Pagan Community Notes: Week of February 20, 2025

In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: a rare parade of planets will be visible before vanishing for 15 years, World Justice Day begins, UN Human Rights, Minority Rights Group International announces its 2025 International Contest for Minority Artists, Star’s Tarot of the Week, and more—plus, we’re heading to ConVocation this weekend!

Pagan Community Notes: Week of Yule, 2024

In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, keeping Sol in the solstice, more Saturnalia accompanied by toga-free attire, exchanged gifts, simmer pots, cookies, and a Lord of Misrule to oversee the festivities. Blessings of the returning sun in the north and the height of summer in the south. Join us for more shameless Paganism at the Wild Hunt.

Column: Experience and Growth at the Spring Mysteries Festival

I first heard of the Eleusinian Mysteries in late 2009. Western Washington University (WWU) Pagans, I was told, always went to Spring Mysteries Festival and Hekate’s Sickle Festival, carpooling to the state parks where they would take place. This is also known as “camping with friends” to any parents with lots of questions. The experienced WWU Pagans assured me that my interest in Greek mythology was a perfect fit for the Spring Mysteries Festival that was held over Easter weekend every year. Work tends not to ask too many questions when you request time-off for Easter weekend and cite a religious event.