WASHINGTON D.C. — In late September, Televangelist Jim Bakker hosted Robert Maginnis, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and Family Research Council senior fellow, on his show. They started off discussing how Maginnis felt about President Obama’s nomination of a Muslim-American attorney to be a federal judge.
While Bakker saw the nomination as an attack on Christianity and an example of persecution against Christians, Maginnis went a bit further in his answer. He alleged there is a secret cabal of Witches advising the senior leadership of the United States.
Maginnis says:
I know that there’s demonic forces in that city. I have personally met people that refer to themselves as witches; people that say they advise the senior leadership of the country. You know, we invite within the federal government people to advise us and often some of those advisers, I think, have evil motivations, things that you and I would not approve of.
Political magic is nothing new in the United States, although it is more often performed by Christians. One example is back in 2011 when The New Apostolic Reformation, a neo-Pentecostal Christian movement, hosted an event called DC40. The group planned to “lay siege” for 40 days on Washington D.C. in order to change the District of Columbia into the District of Christ and to eliminate compromise in our government. They also sent out an open letter to the Pagan community, whom they saw as responsible for the ills of the nation.
Gwendolyn Reece is a Witch and priestess of Athena and Apollon living in Washington DC who performs political magic. She doesn’t believe there are any witches advising senior White House administration. However, she said that she is “fascinated by the thought experiment of what it would look like if we DC witches were a secret cabal, advising top government officials.”
Reece said, “All of the DC witches who I know are deeply concerned about the corrupting influence of money in politics and the importance of each of our citizens having a vote that truly counts. We would, therefore, be working to ensure voter rights and overthrow gerrymandering.”
She said nature-reverencing witches would ensure the EPA would be stronger and that there was more policy discussion around the health of honey bees. Also on witches wish list? “If the DC witches were running things, you’d better believe that the State of Columbia would be joining the Union with rights as the fifty-first state.”
So what kind of political magic is Reece performing? “I work to strengthen the thought-forms on the inner planes of what a good functioning Democratic system looks like and to feed them power so that they can have more strength as inspiration.” She said that magic, on its own, is not sufficient to enact change, adding that people must also embody their practice and vote.
![[Photo Credit: Victoria Pickering]](https://wildhunt.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/9829626124_4b494d099a_k-500x466.jpg)
[Photo Credit: Victoria Pickering]
The first reason was to ensure that women stayed with expected gender roles and behavior. In Grana’s book Women and Justice, “Many women accused of witchcraft were identified, by men in their lives very often, as women engaging in some kind of wrong doing.”
Grana said that another group targeted were those who lived on the margins of society; the old, the poor, and those without a male figure in their life. The concern was that oppressed and marginalized persons could use occult forces to get back at their oppressors.
The last group targeted, according to Grana, are women who have wealth and power. These are independent women who the males in a community wish to bring back under their control.
Reece thinks that Maginnis is targeting people from the last two groups identified by Grana. “The demographics of contemporary Paganism skew heavily toward being female but also LGBTQ people of all gender expressions are heavily statistically over-represented. Clearly he’s saying that there are people who are, in his mind, troublingly “other” who have power and the thing that is threatening to him is that they have power and influence.”
She also said that, by Maginnis calling the motivations of the advisers evil, his thinking is resonate with the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” The Protocols outline how an oppressed minority is accused of operating secretly in ways that demonstrate extraordinary influence in political and social institutions, which shape society for nefarious ends.
Should it worry Americans if, someday, Witches became advisers to our political leaders? Reece doesn’t think so; “I do not believe Maginnis is telling the truth when he says that there are Witches who are high level policy advisers, secretly influencing our politicians. Maybe we should be.”
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Ah, the Secret Grand Plan to Control the World has been exposed!!!
We must find their informants at once! Snitches get Stitches!
All I can think is that if witches were a political power in D.C. there’d be an executive order for Michael’s to lower the price of their mason jars (my local one is charging $5 a jar…I blame the hipsters). But maybe that would just be me….
I’d change the law so I could legally pick up feathers that ravens shed.
Damn, I wish I’d thought of that one! Fine you can be the head of the cabal next time we have a Super Secret Election of Witchy World Domination(TM), because I want raven feathers for my alter. I had a supplier out of the U.K. who sold ethically sourced feathers but she went out of business and I haven’t found a new one.
Ravens are amazing birds aren’t they?
There’s a lot of them in Northern Arizona, especially in the small towns and around the canyons. Visitors call them big crows but they are definitely ravens. It’s not unusual to see feathers on the ground, although they disappear quickly. It is rare though, I hardly ever see it more than two or three times a year.
I tell you this merely as a point of information. I’m sure you’re a law abiding citizen.
In the summer I sometimes share my breakfast with a local raven. The rest of the year (like today) I’ll go outside around sunrise with a hot drink and something to nibble. That’s usually for him.
“While Bakker saw the nomination as an attack on Christianity and an example of persecution against Christians, Maginnis went a bit further in his answer. He alleged there is a secret cabal of Witches advising the senior leadership of the United States.”
It’s pretty obvious that these people are seriously mentally ill.
It’s prudent of TWH to treat this stuff soberly. With the wrong political breaks this year, people like this could have much more power in government.
Well, that explains why nothing works very well.
Jim Bakker is back? To quote a bumper sticker I’ve seen: “Jesus would slap the shit out of you”….
I prefer to meet their crazy with snark and the closest approximation to a cackle as I can manage (it hurts my throat shut up) but this actually has my mom concerned for ny safety. She’s afraid that the fringe bigots being brought out by the orange fail is going to make it unsafe for me to be openly Pagan. She wants me to be more discreet and not wear my pentacle. I still am and I appreciate her concern, but I won’t go back in the broom closet because of nutbags like these guys. Plus a tazer is a great deterrent for bullies ;). I’ll even pop out with an AbraCadabra when I press the button lol. I doubt I’ll get the opportunity to use that line though.
I don’t usually like speaking for other pagans, but I think facing down this nonsense is pretty common.
My own experience is that they talk a big show until they have to actually face someone. Even there, control and humor works better than shouting them down. Especially if you have allies nearby. Not necessarily pagan, but people who know, trust, and respect you as good folk.
I like your style.
We can take care of guys like this with the proper outreach and hospitality. We’ll have them out to Summersisle for a good old fashioned midsummer wicker roast!
I’ve got the marshmallows covered.
Oooh, I like it! Barbecue!
I have the same reaction as you, though I’ve long since given up trying to utter a valid cackle… I stick with guffaws and snorts. Ahem.
I believe we should all give TWH a round of applause for using a serious tone and approach as rebuttal to this nonsense. I happen to know a few conservative Christians who might appreciate it.