Image credit: amberzen via Pixabay
BETHEL, Vt. – Kirk White announced last week on Facebook his intent to file to be on the ballot and run for a seat in the state House of Representatives in Vermont. He acknowledged in his post that campaigning and fundraising would likely be more difficult due to the current pandemic restrictions.
Kirk has authored several Pagan books, was one of the founders of Cherry Hill Seminary, and served as a former National Public Information Officer and co-Frist Office of Covenant of the Goddess, and also founded the Church of the Sacred Earth: A Union of Pagan Congregations.
Additionally, Kirk holds an MA in Mental Health Counseling, and a Master’s Diploma in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Kirk has presented at numerous Pagan festivals and conferences and owns Laurelin Retreat in Vermont which offers a variety of educational programming, healing, and seasonal celebrations.
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TWH – Last week, several Pagan events announced cancellations or changes to their programs citing the health and safety of their attendees because of the COVID-19.
Mystic South was scheduled for July 17-19 in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to citing the protection of their patrons, presenters, and organizers. The Mystic South team acknowledged that Georgia continues to have restrictions in place until June 12 that ban large gatherings, and those restrictions could possibly be extended if cases continue to rise within the state.
TempleFest, the annual event hosted by The Temple of Witchcraft announced last Thursday that they would be canceling the in-person event scheduled for August 20-23 and instead take some of the scheduled workshops and presentations online, including their keynote speaker, Kristoffer Hughes.
The EarthSpirit Community announced on Saturday the schedule for their Rites of Spring virtual celebration. Events begin on Wednesday, May 2oth at 5:00 pm (EDT) and run through Monday morning, May 25 and the closing ritual which is scheduled for 11:00 am.
EarthSpirit organizers wrote “We are terribly sad not to be able to be together for the first time in 42 years, but we are excited to be able to still offer a substantial program. Zoom links and program details will go out to everyone who registers.” This is the first time the event has had to be canceled and the first time it has been organized for online participation via Zoom.
In other news:
- The Norse Mythology Blog announced it’s ninth international competition, the Midsummer Art Contest 2020. The competition has several divisions that encompass kid, teen, and adult categories. The theme for this year is, “The World Tree at Midsummer,” with an emphasis on maintaining community during the coronavirus pandemic. Contest judges are 2000 AD comics artist Dom Reardon (U.K.), known for supernatural stories and British folk horror, and comparative mythologist Utkarsh Patel (India), whose latest novel is Kannaki’s Anklet: An Epic from the South of the Vindhyas. Contest details and rules can be viewed on The Norse Mythology site.
- A statue of Saint Boniface in the town of Crediton in Devon in southwestern England was vandalized and defaced with graffiti on its base that read, “God is dead. Pagan justice.” Town authorities belief the graffiti the work of “anarchists” though did not cite what evidence they held for their determination. No mention was made of any Pagan connection.
- Bedford and Bowery published a lengthy article that examines the rise of online magical practices due to quarantines from COVID-19, and if spiritual practices can have an impact on the disease. High Priestess Laurie Bizzarro of The Temple of Hecate Inc. was interviewed, as were Instagram influencer, Shawn Engel, Reiki master Lauren Mooney, and occult historian, Mitch Horowitz for their takes on both the continued rise in popularity of occult practices, and whether magical practices could be employed successfully when it came to the pandemic.
- Recent maintenance work at a property adjacent to the archaeological site of Ostia Antica in Italy revealed a terracotta sarcophagus that was intact and contained the remains of what is believed to be a male of approximately 40 years of age. The skull was missing 19 teeth and researchers believe the person was of “simple, humble social character” due to the terracotta material the sarcophagus was constructed from. The sarcophagus dates to around the second-century B.C.E.
- In an update to a story we reported on back in March, Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA) has been sent a $4,761.34 bill for the cleanup and restoration of the steps and base of Legislative Building North of the capitol. Shea was protesting The Seattle Washington chapter of the Satanic Temple members who were holding an “Infernal ritual” for religious plurality for which they had been granted a permit for their demonstration. During Shea’s protest, he poured a trail of olive oil up the marble steps and around the base of the building to its entry, which drenched the steps and left a stain that was approximately 100 feet long. According to a report by the Department of Enterprise Services, the clean-up required multiple days of careful cleaning by maintenance crews to remove the oil and prevent any further damage to the porous stone of the steps.
- Buckland Museum of Witchcraft in Cleveland, Ohio announced that it will re-open under limited conditions beginning tomorrow, May 19, 2020. The museum is limited to 6 guests at a time.
- In the department of whimsical fun, once again this year googling the Wizard of Oz and then clicking on the icon of the ruby slippers in the sidebar produces a dramatic effect of seemingly transporting one to the days of a black and white world of media. Thankfully, clicking on the whirling tornado brings everything back to a full-color existence.
Tarot of the week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, PhD, artwork by Ken Knutson, published by Fair Winds Press.
Card: Lovers, Major arcana (VI)
This week is likely to offer an emphasized focus on duality, opposition, and symmetry. Decision-making may feel difficult and call for a need to be grounded and informed before deciding on anything. Conversely, a lack of balance can lead to confusion and poor choices.
Decks generously provided by Asheville Raven & Crone.
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