Recent ruling undermines religious freedom and the ACA
A recent ruling in Texas and preventative HIV medical treatment could have impacts that Pagans should be aware of.
The Wild Hunt (
A recent ruling in Texas and preventative HIV medical treatment could have impacts that Pagans should be aware of.
An update on yet another twist in the case to protect and preserve Chi’chil Bildagoteel in Arizona as the 9th Circuit considers whether to rehear the case, en banc.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: a legal challenge for choice in Indiana includes Paganism, the Native Polish Church announces the passing of Mazur Kazimierz, Egyptian artifacts scheduled for return, and more news.
A Texas church has announced it will pay damages for performing an unauthorized and modified version of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway play, “Hamilton,” that included several evangelical segments, one of which demonized homosexuality.
A recent case regarding an improperly handled burial on private property in Wales highlights the laws governing such burials and procedures required.