Pagan Community Notes: Week of July 24, 2023

LUBBOCK, Texas – Texas Tech University has canceled offering a course on Witchcraft this Fall after public backlash.  The announcement came late last month.  The University of Texas-Austin and the University of North Texas will continue to offer similar courses.

The course was to have been offered in Women’s & Gender Studies as a senior-level history course.  It was to be titled “Witchcraft and Witch Hunting in the Early Modern Western World.”  The course covered ““ritual, symbolism, mythology, altered states of consciousness, and healing as well as syncretism, change, and the social roles of these beliefs and practices.” [Sounds great!]

On June 20, Texas Scorecard, a “Relentlessly pro-citizen, unabashedly pro-liberty” news source that “exists for the purpose of reporting on the advancement of self-governance in the Lone Star State, and beyond,” reported to its audience that – after it exposed the offering of the course – Texas Tech “confirmed to Texas Scorecard that the university will no longer be offering the course, following criticism.”

The Austin Chronicle, however, noted that “the course was low-enrolled with only four students registered and, as a result, was on track to be canceled this week,” according to a spokesperson from the university.

Our readers may find this shocking, but when the news broke, Christian news services amplified the story. The Christian Post, in order to help educate its readers noted the course discusses bruxas, “a pre-Christian female witch figure from Portugal during the Middle Ages and is considered a type of vampire entity known for ‘bloodsucking attacks on infants.’”

But wait, there’s more.  CP noted that there are “a number of satanic-oriented curricula, including studies on ‘Worship of the Devil,’ ‘Witchcraft and the Law,’ and ‘Demonic Possession and Witchcraft’.”

In a predictable bit of irony, they would also like for you to register for their religious Freedom email updates in the same story.


LONDON – Meanwhile in the UK, The National Secular Society (NSS) sent a press release expressing concern about a recently registered public charity that promoted a “witch-hunting” sermon in April.  The charity is Mountain Of Fire And Miracles Ministries Belfast (MFMMB), well-known for its constant litany against witchcraft, demonic powers, and hidden dark forces.

The MFMMB describes itself as “a do-it-yourself gospel ministry, where your hands are trained to wage war and your fingers to do battle” a form of aggressive, vigilante Christianity which the groups refers to as God’s Violent Army.

The sermon titled “Angry Spirits Angry Prayers” detailing the presence of evil spirits and witches and how to identify them remains available on YouTube in English while translated into Yoruba was delivered by Daniel Kolawole Olukoya presumably in Lagos given the pastor’s address on Facebook.

“The enemy gets angry when a strongman has been assigned to your life and you are trying to get out of the grip of that strongman.”  Olukoya said in the sermon adding “Any strong man assigned to detain your glory shall be buried alive in the name of Jesus.”   He repeats it there time.  He also proclaims, “Strongman, assigned to rubbish my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.”

Olukoya adds that there are five kinds of witches: by decision, by inheritance,  by covenant, by force, and “unconscious blind witches.” He also warns of ancestral spirits sponsoring problems faced by the living.

Olukoya identifies the “unconsciously initiated” because “his dad was a wizard”, and was attacked by demons. He said “I am praying for anyone here suffering from unconscious initiation to be set free by the power and the blood of Jesus” before ‘exorcising’ them again.

The NSS noted that in another Facebook post last year, MFM Ministries Belfast’s pastor Raphael Olushola Peters lists “homosexual relations” alongside “offering children as sacrifices” and “sexual relations with animals” as “abominable things” which “lead to diseases, deformity and death” and “disrupt family life and society”.

The NSS notes that witch-hunting is serious and can lead to “extreme harm.”

NSS campaigns officer Alejandro Sanchez said: “This charity is registered under ‘the advancement of religion’. But the type of religion advanced through this sermon is clearly not in the public interest.

“Charities are meant to benefit the public. But promoting the idea that some people can be ‘witches’ possessed by evil spirits can lead to extreme harm to children and vulnerable adults.

“If ‘the advancement of religion’ enables charities to promote the superstitions fuelling witchcraft abuse, this charitable purpose must be urgently reviewed. No charity, religious or not, should be allowed to promote ideology which fuels child abuse.”

The MFMMB is active in the United States and Canada with locations in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas,  Los Angeles, Seattle, Calgary, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Miami.

Happening this Weekend:

The Texas Local Council of Covenant of the Goddess announced that they will be hosting Merry Meet from Friday, July 28 – Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. MerryMeet is the annual gathering for Covenant of the Goddess and includes two days of workshops, rituals, lectures, local vendors, and entertainment. This year, visiting author Raven Kaldera will be presenting workshops and offering a book signing. Wendy Rule, a pagan musician and visionary, will be performing on Saturday, July 29. Friday night will include a ritual presented by the local council followed by a drag show presented by the United Court of the Lone Star Empire. Concurrently, during MerryMeet the Covenant conducts its annual business meeting known as Grand Council (GC).  Grand Council is the forum for its members (covens and solitaries) to engage in a consensus process to discuss issues relevant to the operations of CoG, review national bylaw changes necessary in a changing world, to decide matters which require deliberation by the full membership, and to elect the national board of officers.  Grand Council provides a unique opportunity to observe the process of decision-making utilizing the consensus process.  Additional details and registration are available at the Merry Meet website.

The 2023 Green Spirit Festival, a celebration of Lughnasadh and Harvest, is taking place next weekend, July 28-30 at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin USA.  This year’s Festival theme is The 3 Joys: Grifts, Gratitude & Grace, and includes rituals, workshops, candlelight labyrinth, bonfires, Nature walks, Lammas Faire, and more.  This year’s Green Spirit Festival guest presenters are Authors, Artists, & Ritualists Judy and Nels Linde and Artist & Crone Bear Woman.  Advance registration by Thursday night, July 27 is required to attend all or some of the Green Spirit Festival.

On Saturday, July 29 from 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm central time, Selena Fox will be presenting a new workshop, Lughnasadh Mint Magic online via Zoom livestream.  It also will be held in person as part of Circle Sanctuary’s 2023 Green Spirit Festival.




Including Private Chat With (and TWH author) Antonio Pagliarulo, Bronx Native and Author of  The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery& Magic Of The Quiet Curse

On Sunday, July, 30th at BronxWitch HeadQuarters – the South Bronx’s only spiritual shop and workspace – will host its first book signing event with author and Bronx native Antonio Pagliarulo for his just-published book, The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery& Magic Of The Quiet CurseThe gathering, which will include a private chat with Pagliarulo from 1:00-2:00 PM EST followed by a public book signing from 2:00-3:00 PM EST will be held at the spiritual shop and workspace’s location at 910 Grand Concourse Unit 1H, Bronx, NY. The private chat is $25 per person and the book signing is open to the public for freeTickets for the private chat are still available.

Antonio Pagliarulo will explore the phenomenon of the Evil Eye: what it is, its historic origins and causes and how to avoid, repel, and remove it. His book is rich with cultural anecdotes and traditions, mystical lore, and modern concepts, and Pagliarulo will share practical advice for shielding yourself from the destructive and lingering power of this mysterious and persistent force.

Pagliarulo writes regularly about spirituality, Witchcraft, and Paganism, and the intersection of folk magic with popular culture and religion. He has been published by the Washington Post, NBC News, New York Daily News, The Wild Hunt, Religion News Service, and L’Italo Americano. He is the son of southern Italian immigrants and was raised in the Bronx in a home where folk magic was commonplace.

Additional Information is available by calling: +1 (917) 631-9162 or by email at

About BronxWitch HeadQuarters

BronxWitch HeadQuarters is a spiritual shop and work-share space located in the Bronx, New York. BronxWitch HQ is considered the hub for all things magickal and spiritual because it is the only location of its kind in the South Bronx. At BronxWitch HQ you can find products like candles, crystals, and tarot cards, receive spiritual services from experienced practitioners such as tarot readings and Reiki energy healing sessions, and attend classes, workshops, and events.



Lansing, MI —  Weavers of the Web, ATC is a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community that embraces the many paths of modern paganism. With a deep reverence for diversity among people and a commitment to respectful inclusivity and safe space, the church provides a home for individuals and families to explore pagan spirituality, celebrate ancient traditions, and forge meaningful connections. Through seasonal rituals, community events, and more, Weavers of the Web aims to nurture personal growth, foster a sense of belonging, and promote harmony with the world around us, so that none need ever be alone in their spiritual path.

Weavers of the Web, ATC, a vibrant and inclusive spiritual community founded in 2018 and dedicated to creating a spiritual home for all in the greater Lansing pagan community, is thrilled to announce the release of their new welcome video. This heartwarming production shines a light on the rich tapestry that makes up modern paganism, providing a glimpse into a small but growing mid-Michigan community.
Titled “Welcome Home: Meet Weavers of the Web,” the new video offers a unique opportunity to catch a glimpse of how this community celebrates the beauty of nature and the warmth of friendship and family bonds while honoring and revitalizing ancient traditions.

The video provides a vivid and intimate portrait of Weavers of the Web, showcasing some of the ritual practices and seasonal ceremonies that mark the foundational holy days of their shared faith. From joyous dancing and celebration to visibly heartfelt prayers, “Welcome Home” captures the essence of modern pagan spirituality and the genuine connections forged within the church’s close-knit community.

“Welcome Home” also highlights the commitment of this church to safe, inclusive community. Through cameos and personal interviews, members of the clergy and congregation share their personal journeys and the transformative impact of their involvement in Weavers of the Web. Viewers will gain insight into the church’s core values of inclusivity, acceptance, and the celebration of diversity, all of which foster an environment where individuals and families of all kinds, from all backgrounds and levels of ability, can find solace, support, and spiritual growth.

“We are incredibly excited to present this video to the public,” said Lord Solinox Silverstar, the High Priestx of Weavers of the Web in a press release. “We hope that, though this production, we can dispel any misconceptions others may have about pagan spirituality, and open a window into our beautiful and thriving community. Our church is a place of love, acceptance, and deep spiritual connection, and we want to share that with as many people as possible.”


Upcoming Gatherings:

Southern California Divination Conference
Join us on August 19, 2023, for Southern California’s newest Divination Conference!
Presented by COMPASS, the Southern California Divination Conference will include presentations, discussions, and panels on many forms of divination from reading oracle and tarot cards, keys, geomancy, astrology, runes, and so much more. A curated selection of vendors awaits our attendees. DiviCon will take place at the Holiday Inn Santa Ana-Orange Co. Airport, 2726 South Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705




Western MA Pagan Pride Day is one of many Pagan Pride Day events that take place worldwide. As a nonprofit organization, we strive to establish awareness of earth-centered spiritual traditions in our local communities. People of all faiths (or none) and walks of life are invited to join us on Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 10:00 am through 6:00 pm. There is no admission fee to the event, however, we ask that you bring a cash donation for our charity drive. We will be collecting cash donations for our favorite charity, the Northampton Survival Center. You can come expecting to find information about paganism in many of its forms, experience open harvest ritual, musical entertainment, workshops (classes), and many vendors for a fun, family-friendly community-driven event. There are a number of restaurants and cafes in the area, so plan to come and stay a while!  Updates are also able on their Facebook and Instagram sites.

If you have an announcement to share with the community, send it to The Wild Hunt at 



Positively Noteworthy

Wrinkle the Duck (full name: Wrinkle Five Star) is back!  Starting life as Egg # 5, she was born in 2020 on September 9th in Louisville Kentucky.  Wrinkle is a Pekin duck and enjoys human toes and french fires disliking hugs and kisses. Wrinkle already broke the world record on Instagram for the most followers (as a duck and previously held by Ben Afquack).

Wrinkle is now a celebrity and is even available for bookings.  Fans may recall Wrinkle was awarded a medal for running the New York Marathon in November 2022.

Wrinkle was recently spotted at PetCon in Chicago.

and later ignoring orders, which we interpret as a message to resist the patriarchy.



Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte

Deck: 78 Tarot Nautical – Tarot of the Water, art by 78 different artists, text by Trish Sullivan, published by Artists Assembled, LLC.

Card: Major arcana, The Empress III (3) artwork by Larry Elmore

This week is liable to be infused with feminine energy that may manifest itself as nurturing, prosperous, and sensuous. The tendency to be proactive and protective of these elements is also likely.

Conversely, focusing all of one’s energy on others and neglecting self-care has the potential to lead to dissatisfaction, exhaustion, and even depression.

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