Where a Witch moves, tarot decks are soon to follow

What surprises me is that I have this many decks. Somehow tarot has still worked its way into the fabric of my Witchcraft, and I can’t deny how much value these decks have brought to my magickal life – whether as tools, as sources of inspiration, or as objects I have infused with sentimental power.

Pagan Community Notes: Rachel Pollack, Conway Pagan Pride, Bay Area Pagan Festival and More

It was recently announced that writer and teacher Rachel Pollack was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Pollack is one of the world’s leading authorities on the Tarot and has written numerous books on the subject, as well as many fiction novels. In addition, she is a respected comic book writer who, according to one report, gave DC Comics its first transgender character in the Doom Patrol series. Pollack’s next book, a novel titled The Child Eater, is due to be released in July. In addition, Pollack is a regular and welcome presenter at the annual PantheaCon conference in San Jose.