Column: Queers Are Going To Hell (and having fun doing it)
Storm Faerywolf has a look at how Lil Nas X took back his power and invites us all to do the same.
The Wild Hunt (
Storm Faerywolf has a look at how Lil Nas X took back his power and invites us all to do the same.
Storm Faerywolf reviews the Sabbath Tarot by Allan Spiers and Jeff Cullen, which presents a raw and sexy image of homoerotic Witchcraft.
Storm Faerywolf on the inherent queerness of Witchcraft and the magical power of taking “all acts of love and pleasure” as sacred.
Storm Faerywolf reflects on celebrating Pride during lockdown and offers a spell for empowerment in the struggle for civil rights.
Storm Faerywolf writes on the “Rainbow Wave” of out queer politicians in the United States, including transgender Virginia state delegate Danica Roem.