[Walking the World is a new monthly weekend column. It features different Pagan and Heathen writers from outside the U.S.A. bringing varied perspectives to The Wild Hunt. Today we feature Christina Oakley Harrington, the founding director of Treadwell’s Bookshop in London.]
In 1989, when the 26-year-old me turned up in London looking for fellow Pagans, I was directed to a strange thing I’d never heard of – the pub moot. Moot is an old English word for meeting, and the pub, well, is an institution. In 1989, everyone met in the pub – rich, poor, women, men, dogs, and children. Women in suits jostled alongside punks in mohicans, and the kids chased the dogs. No one had friends around to their homes as that was a bit too private.
‘Let’s meet at the pub.’
Pagans, since the 1970s at least, had a tradition of corralling off at a corner table, an alcove or even the upstairs room. Virtually all pubs have upstairs rooms. If you turned up on the requisite night, as mentioned in the classified ad in your Pagan magazine, you would see a bunch of people, anywhere from 3 to 20, with a copy of the magazine on the table as your subtle clue.
![[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]](https://wildhunt.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/pubs-1-500x333.jpg)
[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]
“Where you from?’ slowly turned into “What have you read?” and even more slowly to, “What are you looking for?” I respond, “Kindliness, a good dose of paternal advice, and stern instructions on what books were ‘rubbish.'” An older woman named Moira, if I recall, launched in with a tirade of advice about who to stay away from, who did it all wrong, and what I had to watch out for. They all gave me names, phone numbers, and lots of things to do and events to attend. “You’ll be all right, love. We don’t bite.”
It’s 2014. Times have changed. Pubs are going out of business at an alarming rate. Brits are drinking at home or drinking coffee, and pub culture is said to be dying. As a Pagan, I can chat and debate from the comfort of my own laptop. There is no need for me to get wet or lost, or to go up to a table of four strangers in a bar. I don’t really need to meet anyone in person in order to ask a hundred questions to determine if I am suited better to Druidry or Heathenism. Facebook is at my fingertips.
Is the pub moot dead? I did an informal survey of Pagans across England and Wales, and the results fascinate me. Some have seen their area’s moots grow in number and size over the past 15 years. This is the story in Gloucestershire and parts of the Southwest, where one informant speaks of monthly gatherings of 20 to 30 people. In London, we used to have one very large moot of about 80 people. Now there is a handful that attracts under 10 each time and are loved by their regulars. In a few places, the whole moot thing is dwindling away, say those who live there.
![[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]](https://wildhunt.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/pubs-5-500x412.jpg)
[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]
I found myself asking, “What does it matter?” After all, if Brits generally are using the pub less, then why should we keep trying to keep alive our meetings there?
The answers spring to mind the moment I conceive of a Pagan Britain without the pub. It is, first and foremost, a ‘public house.’ It is homey without revealing your home address. It is inexpensive; a person on welfare is as able to be there as a millionaire. There is privacy; both the privacy of the quiet alcove or, if your group is large, the upstairs room. The secrecy of the pub meeting has a wonderful history. Revolutions were planned in the upstairs rooms of English pubs. Secret societies founded, and civil rebellions plotted. In more recent times, those rooms have housed Pagans and occultists. It’s a tradition.
Just after I’ve roused myself all up about the greatness of the pub, I talk it over with my friends. One is a recovering alcoholic who doesn’t drink, and the other has two children. These Londoner Pagans hang out in warehouse art galleries and coffee bars with frequent trips out to parks. “The pub is not my scene, man.”
They don’t stop there. They paint vivid images for me, which bring back flashbacks of my own pub moot days. When it goes wrong.

[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]
After sleeping on it for a night, I’m going to vote to put my weight behind the efforts to revitalise the British pub moot here in my home community. It is something we’ve given to the world. Brits didn’t invent pride marches; didn’t champion military headstone rights; but we did invent the pub moot.
In doing so, we’ve taken up a long British tradition which says, “Mate, here’s a private space, with good ale, in which your lot can be as eccentric as you like without frightening the horses. Good on ye.”
![[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]](https://wildhunt.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/pubs-6-500x333.jpg)
[Photo Credit: Photos by Phoenix at photosbyphoenix.com]
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If you’re talking about English Pagans, then stick to “English” and variations thereon throughout your piece, please. You start talking about Brits as if England and Britain are interchangeable. They are not. In a sweeping generalisation more pertinent to the piece in question, this is typical London-centric cobblers..
Read this Theresa
It’s not just about London you know.
One doesn’t have to drink booze in a pub. I well remember my first pub moot in London, no idea where I was going and only knew 2 or 3 people there, if that, and I don’t do alcohol that much. But it was the best place to. It’s not so much about not wanting to meet at home, as that happens too, it’s more about being neutral ground for everyone. It will be a sad day if the pub moot disappears in the U.K. but as far as I know they are still going strong in Australia. I’ll have to attend one some day when I figure out where I’m going to stay and put roots down.
I’m just starting up a Heathen mōt in my town of residence. Don’t know how popular it will be, but trying makes sense.
And the pub is still the default location for socialising in many places.
Who knows, simply being visible could help others find us.
Sincere good luck. We started out small, a bit ‘in the broom closet’ at first. But as it grew, and we started to need more tables, I approached the owner with who and what we were. She felt the whole thing was great! Most pubs welcome anyone who will increase business.
I don’t do closets. 😉
Heh! We were just being a bit over cautious as we were not sure the whole thing would work out. In addition, we felt there might be some folks who–for whatever reason–could not advertise what it is that they do. Now however, we make clear in our publicity for our gatherings that we are ‘out’.
I can get why people are cautious, but I don’t think it is helpful, in the long run.
It would seem to be a moot issue. (I know, someone had to say it.)
As Joey on “Friends” used to say, “It’s a moo issue. It’s like a cow said it”.
Still have for memories of Pubs in Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, and the lisle of Mann back in 1968 well lit usually with no bac ground music and even as a stranger you will be chatted up i no time. If nobody else is there then by the person tang your order. It was a great place to get a conversations started. Be them in port neighborhoods of in posh ones the were fairly safe places for a naive young Yank to wander into back then. I would hate to think that atone would allow them to disappear. Never know when it might again be the time to plot the overgrow of something.
McDonald’s would ever do you know, not even a Wimpy’s if they still have them.
And in the US, too! Our group has been meeting at a local pub for several years now. The owners of the establishment know and like us, and when new people come to meet up with us, all they have to do is ask one of the wait staff where “the Pagans” are sitting, and they are pointed in the right direction. It helps that the name of the place is “Bacchus”, so the owners feel we are a good fit!
“Merlin’s Rest” in Minneapolis also seems to be good for that sort of thing. I’ve met many a one there on Heathen business, myself.
Sounds like a great place!
We’ve a Moot every month here in Ontario. Going to be a big one in Sept. combined with our PPD after party.
What day is your Moot held? We are on Saturdays.
I believe that it is mostly Sundays evenings.