Equinox balance and blessings
The Wild Hunt celebrates the shifting season by highlighting some of the sentiments and reflections found around the web and in print.
The Wild Hunt (
The Wild Hunt celebrates the shifting season by highlighting some of the sentiments and reflections found around the web and in print.
New federal contracting rules in the US may favor certain religious perspectives over others.
Lyonel Perabo reviews the book “Heathen Garb and Gear: Ritual Dress, Tools, and Art for the Practice of Germanic Heathenry” by Ben Waggoner and Kveldulf Gunnarson with Diana Paxson.
A new survey on religious belief in the UK and Canada show changes in traditional faiths, particularly a decline in Christianity and rise of “None”.
Karl E. H. Seigfried celebrates Midsummer by honoring Thor, especially in his role as a guardian and creator of community.