Hard Candy Christmas

Some of us have gone numb and non-functional; others are deep in the season and lighting candles, decorating trees, celebrating the return of the Sun, and practicing so many other traditions and acts of faith and love that this writer cannot name them all. I, myself, am holding space in the in-between this year.

Spiced tea and mead for the Winter Solstice

Now a year’s worth of cinnamon, nutmeg, or black pepper, can be acquired for less than a day’s wages, brought halfway round the world in hours or days on a journey that once took months, fraught with danger. The world we live in is a miracle that’s killing us all, and we don’t think about either of those things enough.

A Low-Kew Nordic Yule

With just two days to go, I made use of one of my few free days to go downtown and get a few supplies: gift wrapping paper, thick craft rope, glue, and a big burlap bag. I had found out what to do: instead of having someone dressed as Santa delivering gifts, I would have someone don a homemade Yule Goat costume.