Aquarian Tabernacle Church names new Arch Priest
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church will install a new Arch Priest at the forthcoming Spring Mysteries Festival.
The Wild Hunt (
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church will install a new Arch Priest at the forthcoming Spring Mysteries Festival.
I first heard of the Eleusinian Mysteries in late 2009. Western Washington University (WWU) Pagans, I was told, always went to Spring Mysteries Festival and Hekate’s Sickle Festival, carpooling to the state parks where they would take place. This is also known as “camping with friends” to any parents with lots of questions. The experienced WWU Pagans assured me that my interest in Greek mythology was a perfect fit for the Spring Mysteries Festival that was held over Easter weekend every year. Work tends not to ask too many questions when you request time-off for Easter weekend and cite a religious event.