were riding their scooter. The assailants bashed them with concrete bricks and also stabbed them. They died on the spot. Alrededor de la 1 de la madrugada, la pareja de Dolly y su amigo atacaron a las dos mujeres, Sofia y Dolly, mientras conducían su scooter. Los asaltantes los golpearon con ladrillos de concreto y también los apuñalaron. Murieron en el acto.
241 Flávia Herrera Rodríguez 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 6/22/2023 Havana, La Habana Cuba street beating The death of trans woman Flávia Herrera Rodríguez on June 22 in Havana could be a femicide, and it is demanded that the authorities clarify the case. La muerte de la mujer trans Flávia Herrera Rodríguez el pasado 22 de junio en La Habana podría tratarse de un feminicidio, y exigió a las autoridades esclarecer el caso.
242 Pamela unknown sex worker 6/22/2023 León, Guanajuato Mexico street shooting Pamela, a trans woman, was murdered in León, on San Juan Bosco Boulevard in the Vista Hermosa neighborhood by a gunshot to the head. Pamela, una mujer trans, fue asesinada de un disparo en la cabeza, en el bulevar San Juan Bosco en la colonia Vista Hermosa.
243 Chanell Perez Ortiz (“Uvita”) 26 to 30 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 6/25/2023 Carolina, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico unknown shooting Chanell was murdered in Carolina, Puerto Rico. Police are investigating. Chanell fue asesinada en Carolina, Puerto Rico y la policia esta investigando.
244 Patty unknown unknown / not applicable 6/27/2023 Manabi Mexico construction site / empty lot / abandoned building unknown Patty left an establishment in the early hours of the morning and did not arrive home, for this reason she was reported missing. Her mother was the one who, despite the report of disappearance, carried out her search, finding Patty’s body in an abandoned factory, with signs of violence and wrapped in sheets. Patty salio en la madrugada de un establecimiento y no llego a su casa, por tal motivo se reporto como desaparecida. Su madre fue quien a pesar del reporte de desaparicion realizo su busqueda, encontrando el cuerpo de Patty en una fabrica abandonada con signos de violencoa y envuelta en sabanas.
245 Khushi 26 to 30 sex worker 6/29/2023 New Delhi India park / public square / space / market / gas station stabbing Khushi’s body was found on the footpath in a local park with one stab wound in the chest. Police state it appeared she had been murdered elsewhaer and her body was dumped in the park. El cuerpo de Khushi fue encontrado en la acera de un parque local con una puñalada en el pecho. La policía afirma que parecía que había sido asesinada y que su cuerpo fue arrojado al parque.
246 Dustu 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 6/30/2023 Brahmanbaria Bangladesh unknown beating Dustu had been in a romantic relationship with a 23-year-old auto rickshaw driver. After an argument, he struck her fatally with a tree branch and then with a brick. Dustu había estado en una relación romántica con un conductor de rickshaw de 23 años. Después de una discusión, la golpeó fatalmente con la rama de un árbol y luego con un ladrillo.
247 Jacob Williamson 15 to 18 waitress / waiter / bartender 6/30/2023 Pageland, South Carolina United States unknown unknown Jacob Williamson, an 18-year-old white transgender man, was killed by a man he had arranged to meet on a date. Jacob Williamson, un hombre transgénero blanco de 18 años, fue asesinado por un hombre con el que había quedado en una cita.
248 July unknown unknown / not applicable 6/30/2023 León, Guanajuato Mexico unknown unknown The organization TTTransLeon reports the murder of July without providing further information. La organización TTTransLeon reporta el asesinato de July sin aportar mayor informacion.
249 Joselyn Lino unknown unknown / not applicable 7/1/2023 Santa Elena Ecuador park / public square / space / market / gas station shooting Joselyn was killed for no apparent reason while walking in a park. Joselyn fue asesinada sin motivos aparentes mientras caminaba por un parque.
250 Hulya Sadighova 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 7/3/2023 Khojahasan, Baku Azerbaijan unknown torture Hulya was killed by torture. Her body was found 2-3 days after the murder in the Khojahasan settlement of Baku. Hula’s friends contacted her mother about her disappearance when they could not contact her. Hulya fue asesinado por tortura. Su cuerpo fue encontrado 2-3 días después del asesinato en el asentamiento de Khojahasan de Bakú. Los amigos de Hula se pusieron en contacto con su madre para informarle de su desaparición cuando no pudieron contactarla.
251 Liliana Veroni (“La Chaqueña”) 61 to 70 sex worker 7/3/2023 Burzaco, Buenos Aires Argentina sex work venue or near stoning A man accused of stoning a trans woman, Liliana, to death in Burzaco is arrested. He attacked her with stones and then threw her into a well where she died. Detienen a un hombre acusado de asesinar a pedradas a una mujer trans, Liliana, en Burzaco. La agredió a pedradas y luego la tiró a un pozo donde murió.
252 Fede unknown unemployed 7/4/2023 León, Guanajuato Mexico street shooting Fede died after being shot in the Casa Blanca neighborhood. Fede was living in situation of homelessness. Two men on a motorcycle shot him and he died. Fede murió al ser atacada a balazos en la colonia Casa Blanca. Fede vivia en condicion de calle, dos hombres en una motocicleta le dispararon y muria.
253 Natália González Santiago 26 to 30 sex worker 7/5/2023 Ciudad de México Mexico sex work venue or near stabbing Natalia, a trans woman was murdered in a hotel in Tlalpan. She was murdered by a client with a knife to the chest, inside a hotel. The client tried to escape. Natalia, mujer transexual asesinada en hotel de Tlalpan. Natalia fue asesinada con un arma blanca en el pecho al interior de un hotel por un cliente que intento escapar.
254 Fernielle Mary Mora 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 7/6/2023 New York City, New York United States own residence unknown Fernielle was found dead in suspicious circumstances in her apartment in the Bronx. Fernielle fue encontrada muerta en circunstancias sospechosas en su apartamento en el Bronx.
255 Noa Milivojev 15 to 18 sex worker 7/6/2023 Belgrade Serbia relative’s / friend’s / client’s residence decapitation / dismemberment Noa Milivojev disappeared on the 17th of June, 2023. She had gone to her partner’s place in Belgrade, after which nobody had heard from her further. Three weeks later, on the 6th of July, the police discovered the remains of her body, cut up into pieces, in her partner’s apartment. Noa Milivojev desapareció el 17 de junio de 2023. Había ido a casa de su pareja en Belgrado, después de lo cual nadie supo más de ella. Tres semanas después, el 6 de julio, la policía descubrió los restos de su cuerpo, cortado en pedazos, en el apartamento de su pareja.
256 Francheska Rivas unknown sex worker 7/8/2023 Acacías, Meta Colombia street stabbing In the municipality of Acacías, on Saturday, July 8, in the early hours of the morning, the lifeless body of Francheska Rivas was found. The victim was a transgender woman from Villavicencio who worked in a red light area of this municipality. She was stabbed to death by a male assailant. En el municipio de Acacías, el sábado 08 de julio, en horas de la madrugada, fue hallado el cuerpo sin vida de Francheska Rivas, mujer transgénero de Villavicencio que trabajaba en una zona tolerante. Fue asesinada por un masculino mediante el uso de de un arma blanca.
257 Katherine Massiel Rivera (“Julia”) 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 7/8/2023 Esteli Nicaragua street unknown The body of Katherine (also known as Julia) was located by a person who reported it to the police. She had bruises on her hands. El cuerpo de Katherine (también conocida como Julia) fue localizado por una persona que dio parte a la policia, presentaba moretones en las manos.
258 Anna Ivankova 41 to 50 sex worker 7/10/2023 Athens, Attica Greece own residence stabbing Anna Ivankova, a Black transgender woman from Cuba who was also known as Anna Hernández and Ivanka, was found dead in her apartment in Athens, Greece earlier this week. She was 46 years old. Anna Ivankova, una mujer transgénero negra de Cuba que también era conocida como Anna Hernández e Ivanka, fue encontrada muerta en su apartamento en Atenas, Grecia, a principios de esta semana. Tenía 46 años.
259 Grazyele Junqueiro 31 to 40 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 7/10/2023 Santana Do Ipanema, Alagoas Brazil own residence beating Trans woman Grazyele Junqueiro, 38, died at the Agreste Emergency Hospital. She had been beaten at her residence in the city of Santana do Ipanema. Murió, en el Hospital de Urgencias del Agreste, la transexual Grazyele Junqueiro, de 38 años, que estaba internada hace siete días, después de ser golpeada, en su residencia, en la ciudad de Santana do Ipanema.
260 Yormary unknown unknown / not applicable 7/10/2023 Villavicencio, Meta Colombia unknown unknown The organization Caribe Afirmativo’s Twitter account mentions Yormary’s murder without providing further details. El Twitter de la organización Caribe Afirmativo habla de asesinato de Yormary sin brindar mayor detalle.
261 Bianca Ferreira da Rocha (“Bia”) 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 7/12/2023 Rio de Janeiro Brazil own residence shooting Trans woman Bianca was found dead with gunshot wounds in a burned house in Morro do Juramento. Bianca, una mujer trans, fue encontrada muerta con marca de tiros en casa incendiada en Morro do Juramento.
262 Thyalla dos Santos 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 7/12/2023 Filadélfia, Bahia Brazil highway / beltway / roadway shooting Thyalla was found dead with gunshot wounds on local road. Thyalla fue encontrada muerta con heridas de bala en una vía local.
263 Franklin Pabón Camacho unknown employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 7/13/2023 Malambo, Atlantico Colombia street shooting Franklin Pabón, a non-binary person and electoral observer, was murdered in the municipality of Malambo, Atlántico. On the night of July 13, Franklin was approached by unknown assailants who shot and killed them. Franklin Pabón, persona no binaria y observadora electoral fue asesinado en el municipio de Malambo, Atlántico. En la noche del 13 de julio Franklin fue abordado por desconocidos que le dispararon causandole la muerte.
264 R. L. da Silva Júnior 19 to 25 sex worker 7/13/2023 Quixadá, Ceará Brazil sex work venue or near shooting A homicide by firearm was registered in the São João neighborhood, in Quixadá. The victim was R., a travesti. Un homicidio por arma de fuego se registró en el barrio São João, en Quixadá. La víctima es R., una travestí.
265 Lucas Peres 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 7/16/2023 Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest beating The police found Lucas’ body in a wooded area of the region. La policía encontró el cuerpo de Lucas en una zona boscosa del lugar.
266 Cláudia da Costa 51 to 60 unknown / not applicable 7/18/2023 Ipatinga, Minas Gerais Brazil bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Cláudia was 52 years old, and was hit by 6 gunshots. Cláudia tenía 52 años, y fue golpeada por 6 disparos de arma de fuego.
267 Camdyn Rider 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 7/21/2023 Winter Haven, Florida United States own residence shooting Camdyn was shot outside his Winter Park home by his partner in a murder-suicide. Camdyn was 8 months pregnant. Camdyn fue baleado afuera de su casa en Winter Park por su pareja en un asesinato-suicidio. Camdyn estaba embarazado de 8 meses.
268 Julia Nicoly Moreira da Silva 31 to 40 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 7/25/2023 Belford Roxo, Rio de Janeiro Brazil own residence stabbing Julia Nicoly Moreira da Silva, 34, was found inside the home with stab marks and gagged. According to her relatives, she was the victim of a hate crime. Julia Nicoly Moreira da Silva, de 34 años, fue encontrada dentro de la casa con marcas de puñaladas y amordazada. Para su familia, fue víctima de un crimen de odio.
269 Nicole unknown hairdresser / stylist / beautician 7/26/2023 Omealca, Veracruz Mexico highway / beltway / roadway shooting Nicole, a trans woman, was shot dead in Omealca, Veracruz. Nicole’s body was found on a road with several gunshot wounds. Asesinan a balazos a mujer trans, Nicole, en Omealca, Veracruz. El cuerpo de Nicole fue localizado en un camino con varios impactos de disparos.
270 Guendi / Wendy 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 7/31/2023 Babahoyo, Los Rios Ecuador own residence shooting Guendi, a 42-year-old trans woman, was murdered in her home by four heavily armed individuals in the La Malaria sector, in Babahoyo. Days earlier, Guendi’s partner was shot dead. Guendi, una mujer trans de 42 años de edad, fue asesinada en su casa por cuatro sujetos fuertemente armados en el sector La Malaria, en Babahoyo. Dias atrás la pareja de Guendi fue asesinada a disparos.
271 Bella 31 to 40 unknown / not applicable 8/4/2023 La Troncal, Cañar Ecuador beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge shooting Bella, a 35-year-old trans woman who lived in the United States and had been on vacation in Ecuador for two months, was gunned down along with her partner on August 4. Bella, mujer trans de 35 años de edad que residía en Estados Unidos y se encontraba en Ecuador de vacaciones desde hace dos meses, fue acribillada junto con su pareja el 4 de agosto pasado.
272 Derin S. unknown unknown / not applicable 8/6/2023 Ankara Turkey own residence stabbing Derin S., a young trans woman living in Ankara, was killed by her ex-girlfriend in her own home with four stab wounds to the back. Derin S., una joven trans que vive en Ankara, fue asesinada por su exnovia en su propia casa con cuatro puñaladas en la espalda.
273 Karina Gómez unknown housekeeper / cleaner 8/6/2023 Villahermosa, Tabasco Mexico beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge beating Karina’s body was found in the waters of the El Carrizal River. The body had bruises, her family suspects the romantic partner. El cuerpo de Karina fue localizado en el río Carrizal, presentado golpes. Su familia sospecha de la pareja sentimental.
274 DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson 26 to 30 artist / performer 8/7/2023 Los Angeles, California United States other shooting DéVonnie was a 29-year-old Black trans woman who was reportedly homeless. She was shot to death by a security guard in a Los Angeles grocery store. DéVonnie era una mujer trans negra de 29 años que, según los informes, no tenía hogar. Fue asesinada a tiros por un guardia de seguridad en una tienda de comestibles de Los Ángeles.
275 J. Pamudulan 26 to 30 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 8/7/2023 San Pascual, Batangas Philippines brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest strangulation / hanging An employee of a trucking company earlier reported missing by relatives was found dead in a ravine in San Pascual, Batangas yesterday. J. Pamudulan, 28, was strangled to death by a 16-year-old suspect, who himself led the officers to the location of the body. Una empleadoa de una empresa de transporte que había sido reportada como desaparecida por sus familiares fue encontrada muerta en un barranco en San Pascual, Batangas, ayer.  J. Pamudulan, de 28 años, fue estrangulada hasta la muerte por un sospechoso de 16 años, quien a su vez condujo a los oficiales a la ubicación del cuerpo.
276 Consejito 41 to 50 unknown / not applicable 8/8/2023 San Antonio, Chaparral, Tolima Colombia workplace / office shooting The murder of a 45-year-old person with non-binary trans life experience, known among their relatives as ‘Consejito’, occurred in San Antonio, Tolima. According to preliminary information, the victim was shot three times and their body was found with other signs of violence. El asesinato de una persona con experiencia de vida trans no binaria, de 45 años, conocida entre sus allegados y allegadas como ‘Consejito’, ocurrió en San Antonio, Tolima. De acuerdo con información preliminar, la víctima recibió tres disparos que acabaron con su vida y su cuerpo fue hallado con otros signos de violencia.
277 Susan Fernández 26 to 30 sex worker 8/9/2023 Medellín, Antioquia Colombia sex work venue or near stabbing The attack on Susan Fernández took place in the early hours of Tuesday, August 8, on Carrera 69B and Calle 27 in the Belén Granada neighborhood. Susan was assaulted by a customer who stabbed her in the neck and dragged her across the floor of her hotel room. She was taken to a clinic where she died. El ataque a Susan Fernández se registró en la madrugada de este martes 8 de agosto en la carrera 69B con la calle 27 del barrio Belén Granada. Susan fue agredida por un cliente quien le propino puñaladas en el cuello y la arrastro por el piso de l habitacion. Fue trasladada a una clinica donde fallecio.
278 Luis Ángel Díaz Castro 19 to 25 employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 8/12/2023 San Juan, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico own residence unknown Luis was killed by his ex-domestic partner and was found in his own apartment. Luis fue asesinado por su ex pareja y fue encontrado en su propio apartamento.
279 Marimar Kim unknown unknown / not applicable 8/12/2023 Recife, Pernambuco Mexico highway / beltway / roadway burning / arson Motorists reported to the police the location of Marimar’s body, on the road of the municipality. The body was found semi-charred. Automovilistas reportaron a la policia la localizacion del cuerpo de Marimar sobre la carretera del municipio. El cuerpo se encontro semi calcinado.
280 Jordana Borbor Cruz (“Itaty”) 41 to 50 owner of beauty shop / hair salon / bar / shop 8/13/2023 Playas, Guayas Ecuador bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Itaty was inside her restaurant when she was killed on Aug. 13, 2023. The reasons are not known. Itaty fue asesinada al interior de su restaurante este día domingo 13 de agosto de 2023, no se conocen los miotivos.
281 Natasha unknown unknown / not applicable 8/13/2023 Salvador, Bahia Brazil beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge shooting Natasha’s body was found with her hands tied and gunshot marks. El cuerpo de Natasha fue encontrado con las manos atadas y marcas de disparos.
282 Luciana Sandoval 31 to 40 sex worker 8/14/2023 Medellín, Antioquia Colombia own residence strangulation / hanging Luciana visited her family, and then returned to her private home. There she was found dead, with a cell phone cord tied around her neck. Luciana visitó a su familia, y regresó a su domicilio particular. Ahí fue localizada muerta, con un cable de celular amarrado al cuello.
283 Lovely Page unknown unknown / not applicable 8/16/2023 Chicago, Illinois United States street shooting Lovely was shot multiple times in the chest. Although media reports referred to her as a gay man, she used she/her pronouns on social media, presented in a feminine way and was known to her friends as Lovely instead of her birth name. Lovely recibió varios disparos en el pecho. Aunque los informes de los medios se refirieron a ella como un hombre gay, ella siempre uso pronombres femeninos en las redes sociales, y se presentó de manera femenina. Sus amigos la conocían como Lovely en lugar de su nombre de nacimiento.
284 J. Amihan 51 to 60 unknown / not applicable 8/17/2023 Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte Philippines street unknown J.’s body was already in decomposition state when found by the police on 17th of August, 2023. She was missing since 22nd of July. El cuerpo de J. ya se encontraba en estado de descomposición cuando fue encontrado por la policía el 17 de agosto de 2023. Ella estaba desaparecida desde el 22 de julio.
285 Adriana 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 8/20/2023 Yerevan Armenia own residence stabbing Adriana was stabbed. Her killer then set her apartment on fire. Adriana fue apuñalada. Su asesino prendió fuego a su apartamento.
286 Caio Linhares 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 8/22/2023 Miraíma, Ceará Brazil bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Two people, including Caio, were shot dead in the town of Miraíma, near Sobral. According to information from witnesses, more than 30 shots were fired. Dos personas, incluido Caio, fueron asesinadas a tiros en la ciudad de Miraíma, próxima a Sobral. Según información de testigos, se realizaron más de 30 disparos.
287 N. N. unknown sex worker 8/24/2023 Manaus, Amazonas Brazil street shooting A travesti was chased and shot dead. Una travestí fue perseguida y asesinada a tiros.
288 Shiirya / Shyriia unknown unknown / not applicable 8/25/2023 Iguala, Guerrero Mexico street stabbing Shiirya was stabbed to death in the center of Iguala, in the northern part of Guerrero. Shiirya fue asesinada a puñaladas en el centro de Iguala, en la zona Norte de Guerrero.
289 Tiago da Silva 26 to 30 unemployed 8/26/2023 Juazeiro Do Norte, Ceará Brazil own residence shooting Tiago was executed inside the home with gunshots to the head. Tiago fue ejecutada dentro de su casa con disparos en la cabeza.
290 Valentina De Paz unknown sex worker 8/26/2023 Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala bar / restaurant / nightclub shooting Valentina de Paz was murdered inside a bar. Those in charge of the establishment took her out alive to the street. When police arrived, they prevented any help from being provided, and there she died. Valentina de Paz fue asesinada dentro de un bar. Los encargados del establecimiento la sacaron viva a la calle. Cuando llegó la policía, impidieron que se le prestara ayuda, y allí murió.
291 Raja Patra 15 to 18 unknown / not applicable 8/27/2023 Rajamunda, Odisha India highway / beltway / roadway vehicle run-over Two transgender people were run over by a truck early in the morning on the highway near Rajamunda bypass. The duo was known to the accused truck driver and they reportedly had a fierce quarrel on Saturday and it is alleged that it was a deliberate murder. The driver fled the scene. Dos personas transgénero fueron atropelladas por un camión a primera hora de la mañana en la autopista cerca de la circunvalación de Rajamunda. El dúo era conocido del camionero acusado y, según los informes, tuvieron una feroz pelea el sábado y se alega que fue un asesinato deliberado. El conductor huyó de la escena.
292 Rath Kisan 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 8/27/2023 Rajamunda, Odisha India highway / beltway / roadway vehicle run-over Two transgender people were run over by a truck early in the morning on the highway near Rajamunda bypass. The duo was known to the accused truck driver and they reportedly had a fierce quarrel on Saturday and it is alleged that it was a deliberate murder. The driver fled the scene. Dos personas transgénero fueron atropelladas por un camión a primera hora de la mañana en la autopista cerca de la circunvalación de Rajamunda. El dúo era conocido del camionero acusado y, según los informes, tuvieron una feroz pelea el sábado y se alega que fue un asesinato deliberado. El conductor huyó de la escena.
293 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 8/28/2023 Maceió, Alagoas Brazil street shooting The victim was in a situation of homelessness when she was murdered. La víctima se encontraba en situación de calle y fue asesinada.
294 Cleo Quinteros Hernández 26 to 30 sex worker 9/1/2023 Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala own residence stabbing Cleo was a trans woman whose body was found with signs of violence, in her room in Zona 1 of Guatemala City. Cleo era una mujer trans cuyo cuerpo fue hallado con señales de violencia en su habitacion en la Zona 1 de la Ciudad de Guatemala.
295 Éber Albarrán (“Ever”) 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 9/2/2023 Los Ángeles, Bío Bío Chile street decapitation / dismemberment Éber disappeared on August 31, when he went out with a friend to go shopping. On September 2, the defendant was arrested after a security camera detected him abandoning a bag with Éber’s remains. Éber had been dismembered. Éber desaparecio el 31 de agosto fecha en que salio con un amiga a realizar unas compras. El 2 de septiembre el inculpado fue detenido tras que una camara de seguridad lo detectara abandonando una bolsa con los restros de Éber. Éber fue descuartizado.
296 Juriana Sison Orario 31 to 40 other 9/4/2023 Bacolod, Negros Occidental Philippines unknown shooting Juriana was shot. Juriana fue asesinada a tiros.
297 M. Rosa Mamauag 41 to 50 unemployed 9/4/2023 Sta. Luciana, Cauayan City Philippines own residence shooting A transgender person who was killed with 3 shots to the body. Una persona transgénero que fue asesinada con 3 disparos en el cuerpo.
298 Babul Mridha 51 to 60 artist / performer 9/4/2023 Naria, Shariatpur Bangladesh own residence stabbing Babul, a 60 year-old drummer in a transgender hijra group, was murdered in her own residence by a group of unidentified assailants who broke in and attacked her with sharp weapons. Babul, una baterista de 60 años de un grupo hijra transgénero, fue asesinada en su propia residencia por un grupo de asaltantes no identificados que irrumpieron y la atacaron con armas blancas.
299 Alexa Andreevna Sokova 31 to 40 other 9/5/2023 Palm Bay, Florida United States brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest shooting Alexa’s body was found in an a wooded area of Palm Bay and had been shot multiple times, after being missing for over a week. The victim used she/her pronouns on social media but it is possible, though unconfirmed, that Alexa had recently detransitioned before her death. El cuerpo de Alexa fue encontrado en una zona boscosa de Palm Bay y había recibido varios disparos, después de estar desaparecida durante más de una semana. La víctima usó los pronombres ella/ella en las redes sociales, pero es posible, aunque no está confirmado, que Alexa haya detransicionado recientemente antes de su muerte.
300 Bre’Asia Bankz 26 to 30 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 9/5/2023 Arizona United States relative’s / friend’s / client’s residence shooting Bre’Asia, a 27 year-old Black nonbinary person, was reportedly murdered by her boyfriend. Bre’Asia, una persona negra no binarie de 27 años, habría sido asesinade por su novio.
301 Carolina ‘Carol’ Pereira 26 to 30 sex worker 9/7/2023 Manaus, Amazonas Brazil street stabbing Carol was found dead with a stab wound to the chest. Carol fue encontrada muerta con una puñalada en el pecho.
302 Thallita Costa 19 to 25 sex worker 9/7/2023 São Paulo Brazil street torture Thallita had injuries to her face, neck and shoulders, in addition to several burns on the body. Thallita tenía lesiones en la cara, el cuello y los hombros, además de varias quemaduras en el cuerpo.
303 N. N. unknown employee / public official / civil servant / clerk 9/11/2023 Acapulco, Guererro Mexico street decapitation / dismemberment A chilling event occurred in Acapulco, when at least six bodies were found inside a Nissan taxi, as well as more remains allegedly of a trans woman scattered around the city. The victim’s body was found dismembered. Un escalofriante hecho ocurrió en Acapulco, cuando al menos seis cuerpos fueron hallados al interior de un taxi marca Nissan, así como más restos presuntamente de una mujer trans especiados por la ciudad. El cuerpo de la víctima fue encontrado desmembrado.
304 N. N. unknown unknown / not applicable 9/14/2023 Tlajomulco, Guadalajara Mexico street torture The victim’s body was found inside a suitcase. El cuerpo de la víctima fue localizado al interior de una maleta.
305 Campanilla 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 9/15/2023 Guayaquil, Guayas Ecuador street shooting Campanilla was murdered in the style of a hitman execution, she died from two shots to the head. Campanilla fue asesinada al estilo de una ejecucion de sicarios, muria a causa de dos disparos en la cabeza.
306 Samara Cibele Ferreira Gomes 31 to 40 unemployed 9/16/2023 Teresina, Piauí Brazil street shooting Samara was killed with at least four gunshots. Samara fue asesinada con al menos cuatro disparos de arma de fuego.
307 Eloise Andrade unknown unknown / not applicable 9/17/2023 Manaus, Amazonas Brazil street unknown A trans woman identified as Eloise Andrade and her cousin, Lucas Paiva, were shot dead on Comandante Lacerda Street. Una mujer trans identificada como Eloise Andrade y su primo, Lucas Paiva, Murieron a tiros en la calle Comandante Lacerda.
308 Iasmim Santos Silva 26 to 30 unknown / not applicable 9/17/2023 Garanhuns, Pernambuco Brazil highway / beltway / roadway unknown Iasmim’s body was found in a state of decomposition. El cuerpo de Iasmim fue encontrado en estado de descomposición.
309 YOKO 26 to 30 artist / performer 9/19/2023 New Orleans, Louisiana United States street vehicle run-over YOKO, a popular nonbinary tattoo artist and DJ in New Orleans, was killed in a hit-and-run accident in September. They were 30 years old. YOKO, una popular tatuadora y DJ no binaria de Nueva Orleans, murió en un accidente en el que se dio a la fuga en septiembre. Tenían 30 años.
310 Anna Luisa Pantaleão 19 to 25 sex worker 9/20/2023 Carapicuíba, São Paulo Brazil hotel / motel / drive-in stabbing Anna Luisa Pantaleão was killed with a knife wound to the neck and left on the side of a road in São Paulo. Anna Luisa Pantaleão fue asesinada con un golpe de navaja en el cuello y dejada en las orillas de una carretera en São Paulo.
311 Laiq unknown unknown / not applicable 9/20/2023 Khairabad, Nowshera Pakistan beach / shore / river / lake / under bridge shooting Laiq was shot dead by her friend and then her body discarded into the river. Laiq fue asesinada a tiros por su amiga y luego su cuerpo arrojado al río.
312 Aysel 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 9/23/2023 Baku Azerbaijan unknown stabbing Trans woman Aysel was stabbed to death by her boyfriend while celebrating her 25th birthday in Baku, Azerbaijan. Aysel, una mujer trans, fue asesinada a puñaladas por su novio mientras celebraba su cumpleaños número 25 en Bakú, Azerbaiyán.
313 Soraya Álvarez 31 to 40 activist / movement leader 9/23/2023 Tegucigalpa Honduras brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest beating By chance, the police investigating another crime detected a person with a body in tow. This body was that of Soraya, a trans woman. Por casualidad policia que investigaba otro crimen detecto a una persona con un cuerpo a cuestas, este cuerpo era el de Soraya, una mujer trans.
314 Daniele “Dani” Soares 41 to 50 other 9/25/2023 Morro Alto, Paulínia Brazil brushwood / field / grassland / rural area / grove / forest unknown Trans nursing technician Daniele Soares, known as Dani, 46, was found dead in a forest, in the neighborhood of Morro Alto, in Paulínia. La técnica de enfermería y transexual Daniele Soares, conocida como Dani, de 46 años, fue encontrado muerto en un bosque, en el barrio de Morro Alto, en Paulínia.
315 Noor Alsaffar (“Noor BM”) 19 to 25 hairdresser / stylist / beautician 9/25/2023 Al-Mansoor, Baghdad Iraq own residence shooting Noor was shot three times outside their house by a gunman who then ran away. Noor recibió tres disparos afuera de su casa por parte de un hombre armado que luego huyó.
316 Sherlyn Marjorie 31 to 40 artist / performer 9/26/2023 Albuquerque, New Mexico United States street unknown Sherlyn was killed by a man she was involved with. Reportedly he killed her because he did not want her to reveal their relationship to his family. Sherlyn fue asesinada por un hombre con el que estaba involucrada. Según los informes, la mató porque no quería que revelara su relación a su familia.
317 Michelle unknown sex worker 9/28/2023 Pojuca, Bahia Brazil street shooting Michelle was shot and killed. Michelle fue asesinada a tiros.
318 N. N. 19 to 25 sex worker 9/29/2023 El Salto Mexico highway / beltway / roadway vehicle run-over The victim was traveling on a motorcycle and a tractor-trailer did not respect the right of way, running over her. She died at the scene. La víctima viajaba a bordo de una motocicleta y un trailer no respeto el paso, atropellandola. Muriendo en el lugar de los hechos.
319 Neelu 19 to 25 unknown / not applicable 9/29/2023 Jaipur, Rajasthan India car / van / taxi / transport vehicle strangulation / hanging Neelu was strangled by her ex-partner, set on fire and thrown out of a car. Neelu fue estrangulada por su expareja, incendiada y arrojada de un coche.
320 Armin unknown sex worker 9/30/2023 Konya-Afyon Turkey prison / police station / military camp / courthouse vehicle run-over Armin died after being run over by a truck while escaping from the police. The exact date is not known. Armin murió tras ser atropellado por un camión mientras escapaba de la policía. Se desconoce la fecha exacta.

And the many others whose names were unreported and whose authentic lives were not acknowledged.


What is remembered, lives.

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