Honoring our veterans

UNITED STATES – Every year, Nov. 11 is a day set aside to honor those who have served in the five branches of the armed forces. Flags are flown; parades are held; ceremonies are attended. Nov. 11 was chosen because, on that day in 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the allied nations and Germany during the first world war.

Americans United celebrates 70 years of defending religious freedom

WASHINGTON — The national nonprofit organization Americans United for the Separation of Church and State celebrated 70 years of defending religious freedom in the U.S. A reception was held Dec. 2 at the the National Geographic Society building. The gala honored both the organization and the contributions of executive director Rev. Barry W. Lynn, who is now retiring after 25 years of service. Attending that event as a member of the honoree committee was Circle Sanctuary’s Rev. Selena Fox, who has spent her own career fighting for religious equality. More specifically, she has been speaking out on behalf of Pagan religions within these realms. Over the years, Fox has worked closely with Americans United.

Pagan Community Notes: Dr. Wendy Griffin, Feri Tradition, Temple of Witchcraft, and more

COLUMBIA, S.C. – It was announced Friday that Dr. Wendy Griffin would be stepping down as Academic Dean of Cherry Hill Seminary as of Feb. 1, 2018.  She wrote, “I have had the privilege and pleasure of serving as Academic Dean of Cherry Hill Seminary and working with a group of extraordinarily committed and caring individuals. During that time, we have shaped the program academically to be ready for accreditation, and I’m proud of the work we’ve accomplished together.” Dr. Griffin took the position in 2010 with the commitment of five years. That ran over to seven years. She wrote, “I am now 76 years old and there are a few things in my life I want to attend to while I still have time, a 3rd novel to finish, climate change workshops to present, and traveling to do.”

Pagan Community Notes: California wildfires, Frith Forge 2017, Doreen Valiente and more

CALIF. – As is being reported throughout mainstream media, the California fires still burn. The death toll is at 40 and multiple fires continue to rage with the worst ones in the north. Despite the devastation, officials are now saying that firefighters are beginning to get control of many of the fires, and promise of cooler temperatures is helping. The California Pagan community has not be left untouched by the destruction.

Pagan Community Notes: Great Pagan Roast, CalderaFest, Pagan Pride Day, and more

ONTARIO — The Great Pagan Roast Series was once again celebrated at this year’s HearthFire Festival  Aug. 17–20. The 2017 honouree was Brian Walsh, a storyteller, teacher, Pagan chaplain for the University of Toronto and member of Céilí Sídhe. Walsh has worked as a hospital spiritual care provider for 11 years and counting. He is mainly known for his impressive list of accomplishments and contributions to the Pagan community, and is also loved for his winning smile and rather large collection of vests. The Great Pagan Roast Series is hosted each year by Crystal Allard and Khaman Mythwood.