The release of the Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights was announced this week and went live on June 24, 2023, the one-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. The project is the result of a collaboration of 19 Pagan musicians and artists who have come together and donated their time, skills, and music to create a musical album “to raise money to support two organizations that are working for women’s freedom in reproductive health care.”
The organizations that benefit from the album proceeds are Elevated Access, a grassroots organization of small plane pilots who provide airplane rides to women who must travel to access abortion, and The National Abortion Federation which supports abortion clinics, runs a national hotline, and collects data about violence against abortion providers, among many, many initiatives.
As the Red Album notes, “Last summer, several of the bands who are contributors to The Red Album were performing at a gathering of pagans, where we were in the musical lineup. We heard about the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We were outraged. We decided to turn our outrage into music.”
The artists involved in the Red Album are well-known to Pagan audiences:
S. J. Tucker, Spiral Rhythm, Celia Farran, Alexian, Spellsinger, Ginger Ackley
Alexander James Adams, Crow Women, Mr. E, Richard Anthony Williamson,
Brian Henke, Primal Rhythm, Meren King, Louis Garou, Kira Lang
Mama Gina, Sydney Michael , Krista Chapman Green, Pan Fried
Over the last month, The Red Album team was able to raise 12,000 on GoFundMe to produce the album. More details are available on the Red Album site and via their Facebook page.
In a statement, The Troth announced new officers and new members of the Board of Directors. Ethan Stark and Stacey Stewart completed their terms of service. Their seats were then taken by Tom de Mayo, current Lore Program Provost and Tim Adams, the new Director of Service. Crystal Ratcliffe was elected to a full term (having served out a partial term).
Josh Heath, co-founder of the Open Halls Project, was named the Interim Military Steward.
Ann Sheffield was named as the Director of the new Education and Publication Department and Tim Adams took over the new Department of Service, which are both products of the corporate restructuring mandated by the new Bylaws. Lonnie Scott was appointed as the High Steward from his previous position as Midwest Steward.
As if Tim and Lonnie didn’t do enough already, they along with Upstate New York Steward Kurt Hohman received their Ordination from Clergy Coordinator Diana Paxson. They will now serve the Heathen community wherever they are needed for clergy services.
The New Board of Directors of the Troth:
- President and CEO: Lauren Crow
- Associate President: Carl Bonebright
- Director of Communications: Ben Kowalsky-Grahek
- Director of Service: Tim Adams
- Director of Education and Publications: Ann Sheffield
- Directors at Large: Tom de Mayo (Lore Provost), Crystal Ratcliffe (Esoteric Program Provost), Haimo Grebenstein.
The Troth also noted that this was the first ever Sober Trothmoot. The statement reads that “the choice of a sober venue by organizer Stacey Stewart turned out to be the exact right decision. ”
“As a Heathen with more than 20 years in recovery, having a sober event was refreshing,” said Troth President Lauren Crow. “Heathens in Recovery advocates for sober spaces at Heathen and Pagan events to support those who struggle with sobriety. Inclusive Heathenry should always include Sober Heathenry.”
With the exception of a bit of (pre-approved) mead at Sumbel, there was no alcohol on the campsite and the retreat was fantastic, truly restorative, and still full of laughs, spontaneous song and great times.
“This is a sign of the times and another way we can welcome our friends in recovery,” said Director of Communications Ben Kowalsky-Grahek. “I’m an avid homebrewer myself, and while sobriety doesn’t have to become the rule everywhere, the more spaces we can make for people who need healing and connection without the presence of alcohol the better and more welcoming we will be as a community.”
Congratulations to the Troth and the new officers!

Amy Blackthorn [Courtesy]
In addition to the presentation, Amy Blackthorn will be holding a lecture on magical self-care. Tickets for the event can be purchased here.
Amy Blackthorn is a professional intuitive and the bestselling author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Wellness, Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke, Blackthorn’s Botanical Brews, and Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. The founder of Blackthorn’s Botanicals, she has a certification in aromatherapy and was ordained by the Order of the Golden Gryphon. Amy lives in Delaware. Keep up with Amy’s book news at and view her tea shop at Blackthorns Botanicals.
Located at 2155 Broadview Road, Cleveland, Ohio, The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick first and only museum in the United States to celebrate witchcraft and the occult, and their related cultures.

European Congress of Ethnic Religions logo
RIGA, Latvia – European Congress of Ethnic Religions (ECER) will convene in Riga, Latvia later this week. The ECER exists “to serve as an international body that will assist Ethnic Religious groups in various countries and will oppose discrimination against such groups.” The first European Congress of Ethnic Religions took place in Vilnius (Lithuania) in 1998, and the 10th Congress was held in Rīga-Jūrmala-Sigulda (Latvia) in 2007.
The 18th Congress returns to Latvia for 4 days beginning June 29 through July 2, 2023. The ECER is being received in Latvia by the Latvijas Dievturu sadraudze who shared some images of their Midsummer celebration and their Lokstene shrine. The Groups recently celebrated the Midsummer festival during last week’s June solstice and were kind enough to share some of their photos with The Wild Hunt.
In other news
The Municipal Civil Protection of Nemi, the organization for cleaning the eponymous lake’s bed, has announced an extraordinary discovery. During the recent environmental reclamation activities, workers found an enormous statue head in the lake’s depths. Authorities are extremely cautious regarding this discovery and have avoided making any definitive statements about it, particularly in regard to its origins. The find may be connected to the legendary ships of Caligula, the infamous Roman emperor. Caligula’s boats, known as the “Emperor’s ship”, were massive floating structures used for entertainment, debauchery, worship, and as displays of technological superiority and personal power. The history of these ships remains shrouded in mystery, sunk by Caligula’s successor, Claudius, and likely for political reasons. Lake Nemi is also known as the location of the Temple of Diana Nemorensis.
Nemi mayor, Alberto Bertucci, said “When we found this suspicious archaeological find, we immediately contacted the appropriate authorities to verify its authenticity. The lake, with its natural beauty, also continues to tell its fascinating story.”
The Wild Hunt has covered previous finds and events at the site.
South Dakota state Rep. Joe Donnell (R) explained during an interview with Meri Crouley for the “Open The Heavens: Let God Arise” conference in Rapid City, South Dakota, that Mount Rushmore is a demonic portal field by communism and witchcraft.
“If you go back and do some search history on Mount Rushmore, it actually is a Freemason shrine,” Donnell said. “It was set up to enshrine democracy or the Declaration of Independence. … How do we worship the great thing we did with our government? So that was the idea behind it.”
State representative Donnell explained “I just know that God is doing something. Even Donald Trump’s landing in the Black Hills at Mount Rushmore on July 4, when the governor, Kristi Noem, put the message out that fireworks are returning to South Dakota, that was a prophetic word. And God spoke to me said, ‘When Donald Trump steps foot on this territory, there’s something that’s going to be done as far as the Constitution being upheld. It’s gonna bring a breakthrough with the Constitution.’ And I kinda got the feeling that what we’re really dealing with in that portal was communism. That witchcraft altar and those things that are happening in the Black Hills; what we’re really dealing with is communism; it’s the ideology and all the demonic entities and spirits behind that.”
Yes, of course, there’s a video…
Upcoming Gatherings:
- The 12th Annual WitchsFest USA – Ye Olde Pagan Faire will be held in New York City, NY, and will take place July 7-9th, 2023. This magickal hybrid event brings a diverse group of people to the table from all over the world and walks of life for your edification and enjoyment. With over 49 workshops online and 12 workshops in person on Saturday, July 8th at Astor Place. Filled with workshops, educational presentations, Live performances on Saturday, community building, Summer Blessing Ritual, and much more. Register for the online event and come and join us in person to experience this event in all its many-faceted glory. Check out our Magickal Market Place, Featured Presenters, and Featured Performers. Applications are still open for Food, Non-Food Magickal Vendors for in-person on Saturday, July 8th. Applications for Groups/Temples/Covens etc still available as are applications for adverts in the WitchsFest USA Program. Volunteers needed, who will be offered a discount on registration: more details can be found on our website. PROCEEDS TO: CITY HARVEST, ST. JUDE HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN & FEED AMERICA.
- The fifth annual Mystic South Conference (MSC) will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, and will take place on July 14-16, 2023. The conference notes that it is a magickal event with a Southern flair. It is “filled with workshops, educational abstract presentations, rituals, community building, and much more.” Conference registration is now available as it is hotel registration. In addition, the MSC is accepting applications for volunteers who will be offered a discount on registration. Details about volunteer registration are available in the MSC volunteer section. Cherry Hill Seminary (CHS) has also announced it would be holding its Summer Intensive at Mystic South Conference. More details can be found on the CHS website. Editorial Note: Several members of the MSC team are writers for The Wild Hunt. They were not involved in this week’s Pagan Community Notes of these mentions.
- The Texas Local Council of Covenant of the Goddess announced that they will be hosting Merry Meet.
Positively Noteworthy
With Pride month wrapping up with the Stonewall celebration this week on June 28th, Zoo Atlanta shared an update with their famous flamingo pair, 20 and 46. They paired in 2001 and have raised three chicks together.
Congratulations to Zoo Atlanta and to 20 and 46 on their 22 anniversary!
@zooatl Across the animal kingdom, a bond is a bond (and good parents are good parents). Happy Pride from Zoo Atlanta🌈 #pride #pridemonth #bird #animals
Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: The Star Tarot, by Cathy McCelland, published by Red Feather – Mind Body Spirit.
Card: Nine (9) of Swords
This week vulnerabilities that can leave one feeling isolated, alone, and trapped are liable to figure prominently.
Conversely, recognizing and embracing whatever vulnerabilities exist can provide the stepping stones to addressing shortfalls and the ability to move past them. The ability to transform a liability into an asset is likely to play a key role, as well as being a solid reality.
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