The Mighty Thor and the Failure of Masculinity
There are plenty of options for pushing back on this culture of weak man-children using anger to puff themselves up. One of them is to turn to myths of mighty Thor.
The Wild Hunt (
Lyonel Perabo reviews Mathias Nordvig’s new introductory book on Heathenry, “Ásatrú for Beginners: A Modern Heathen’s Guide to the Ancient Northern Way.”
DAHLONEGA, Ga. — Author and teacher Kathryn Ann Fernquist Hinds died Jan. 30 from complications after a series of heart surgeries. Hinds was a well-known, beloved, and longtime member of the local Georgia Pagan community, as well as the national one. She was a regular attendee of large Pagan events, such as Pagan Spirit Gathering and Paganicon, as well as the local Atlanta Pagan Pride and similar festivals.