Column: In the Eye of Eternity
Karl Seigfried reflects on lessons learned from the scientist David Attenborough about our responsibility to the natural world and to each other.
The Wild Hunt (
Karl Seigfried reflects on lessons learned from the scientist David Attenborough about our responsibility to the natural world and to each other.
Eric O. Scott writes about building a shrine to Odin in his garden, and the memories of his grandfather that it recalls.
Lyonel Perabo reviews Mathias Nordvig’s new introductory book on Heathenry, “Ásatrú for Beginners: A Modern Heathen’s Guide to the Ancient Northern Way.”
What does it mean to be wise? Is it better to be only “middling-wise,” or to accept the trouble of deeper wisdom? Karl Seigfried investigates passages from the Hávamál and ponders what they mean for those who seek to be wise.
Is Odin’s role in Ragnarök purely fatalistic, as it has often been claimed? Karl E.H. Seigfried argues for a more hopeful interpretation of Norse myth that focuses on building a better world for our descendants.