Pagan Community Notes: Week of February 14, 2022
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, a re-cap of the February 14 meaning, TN pastor continues witch rant, community announcements, and more news.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/pooka-pages)
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, a re-cap of the February 14 meaning, TN pastor continues witch rant, community announcements, and more news.
This fall, a new music project was officially launched called “The Green Album.” The project will result in a single album featuring many popular Pagan music talents sharing songs “themed toward celebrating and drawing awareness to the World that nurtures us.” It is “a collaborative concept album featuring Tuatha Dea, Wendy Elizabeth Rule, Sj Tucker, Sharon Knight, Winter JP Sichelschmidt, Celia Farran, Bekah Kelso, Ginger Doss, Damh The Bard, Kellianna Girouard, Spiral Dance, Spiral Rhythm, Murphey’s Midnight Rounders, Brian Henke and Mama Gina LaMonte.” On the project’s Facebook page, Mama Gina wrote, “I am so excited to be part of this amazing collaboration! I have a brand new song that I’ll be recording […] – but it’s still a secret.” Each of the contributors will be sharing one song, either new or old, for that is inspired by the theme.