A check in with Pythia: Looking ahead to 2019


Of course, it is impossible to say exactly what will be big news in 2019 as we collectively stand just on the other side of the threshold of this New Year. But the news today can affect us for weeks to come. Here in the United States, the potential for continued political turmoil hangs thick in the air with a partial government shutdown still in effect, the Mueller investigation ongoing, and major shift in the House of Representatives soon to occur. We know that oil prices, pipelines and carbon taxes are major issues in Canada. Europe faces Brexit and Latin America and Africa both face financial challenges.

Column: Soup for the Land Wights

Pagan Perspectives

Today’s column comes from your humble Weekend Editor, Eric O. Scott. Eric was raised by witches. He has a PhD in creative nonfiction writing from the University of Missouri and has written for The Wild Hunt since 2012. The Wild Hunt always welcomes submissions for our weekend section. Please send queries to eric@wildhunt.org.

Column: Ásatrú Ritual and Climate Change Ethics, Part Two

This is part two of a two part series. Click here to read part one. Transtemporal Care
The Ásatrú practice of blót builds a concept of care in three temporal directions: sideways, backward, and forward. The ritual life of the religion nurtures a sense of both intra- and intergenerational solidarity. The sideways relationship exists between current practitioners.

Pagans working in interfaith ecology group in Marin County

MARIN COUNTY, Calif. — Pagans have participated in, and provided leadership for, Marin Interfaith Climate Action since it began in March, 2017. Marin Interfaith Climate Action is composed of Bahá’ís, Buddhists, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Progressive Protestants, Unitarians, and members of the Unity Church. Aline “Macha” O’Brien of the Covenant of the Goddess has provided the Pagan presence in this group. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, congressman Jared Huffman of California spoke at a town hall meeting, urging the roughly 800 people attendees to build local leadership on the issue of climate change.