ceremonial magic
Column: Oathbound
Luke Babb describes their first experience with an oathbound magical tradition and ruminates on the magical purpose of secrets.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/fellowship-of-the-phoenix)
Luke Babb describes their first experience with an oathbound magical tradition and ruminates on the magical purpose of secrets.
ENGLAND — Members of the U.K.’s Pagan community made the mainstream media in an effort to dispel myths and misconceptions with regard to a recent rash of witchcraft reports in the region. According to reports, some parts of Nottinghamshire have had “125 [complaints] of witchcraft in two years.” Local paranormal experts allegedly claim that “some of the reports could be ghostly activity which relates to, or has been caused, by witchcraft carried out in the past.” The press turned to Ashley Mortimer, who director of Nottingham Pagan Network and also a trustee of the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Mortimer is quoted as saying that 38 “reports out of 44 [paranormal incidents in Ashfield North] says more to me about the level of reporting than necessarily does about the level of witchcraft activity.” He went on to explain that Witchcraft has had bad press for years and none of this is new.