Pagan Community Notes: Week of December 5, 2022
Gruß vom Krampus! Tuscumbia Yule celebration, more solstice and Yule events, and more news.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/the-satanic-temple)
Gruß vom Krampus! Tuscumbia Yule celebration, more solstice and Yule events, and more news.
Statue of Samantha from Bewitched vandalized, arson attempt at TST, Crossings of the Veil and more news.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Indigenous voters participate in record numbers, gray wolves protected in Colorado, Crossings of the Veil, and other news.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Notable Pagans targeted with fake Facebook profiles, Frith Forge 2020, Lady Pleides crosses the Veil, a statue of Persephone installed in Boston, and much more!
Pagan Community Notes: The Satanic Temple offers student scholarships, Updates on “witch” hunt activity, non-Indigenous healers accus of profiting from ceremonies, and more!